Gość yhg Napisano Marzec 18, 2019 3. DQ 3: What is the importance of consideration? Why have courts created the necessity of consideration for the formation of a contract? Do you agree or disagree with this doctrine? According to Oder (2017), consideration can be referred to as value. Consideration is crucial for a contract to be created, as without it a contract will most likely be deemed unenforceable. Courts created the necessity of consideration in contract formation to avoid one-sided deals, as law disfavors them for often being unfair. Consideration may come in the form of cash, services, property, a promise to do something or to refrain from doing something. It is crucial for the consideration to be adequate, which means that the exchange of value needs to be reasonable. It does not have to be exact and equal, but adequate and reasonable. Personally, I agree with this doctrine, because otherwise we would be talking about favors, where consideration does not have to take place. Someone might be willing to do something for others voluntarily, without demanding anything in return, however, then the party that is getting the favor cannot really take any actions if the volunteer does a bad job, or fails to complete it. Consideration gives all the parties involved a sense of fairness and security, as they all agree to something, and know what the consequences would be if any of them failed to comply with what was stated in the contract. References Oder, D. (2017). Consideration in contract law and why it matters. Retrieved from https://www.sandiegobusinesslawyerblog.com/consideration-contract-law-matters/ Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość yolo Napisano Marzec 22, 2019 1. DQ 1: Review the case entitled Ehlen v. Melvin on page 189 of the textbook – Case 10.2. What is the issue that the court addressed here? Explain the rule that the court used to resolve the issue. Then apply the facts in the case to that rule and finally, draw your conclusion for the case. You do not have to agree with the court so long as you back up your analysis. You must write using IRAC. 2. DQ 2: Review Ethics Case 10.7 on page 199 of the textbook. Answer the following questions: a. What does the adage “A contract is a contract is a contract” mean? b. Does Saban owe an ethical duty to pay Dees more money now that the Power Rangers is a successful brand? c. Is Dees bound by the contract? 4. DQ 4: Review the case of Marder v. Lopez (the Flashdance case) on page 186 of the textbook – case 10.1. Using IRAC, what is the issue in this case? What rule does the court apply here? Apply the facts in that case to the rule that you set forth. Finally, come to a conclusion regarding the issue set forth in the case. Case Study 2: Marder v. Lopez The purpose of this case study is to determine the case about Marde V. Lopez, and discuss about issue, rule, analysis and a conclusion. Issue: Is the general release Marder signed an enforceable contract? Rule: The law protects against fraud, deception, misrepresentation, duress or undue influence and without having these , not the court will be liable to make a judgment. Analysis: It true that Marder’s act is unethical and unreasonable to sue against the paramount for the success of the movie. The case is fully enforceable by the law because they have clear-cut agreement in which Marder had offered to a story for the payment of $2,300. The payment was made at the time of contract by the Paramount as per the contract agreement. Thus, having said this, she should review the all things that were mentioned in the contract before signing the contract but later on when the movie earned $150 million then she had no legal right to claim for extra amount by saying the movie was a successful. On the other hand, paramount is not fully responsible to pay an extra amount to Marder from the legal point of view. It is also true that court also cannot enforce Paramout to pay more money due to the fact that such contract was made in the legal grounds and there were no any other evidences that Paramount had done any fraud, deception, misrepresentation, and undue influence etc. However, the movie was successful Case 10.2 Contract: Marder v. Jennifer Lopez Facts: The movie Flashdance was based on the story of Maureen Marder. Paramount paid $2300 for the rights and signed a full release. The movie grossed over $150 million. Subsequent to this, Sony Music paid Paramount for the release of copyright and produced a Jennifer Lopez song, “I’m Glad”, in which Ms. Lopez sings and dances, recreating scenes from the movie. Marder sued paramount, Sony, and Lopez, asserting rights as co-author of Flashdance and co-owner with Paramount of the copyright. The district court dismissed her claims and she appealed. Issue: Was the General Release signed by Marder an enforceable contract? Decision: The U.S. court of appeals held that the release was valid and upheld the dismissal of the actions against the defendants. Reason: Although the release language was exceptionally broad, the court held that it was fatal to each of the claims Case Questions Critical Legal Thinking: Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość kommm Napisano Marzec 25, 2019 Communication is key Ever since I can remember I was fasciated by the power of sincerity and words, and often failed to understand the conflicts or misunderstandings people around me were stuck in. It always seemed to me that being honest and outspoken prevents communication issues. I still stand by that thought. However, I found that it might often be difficult when the other party is so used to their hindering communication habits, that when being approached by someone straightforward and open, they shut down, or feel attacked, being so not used to having open communication. There could be some other reasons behind it. Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość kom Napisano Marzec 25, 2019 Communication is key Effective communication with others is essential in many parts of life. It is crucial for our career and our well-being. Being able to express ourselves and get the message across not only at home, with our nearest and dearest, but also at work, where it can sometimes be more difficult, helps to avoid conflicts or being misunderstood. Ever since I can remember I was fascinated by the power of sincerity and words, and often failed to understand the conflicts or misunderstandings people around me were stuck in. It always seemed to me that being honest and outspoken prevents communication issues. I still stand by that thought. However, I found that it might often be difficult when the other party is so used to their hindering communication habits, that when being approached by someone straightforward and open, they shut down, or feel attacked, being so not used to having open communication. Sometimes it might be hard for people with great communication skills to get through to people who struggle to express themselves well, however, it might actually be helpful for them. Practice makes perfect, so the people struggling to express themselves well might eventually pick up communication habits from their communication partners, and become great communicators themselves. There are a couple of things people of great communication skills do that are worth mentioning. Firstly, they stay focused and concise on the current topic. It is often tempting to bring up other similar topics to the conversation and change its direction, however, even though it might be sometimes intentional when the speaker aims at changing the subject for some reason, it is usually helpful to stay on track of the topic. Secondly, active listening is a skill that makes the speaker feel heard and understood, as the receiver of the message is entirely focused on the speaker's words. When the speaker finishes talking, the receiver asks questions to ensure that he or she understood what the speaker meant. It is common for people to focus on what they want to say next, whenever the current speaker finishes expressing their thoughts. They then tend not to listen carefully nor really try to understand what is being said, because they focus so much on what their own answer is going to be next. Thirdly, great communicators attempt to fully understand and respect other people's point of view, which is connected with the previous point of active listening. It is not easy to give people and their ideas enough attention to push our own ides aside, especially if our minds are already set on a given topic. It is essential, though, to try to see other people's point of view and make them feel understood, and show them that their ideas are valid. Even when we do not agree with someone it is crucial to respect their point of view. Fourthly, when trying to agree on something, it is very important to try to compromise if both sides cannot reach clear agreement on making a decision about something. If both parties feel strongly about their arguments, it is best to try to meet in the middle, showing respect and validity to one another. It is also significant to be able to admit that somebody else's ideas might be better than mine, and instead of getting defensive about it, try to learn from it, and take ownership. Taking ownership when being wrong is also a sign of great communication skills and confidence. There are many other elements that deserve to be mentioned when speaking of communication. One should not forget of the importance of body language and the tone of voice being consistent with the words, as that is how dishonesty can be easily spotted, and hardly anyone wants to be perceived as dishonest. All in all, practising open and honest communication daily, as well as using some of the aforementioned tips can only get one closer to the goal of becoming a great communicator. Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość majena8822 Napisano Kwiecień 6, 2019 witam... ja na tej diecie bylam 5 lat temu :-) czułam się świetnie....bo dodatkowo piłam "multiwitamine" ...praca fizyczna - biedronka, do tego zaczełam szybkie spacery... i dlugie. Efekt utrzymywał się 3 lata....zmiana nastąpiła gdy chcielismy mieć bobo i mamy chce się znowu za nią zabrać ale z kimś zawsze razniej. aaaa zamiast wołowiny miałam filetka, a zamiast szpinaku brokuła zioła są dozwolone w diecie :-) Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość Nina Napisano Kwiecień 7, 2019 Ja też długo starałam się zrzucić zbędne kilogramy, zawsze było jakieś ale, a to przeszkodziło mi zdrowie i musiałam czasowo sobie odpuścić, a to cos wypadło na zasadzie jakiejś poważnej imprezy i tak to się kulało. W końcu się zmobilizowałam, dałam sobie 3 miesiące, dieta ćwiczenia oraz Slimunox i odchudzanie w końcu się udało Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość Monika J Napisano Kwiecień 8, 2019 Odpowiednia dieta jest bardzo ważna podczas odchudznaia, nie mniej moim zdaniem równie ważny jest dobry suplement. Sama stosowałam Slimunox i jestem przekonana, ze bez niego moja walka z kilogramami, też pewnie przyniosłaby wynik, ale byłby on znacznie gorszy Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość Oliwia Napisano Kwiecień 12, 2019 Moim zdaniem do diety ważne jest też brac odpowiednie suplementy diety, ja zdecydowałam się na Foreverslim, i schudłam już połowe tego co chce spalić Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość gtfd Napisano Kwiecień 25, 2019 CELINE EYEWEAR Aviator D-frame acetate sunglasses $311 https://www.matchesfashion.com/us/products/1230442 FENDI FF cat-eye acetate sunglasses $250 https://www.matchesfashion.com/us/products/1274660 GUCCI Ophidia GG plaque leather cardholder $270 https://www.matchesfashion.com/us/products/1215877 GUCCI GG square-frame marbled acetate sunglasses $266 https://www.matchesfashion.com/us/products/1303000 GUCCI GG square-frame glitter acetate sunglasses $266 https://www.matchesfashion.com/us/products/1302998 JIMMY CHOO Triny glitter aviator sunglasses $327 https://www.matchesfashion.com/us/products/1274733 Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość cccyhh Napisano Maj 13, 2019 Strategic management can be defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluate cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its goals and objectives. A strategic plan is, in essence, a firm's game plan. As the competitive world increases, profit margins have become so