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Would somebody like to speak in English here?

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Gość ill try
milton keynes:)

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I see the answear for my questions above ...hi..hi...

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I m working in Uk .. like everybody from Poland.. ;) I m working in architecture office.. I have no idea what i would like to do ... eehh.. now , i live in uk.. maybe next year i will be in another place in the world.. ;)

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Gość mariannka
GGGabi ---------My former flatmate from university times is now in Liverpool as au pair, I flew from John Lennon few times as well, but I have never visited the city but only surroundings, What are you doing in Liver? working, living?

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Gość mariannka
architecture office seems great, it was difficult to get that job?

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PARIS< Correct, my boyfriend is very handsome. A mi también me encanta español.. Ricky Martin : Have you heard his new disc titled MTV UNPLUGGED? It is really great! Especially the song with a spanish group CHAMBAO. \'\'Tu recuerdo\" You have to find it and listen to if you still haven\'t done it :) I live on a hot ISLAND! Balearic Island :) So we have sun almost all year round. And you? What do you do in your life? What plans do you have for future?

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SMILEYFACE - HOW ARE YOU? Do you remember me? So you like my topic, eh???? ;) HAPPY VALENTINE\'S DAY!!! 🌼 p.s How is your cat doing? better?

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Gość ill try
ggabi - i heard that it's quite hard to find a job in some office in UK, especially for Polish people. I almost got a job in an office but my employer said that I'm not long enough in UK, and he needs checken person...

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SMILEYFACE - HOW ARE YOU? :) Do you remember me? So you like my topic, eh???? ;) HAPPY VALENTINE\'S DAY!!! 🌼 p.s How is your cat doing? better?

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Gość ill try
checked person, sorry

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I sent about 100 cv with my covering letter.. but i thing It was easier than in Poland.. In Poland I have no chance to find the job in arch office.. U have to be a Genius or u have to know somebody from that office..

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Gość ill try
it's hard to believe, gggabi

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Gość ill try
but that's very nice🌻

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Gość mariannka
congratulations GGGabi, do you often visit Poland?

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listen everybody..I cannot talk now. I have to keep on working. I\'ll be back in the afternoon..Kisses.. I hope that all of you will still be around :)

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thx.. ;) I visit poland about 3 times a year.. ;) I came back from poland this sunday ..All travel was a very big adventure.. :) My fly from Wroclaw to liverpool was canceled.. sa I had to change all my plans.. I flied to London .. after I catched the coach to manchester .. I came back about 3 a.m .. It was horrible..

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Gość mariannka
ill try-- I know what you mean, I am in silmilar situation like you, I am still looking for office job and nothing, I have good cv one of this from european union samples, maybe the problem is that I look for month and go to Poland b'cos I am stiil a student in the final year, and after coming back I still start looking again, actually I have no idea

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mariannka - I have seen sample CVs you\'ve mentioned and they just look awaful, they don\'t have a clear layout, there\'s too much info on them... if you want I can have a look at your CV and maybe send you mine to compare. My email address is under my nick.

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Gość ill try
smileyface -- i was spent 4 mounths in UK, and i finished journalism and psychology in poland. i think that i was too short in UK and nobody know me in this society...

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Hiszpaneczka I havent listen this CD but I have heard about it. Why CDs are so expensive! I hate it! I wanted to buy this Ricky\'s album and new Madonna\'s album ( I love her too) but I havent money for that now. I try to get this song from Emule ;) I have just finished my job and go home, but I will be here in the evening. I work in accountancy dept. in Poland ..for now.... see you :)

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ill try - did you sing up with any agencies?? A lot depends on your CV as well. It\'s hard to tell really... but very often companies employ people as office juniors for example and train them :)

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Gość mariannka
smileyface---------I will sent you my cv and I will be grateful for any advice, but not right now (no time) I will do it after shift, about 10 pm

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Gość ill try
smileyface - now i'm in poland again. :D and i think you're right - our cv ia our gun:D now, i must leave you...but i'll try to visit you in the evening have a nice valentine's day. kisses 👄

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Gość mariannka
everybody I need to quit, my come back at 10 pm, kisses

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