slim that there is little room for error in the overall strategic plan. Strategic management involves strategy formulation, strategy execution, and strategy evaluation. You've read a number of articles this week that highlight various concepts related to the development of sustainable business strategies. Some of these articles directly challenge traditional conceptions of competitive strategy analysis, while others augment and extend the traditional "strategic fit” model. MUST PROVIDE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES FOR YOUR ANSWERS. SEE IMPORTANT LINK FOR CLASS POLICY FOR MORE INFORMATION. DQ Set 1: Review the Learning Outcomes for this week, and based on those objectives and your analysis of the readings, respond to either "a" or "b" below, making direct references to several of the week's required or optional readings: a. Compare and contrast conventional strategic planning concepts with those of strategic intent and skill-based strategic thinking. Explain how the differences in these concepts can lead to better business strategy practice. b. Explain the relationships between business models, business strategies, and strategic intent and skill-based strategic thinking. Include an explanation of how these concepts can help avoid myopic business strategy development. DQ Set 2. Read: "Strategic Management in Action: Applebee's”. a. Visit the Applebee's Web site [www.applebees.com]. Then, using the Applebee's strategies as a model, discuss how other, perhaps local or traditional, restaurants could use new strategies to revive their reputation. b. What are Applebee's strategies that it is pursuing? Do you think these strategies could be used successfully at other local or traditional restaurants to compete? Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość cccyhhvggvgf Napisano Maj 13, 2019 Strategic management can be defined as the art and science of formulating, implementing, and evaluate cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its goals and objectives. A strategic plan is, in essence, a firm's game plan. As the competitive world increases, profit margins have become so slim that there is little room for error in the overall strategic plan. Strategic management involves strategy formulation, strategy execution, and strategy evaluation. You've read a number of articles this week that highlight various concepts related to the development of sustainable business strategies. Some of these articles directly challenge traditional conceptions of competitive strategy analysis, while others augment and extend the traditional "strategic fit” model. MUST PROVIDE SPECIFIC EXAMPLES FOR YOUR ANSWERS. SEE IMPORTANT LINK FOR CLASS POLICY FOR MORE INFORMATION. DQ Set 1: Review the Learning Outcomes for this week, and based on those objectives and your analysis of the readings, respond to either "a" or "b" below, making direct references to several of the week's required or optional readings: a. Compare and contrast conventional strategic planning concepts with those of strategic intent and skill-based strategic thinking. Explain how the differences in these concepts can lead to better business strategy practice. b. Explain the relationships between business models, business strategies, and strategic intent and skill-based strategic thinking. Include an explanation of how these concepts can help avoid myopic business strategy development. DQ Set 2. Read: "Strategic Management in Action: Applebee's”. a. Visit the Applebee's Web site [www.applebees.com]. Then, using the Applebee's strategies as a model, discuss how other, perhaps local or traditional, restaurants could use new strategies to revive their reputation. b. What are Applebee's strategies that it is pursuing? Do you think these strategies could be used successfully at other local or traditional restaurants to compete? Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość gosia Napisano Maj 13, 2019 a istnieje ta dieta dla wegetarianek? Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość rguyw Napisano Maj 14, 2019 DQ Set 2. Read: "Strategic Management in Action: Applebee's”. a. Visit the Applebee's Web site [www.applebees.com]. Then, using the Applebee's strategies as a model, discuss how other, perhaps local or traditional, restaurants could use new strategies to revive their reputation. b. What are Applebee's strategies that it is pursuing? Do you think these strategies could be used successfully at other local or traditional restaurants to compete? a. Applebee's is a restaurant offering casual dining for affordable prices. Applebee's offer a diversified cuisine with dishes for every palate. One can find a taste of American, Asian, Mexican, and even Italian cuisine. Applebee's mantra has always been: "Good food, good people", and it has not changed over the years of operation of the restaurant. Applebee's has almost 2000 restaurants all over the United States, and continues to grow. Because of Applebee's success, it could be beneficial for other restaurants to take some of their strategies used over the years, and revive their reputation. Some of the strategies worth mentioning are: > Focus on the improvement of the restaurant's profitability and operations All business should strive for a constant growth and improvement, as profitability usually comes hand in hand with that. It is crucial for managers to attempt to control labor costs by setting appropriate schedules for the right amount of staff for the required time. It will most definitely not benefit the restaurant to have so many servers during slow hours that they have nothing to do, and then respectively, not to have enough staff during peak hours, resulting in unhappy customers waiting forever for their orders to be taken or prepared. -> Customer feedback and its handling Feedback from the customers is crucial nowadays, and many potential new clients seek for other people's experiences with a given brand, for example going on yelp and reading reviews, or looking at pictures uploaded by others. Feedback from the customers is invaluable for a company's growth, and restaurants should ensure that all the complaints are handled quickly and professionally, so that the customers feel valid and taken care of, and new potential clients who happen to come across such feedback can trust that a given restaurant values their customers and improves itself constantly. -> Ensuring that the brand stays appealing and up-to-date It is essential for restaurants to stay current and attractive to both, their old, trusted clients, and the potential new ones. Therefore, brand positioning, marketing, and advertising are great tools in ensuring that a given restaurant delivers a clear and appealing message, and keeps attracting customers to come for a great dining experience. Restaurants should generally strive for constant growth and betterment when it comes to quality and efficiency of the food and services it provides. This can be achieved through quality control, and training of the staff. The main goal is improving restaurant's overall performance, as it leads to more profit, which is the main objective of a business. b. According to Romeo (2018), Applebee's strategy focuses on improving operations and increasing profitability, handling customer feedback in a timely and professional manner, as well as deriving vital conclusions from that feedback and applying necessary changes. Ensuring that the brand stays appealing and up-to-date is also important. According to Romeo (2018), Applebee's newest strategy is focusing on going back in time to some specifics of the restaurant, while adding a modern twist to keep it relevant. The restaurant plans on reusing their famous slogan “Eatin’ Good in the Neighborhood,” while presenting their new menu which includes old famous dishes, current, and new ones. There are also some marketing moves planned, such as TV commercials, and discounts offered to the customers. For example, if one places an online order worth of $30, a $10 discount is applied. Another goal of the restaurant is to double the percentage (that is now at 9%) of orders to-go. Applebee's is currently testing the deliveries of meals, comparing staff deliveries with third-party services. There are also some plans of expanding the brand to Middle East. The aforementioned strategies could as well be used successfully at other, similar restaurants to Applebee's. For example, at Olive Garden. Both restaurants are often compared as being similarly casual, hospitable, and predictable, which is why so many people like to go back to them. References: History of Applebee's. Retrieved from: https://www.applebees.com/en/our-history Pearce II, J., & Robinson, R. (2011). Strategic Management: Formulation, Implentation and Control. McGraw-Hill Irwin Romeo, P. (2018). Applebee's sets back-to-the-future turnaround plan. Retrieved from: https://www.restaurantbusinessonline.com/financing/applebees-sets-back-future-turnaround-plan Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość FFUYFUY Napisano Maj 20, 2019 What Is the Best Type of Marketing Research? 1. Many marketing researchers have their favorite research approaches or techniques, although different researchers often have different preferences. Some researchers maintain that the only way to really learn about consumers or brands is through indepth, qualitative research. Others contend that the only legitimate and defensible form of marketing research involves quantitative measures. 2. Take a position: Marketing research should be quantitative versus marketing research should be qualitative. Submit in essay form (3-5 double-spaced pages). Assignment requires 2 - 3 pages responding to the above questions including an introduction and conclusion. Also add a title and references page in APA format. For potential full credit, make use of marketing concepts from the readings and other sources, Papers must have at least two (2) references of credible marketing theory, one from the text book. ORAZ In this lesson we will look at two perspectives relative to developing strategy: the industrial-organization (I/O) view and the resource based view (RBV). The resource-based view (RBV) approach to competitive advantage contends that internal resources are more important for a firm than external factors in achieving and sustaining competitive advantage. In contrast, the industrial-organization (I/O) view advocates that external (industry) factors are more important than internal factors in a firm for achieving competitive advantage and organizational performance will be primarily determined by industry forces. DQ Set 1: Read: "Strategic Management in Action: Hulu” a. What do you think Hulu's owners should do now? b. What is it about this situation context that is so challenging? c. What type of resources does Hulu have? Are they unique? Explain. DQ Set2: Read: Strategic Management in Action Cases: Case #1 Out of Focus a. Explain Kodak's driving forces, implications, and critical success factors of the business environments. b. Discuss two organizational elements that guide Kodak's strategic decision makers in managing strategically in today's context. c. Discuss the roles of ethics and social responsibility in Kodak's strategic management. d. Describe the different perspectives on competitive advantage relative to Kodak. Present I/O view, RBV, and guerilla view. Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość hdrhrhrdh Napisano Maj 20, 2019 Marketing research should be quantitative Research is an essential part of marketing. There are different approaches that can be used when conducting a marketing research. The two common approaches often used by the researchers are referred to as qualitative and quantitative. Both are perceived as good methods of research, however, many believe that quantitative research allows for more unbiased data. Differences between qualitative and quantitative research In order to understand why many researchers value quantitative forms of research higher than qualitative, one has to know how do the two techniques differ. According to McLeod (2017), the most basic way of distinction between the two is realizing that quantitative methods include numbers, whereas qualitative do not. However, if one aims at understanding the differences between these two research types, one has to dig deeper. Qualitative research in practice Starting with qualitative research, it is crucial to stress that its goal is understanding individuals in the social aspects of life. People are examined in real settings, where their behaviour is as natural as possible. According to McLeod (2017), the main questions this type of research is attempting to answer, are 'why' and 'how'. Some of the methods that can be used in this type of research include open-ended questionnaires, observation of the participant…. Reszta z buk. An interesting method typical for qualitative research is an idea of unstructured interviews. Due to open questions, participants are not limited by the previously prepared answers they should choose from, but instead they use their own words, which allows the researcher to get more personalised responses. The researcher might want to conduct his study through recording the interviews, which allows to take into consideration other aspects of human behaviour that also can be very informative and complement participants' responses (body language, tone of voice, facial expressions, etc.). However, because qualitative research can be so rich in an unstructured data, it is also often problematic when it comes to the assessment of the findings. One has to also remember that because there is so much freedom as to the information given by the participants of a given qualitative research, the results are often very subjective, and may have to do a lot with personal previous experiences and events in the life of the participant, which may influence the way he or she views a given subject that is being researched. This method requires a lot of time, as gathering, analysis, and interpretation of the data involve specialist knowledge, and are not derived easily. Quantitative research in practice According to McLeod (2017), the goal of quantitative research is "to establish general laws of behavior and phenomenon across different settings/contexts. Research is used to test a theory and ultimately support or reject it." DeFranzo (2011) stresses that it is typical for quantitative research to attempt at generating numerical or statistical data in order to be able to form some sort of structure or a pattern of the findings. The methods use to gather data can be through different types of surveys, that can be conducted over the phone, online, or in paper form. Researchers use closed questions with 'yes/no' answers, or answers with a rating scale, where the participant has to choose how strongly he or she feels about a given subject (for instance 'strongly agree', 'somewhat agree', 'somewhat disagree', 'strongly disagree', etc.). According to McLeod (2017), when the researchers apply statistics into the gathered data, useful information can be derived. The data can be presented through the use of either descriptive, or inferential statistics. The first one allows for a summary of the gathered data, whereas the latter can draw the differences between the given groups of data. One of the greatest advantage that quantitative marketing research has over qualitative is that it is not biased, as the method is not personalised. There is more structure, as the survey is designed before it takes place, which also saves time and resources needed to then analyse it. Even though this type of research does not allow the participants to be examined in natural setting, or to have the opportunity to explain themselves and their choices, it is believed to be rational and scientifically objective, as it bases on statistics. Conclusion References: McLeod, S. (2017). What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative research? Retrieved from: https://www.simplypsychology.org/qualitative-quantitative.html DeFranzo, S. E. (2011). What’s the difference between qualitative and quantitative research? Retrieved from: https://www.snapsurveys.com/blog/qualitative-vs-quantitative-research/ Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość rgegr Napisano Maj 21, 2019 In this lesson we will look at two perspectives relative to developing strategy: the industrial-organization (I/O) view and the resource based view (RBV). The resource-based view (RBV) approach to competitive advantage contends that internal resources are more important for a firm than external factors in achieving and sustaining competitive advantage. In contrast, the industrial-organization (I/O) view advocates that external (industry) factors are more important than internal factors in a firm for achieving competitive advantage and organizational performance will be primarily determined by industry forces. DQ Set 1: Read: "Strategic Management in Action: Hulu” a. What do you think Hulu's owners should do now? b. What is it about this situation context that is so challenging? c. What type of resources does Hulu have? Are they unique? Explain. DQ Set2: Read: Strategic Management in Action Cases: Case #1 Out of Focus a. Explain Kodak's driving forces, implications, and critical success factors of the business environments. b. Discuss two organizational elements that guide Kodak's strategic decision makers in managing strategically in today's context. c. Discuss the roles of ethics and social responsibility in Kodak's strategic management. d. Describe the different perspectives on competitive advantage relative to Kodak. Present I/O view, RBV, and guerilla view. Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość rjegegbr Napisano Maj 28, 2019 Discussion Forum 3 Discussion Forum 3 Monday, 8 April 2019, 4:44 PM DQ Set 1: Read:Based on the readings respond to 2 of the questions below: a. What is external analysis and what does it show managers? b. How does the concept of an organization as an open system relate to external analysis? c. What does each of the perspectives on organizational environments say? d. What role does environmental uncertainty play in external analysis? e. Why do managers need to do more than just scan the environment? DQ Set 2: Read: Strategic Management in Action: "E-books and Readers” a. Using the eight conditions, assess the level of current rivalry in this industry. b. Which of these eight conditions do you think are the most important to the level of current rivalry in this industry? Explain your rationale. c. As the industry matures, do you think the intensity of rivalry will change? Explain. Discussion Forum 4 This lesson focuses on identifying and evaluating a firm's strengths and weaknesses in the functional areas of business, including management, marketing, finance/accounting, production operations, R&D, and management information systems. Relationships among these areas of business are examined. Strategic implications of important functional area concepts are examined. The process of performing an internal audit is discussed. We will revisit the RBV of strategic management is introduced as well as Value Chain Analysis (VCA). DQ Set 1: Read "Strategic Management in Action: Making Over Avon” a. What went wrong with Avon? What went right? b. Is the independent sales representative still the most appropriate means for distribution for this company? c. What do you think about the leadership changes? Should Jung completely remove herself from the company? DQ Set 2: Read Strategic Management in Action Cases: Case #1 Out of Focus a. Comment on the following: "Meeting customers' changing needs versus market share is how companies need to measure themselves against their competitors.” b. What are the implications for doing an internal analysis? c. What is the value of performing a value chain analysis? d. Are there customers an organization might not want? Explain. Discussion Forum 6 Corporate strategy is primarily about the choice of direction for a firm as a whole and management of its business or product portfolio. Corporate strategy includes decision regarding the flow of financial and other resources to and from a company's product lines and business units. Through a series of coordinating devices, a company transfers skills and capabilities in one unit to other units that need resources. In this way, it attempts to obtain synergy among numerous product lines and business units so that the corporate whole is greater than the sum of its parts. All corporations, from the smallest company to multinationals, must at one time or another consider these issues. DQ Set 1: a. Why is it important to evaluate corporate strategies and what are 4 ways to evaluate corporate strategies? b. Briefly describe each of the portfolio analysis matrices including how it is used, the cells in the matrix, and its advantages and drawbacks. c. Why might an organization's' corporate strategy need to be changed? How might it be changed? d. After readings "Strategic Managers in Action: Judson C. Green, Navteq Corporation,” do you agree with Green's decision? Can you suggest other ways Navteq could either backwardly or vertically integrate? DQ Set 2: Read Strategic Management in Action Cases: Case #4 "Changing the Menu.” a. Post Describe Kraft's competitive strategies. b. What strategic challenges does CEO Rosenfeld face? c. Which evaluation measures should Kraft use? Explain your rationale. d. Go to Kraft's website and evaluate revenues, profits, and strategic initiatives. Discussion Forum 7 Global considerations impact virtually all strategic decisions. The boundaries of countries no longer can define the limits of our imaginations. To see and appreciate the world from the perspective of others has become a matter of survival for businesses. The underpinnings of strategic management hinge on managers gaining an understanding of competitors, markets, prices, suppliers, distributors, governments, creditors, shareholders, and customers worldwide. DQ Set 1: You are the CEO of a new technology group that wants to expand to the Asian market. Select an Asian nation. a. What aspects of the legal-political environment do strategic decision-makers need to examine? b. What economic issues might affect your company's international strategy? c. Discuss why it is important to understand the national culture of this country. d. Describe your planned entrance strategy into this new market. DQ 2: Read Strategic Management in Action Cases: Case #3 "Tata's Time” a. What are the advantages of Tata going international? Disadvantages? b. What challenges might Cyrus Mistry face as he guides his company? c. What are the economic and political-legal environments in India? Identify opportunities and threats, and if Ratan Tata's strategy of pushing outside India makes sense? d. How would you define the Tata Group's purpose? How does its core values influence strategic choices? e. Describe some strategic alternatives for Tata. Discussion Forum 8 This lesson is about the "new”--both new products or services and new organizations. Innovation and entrepreneurship are fundamental to today's world economy. However, they also pose difficult choices: be a first-mover or a fast-follower, as well as handling takeover bids. Entrepreneurship is a fundamental organizational process, as all businesses start as an act of entrepreneurship. Two main themes link entrepreneurship with innovation: timing and relationships. Timing decisions include when to be a first-mover or fast-second in innovation, and when, and if, an innovation will reach its tipping point--the point where demand takes off; and, for an entrepreneurial new venture. Creating innovations or new organizations is very rarely done along. Successful innovation and entrepreneurship are typically done through relationships. These relationships come in many forms: sometimes relationships between organizations and their customers; sometimes relationships between big business and small start-ups; and sometimes between business and social entrepreneurs (entrepreneurs that create new ventures to address social problems). DQ Set 1: a. Compare and contrast entrepreneurial ventures and small businesses? b. Why are these organizations important to a country's economy? c. Describe the strategic management process for these organizations. d. Describe the specific strategic issues that face entrepreneurial ventures and small businesses. DQ Set 2: a. What are the typical sources of revenue for not-for-profits (NFP)? b. Identify the main types of NFPs? c. Compare and contrast the strategic management process for NFPs and for-profits. d. Explain how functional, competitive, and corporate strategies might be used in NFPs and public sector organizations. e. Discuss the specific strategic issues facing NFPS. Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość rjegegbryyyy Napisano Maj 28, 2019 Assignments: Short Paper-Wk4 - Part 1 Summary: SHORT PAPER. 1. Identify the major competitors in the blue jeans market. 2. Who has the leading market share, whose shares have declined? 3. What segmentation is (has) occurring/occurred in the blue jeans market and why? 4. Did demographic changes affect the market (from baby boomers to Gen X or Gen Y)? 5. What competitive signs, symbols, events, or occurrences did Levi-Strauss miss? 6. What current shifts in competition and channel power is occurring and what can Levi-Strauss do to minimize the impact from these changes? Assignment requires 2 - 3 pages responding to the above questions including an introduction and conclusion. Also add a title and references page in APA format. For potential full credit, make use of marketing concepts from the readings and other sources, Papers must have at least two (2) references of credible marketing theory, one from the text book. Assignments: Case Study-Wk5 - Part 1 Summary: CASE STUDY: Read "Toyota” on pp. 396-397. Submit answers to the following in essay form. 1. Toyota has built a huge manufacturing company that can produce millions of cars each year for a wide variety of consumers. Why was it able to grow so much bigger than any other auto manufacturer? 2. Has Toyota done the right thing by manufacturing a car brand for everyone? Why or why not? 3. Did Toyota grow too quickly as Toyota suggested? What should the company do over the next year, 5 years, or 10 years? How can growing companies avoid quality problems in the future? Assignment requires 2 - 3 pages responding to the above questions including an introduction and conclusion. Also add a title and references page in APA format. For potential full credit, make use of marketing concepts from the readings and other sources, Papers must have at least two (2) references of credible marketing theory, one from the text book. Assignments: Marketing Debate-Wk6 - Part 1 Summary: MARKETING DEBATE. Please post in the TURNITIN DROP-BOX by this week Sunday 11:59 P.M. (PST). Note: Make sure the browser's pop-up blocker has been temporarily disabled while using TurnItIn. If the pop-up blocker is on, certain aspects of TurnItIn may not work correctly. 1. Some marketers feel that the image of the particular channel in which they sell their products does not matter--all that matters is that the right customers shop there and the product is displayed in the right way. Others maintain that channel images--such as a retail store--can be critical and must be consistent with the image of the product. 2. Take a position: Channel images do not really affect the brand images of the products they sell that much versus Channel images must be consistent with the brand image. 3. Submit in essay form Assignment requires 2 - 3 pages responding to the above questions including an introduction and conclusion. Also add a title and references page in APA format. For potential full credit, make use of marketing concepts from the readings and other sources, Papers must have at least two (2) references of credible marketing theory, one from the text book. Assignments: Case Study-Wk7 - Part 1 Summary: CASE STUDY. Read "Coca-Cola” on pp. 610-611. Submit answers to the following in essay form. 1. What does Coca-Cola stand for? Is it the same for everyone? Explain. 2. Coca-Cola has successfully marketed to billions of people around the world. Why is it so successful? 3. Can Pepsi or any other company ever surpass Coca-Cola? Why or why not? What are Coca-Cola's greatest risks? Assignment requires 2 - 3 pages responding to the above questions including an introduction and conclusion. Also add a title and references page in APA format. For potential full credit, make use of marketing concepts from the readings and other sources, Papers must have at least two (2) references of credible marketing theory, one from the text book. Assignments: Course Project Upload-Wk8 - Part 1 Summary: COURSE PROJECT. 1. Take an existing product/brand and critically evaluate the marketing strategy (including the current advertisement) for that product/brand using the tools and concepts learnt in the course. 2. Develop a better marketing strategy and provide justifications 3. This should be a 6-10 page double-spaced paper using APA convention. for your new strategy. Extra Credit. In 150 to 200 words, describe the most important marketing concept you learned in this class. Marketing concepts are headings or subheadings in the text book chapters or table of contents. Include: 1. The concept with a reference to the text which describes it 2. Why you think it is so important to marketing 3. A real-world example of a marketer utilizing this concept successfully. 4. A reference to the text and any other sources uses. Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość reugeirgreyg8 Napisano Czerwiec 4, 2019 Blue jeans market Blabablaha Major competitors in the blue jeans market According to Vilner Market shares in the blue jeans industry According to Cherry (2018), self-concept is our self image, Segmentation in the blue jeans market Demographic changes and its effects in the blue jeans market According to Kotler & Keller (2016), when speaking about brand personality Demographic changes and its effects in the blue jeans market According to Kotler & Keller (2016), when speaking about Competitive signs, symbols, events, and occurrences thar Levi-Strauss missed According to Kotler & Keller (2016), when speaking What current shifts in competition and channel power is occurring and what can Levi-Strauss do to minimize the impact from these changes? According to Kotler & Keller (2016), when speaking about Summary and Conclusions Taking everything into consideration, it can be noted that. References Cherry, K. (2018). What is self-concept? The psychological exploration of "Who am I?" Retrieved from: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-self-concept-2795865 Kopp, C. (2019). Brand loyalty. Retrieved from: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/brand-loyalty.asp Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość fefwf Napisano Czerwiec 6, 2019 Blue jeans market Blue jeans seem to be a part of everyone's wardrobe, especially in the western-world nowadays. According to Miller & Woodward (2011), "to state that denim jeans are a global presence is, in itself, not a radical claim - the production, design and trade in denim evidently spans the globe, as does wearing jeans." (p. 1). Due to these blue trousers gaining such immense popularity all over the world, it can be stated that they have created a need for a blue jeans market. Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość egege Napisano Czerwiec 6, 2019 Blue jeans market Blue jeans seem to be a part of everyone's wardrobe, especially in the western-world nowadays. According to Miller & Woodward (2011), "to state that denim jeans are a global presence is, in itself, not a radical claim - the production, design and trade in denim evidently spans the globe, as does wearing jeans." (p. 1). Jeans first came into being in 1873, as an answer to the need for a more endurable trousers for the hardworking people in the Californian Gold Rush. From then on until this day jeans grew in popularity, creating a need for a blue jeans market. Major competitors in the blue jeans market Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis were the first to manufacture the blue jeans work pants, which brought them a great success. Every successful product attracts competition, and the original Levi's have to face a great number of competitors today. According to Bhasin (2018), Levi's top ten competitors are brands such as: Wrangler, Diesel, Lee Jeans, Pepe Jeans, Calvin Klein, True Religion, Armani, Killer, G-Star, and Spykar. Market shares in the blue jeans industry According to Zion Market Research (2019), "the global denim jeans market was valued at around USD 66.02 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach approximately USD 85.4 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of around 3.7% between 2019 and 2025". Segmentation in the blue jeans market Demographic changes and its effects in the blue jeans market According to Kotler & Keller (2016), when speaking about brand personality Demographic changes and its effects in the blue jeans market According to Kotler & Keller (2016), when speaking about Competitive signs, symbols, events, and occurrences thar Levi-Strauss missed According to Kotler & Keller (2016), when speaking What current shifts in competition and channel power is occurring and what can Levi-Strauss do to minimize the impact from these changes? According to Kotler & Keller (2016), when speaking about Summary and Conclusions Taking everything into consideration, it can be noted that. References Cherry, K. (2018). What is self-concept? The psychological exploration of "Who am I?" Retrieved from: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-self-concept-2795865 Kopp, C. (2019). Brand loyalty. Retrieved from: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/brand-loyalty.asp Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall https://www.levi.com/US/en_US/features/about-us Bhasin, H. (2018). Top 10 Levi’s competitors. Retrieved from: https://www.marketing91.com/top-10-levis-competitors/ Zion Market Research. (2019). Global denim jeans market will reach USD 85.4 billion by 2025: Zion Market Research. Retrieved from: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/04/02/1795034/0/en/Global-Denim-Jeans-Market-Will-Reach-USD-85-4-Billion-By-2025-Zion-Market-Research.html Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość ytreew Napisano Czerwiec 7, 2019 Blue jeans market Blue jeans seem to be a part of everyone's wardrobe, especially in the western-world nowadays. According to Miller & Woodward (2011), "to state that denim jeans are a global presence is, in itself, not a radical claim - the production, design and trade in denim evidently spans the globe, as does wearing jeans." (p. 1). Jeans first came into being in 1873, as an answer to the need for a more endurable trousers for the hardworking people in the Californian Gold Rush. From then on until this day jeans grew in popularity, creating a need for a blue jeans market. Major competitors in the blue jeans market Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis were the first to manufacture the blue jeans work pants, which brought them a great success. Every successful product attracts competition, and the original Levi's have to face a great number of competitors today. According to Bhasin (2018), Levi's top ten competitors are brands such as: Wrangler, Diesel, Lee Jeans, Pepe Jeans, Calvin Klein, True Religion, Armani, Killer, G-Star, and Spykar. Levi Strauss, not being a public clothing company, does not stop its attempts to keep the competition behind, and the customers satisfy and loyal to the brand. Market shares in the blue jeans industry According to Zion Market Research (2019), "the global denim jeans market was valued at around USD 66.02 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach approximately USD 85.4 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of around 3.7% between 2019 and 2025". According to Prescient & Strategic Intelligence Pvt. Ltd. (2018), men currently hold the largest market share in the blue jeans industry (and it is not expected to change anytime soon), both for work, and casual wear. Segmentation in the blue jeans market According to Zion Market Research (2019), the global jeans market can be segmented by type, end-use, and distribution channel. Starting with the type of jeans, one can list economy jeans, standard jeans, premium, and super premium jeans. The interest in economy denim jeans among the customers from urban and semi-urban areas is expected to grow, contributing to the domination of that type of jeans in terms of revenue. In terms of end-use, the blue jeans market belongs to women, men, and children. As stated in the previous paragraph, men are anticipated to prevail, as they become more and more fashion conscious, and see how that type of clothing can be worn to work, dinner, and even to a party. When speaking of distribution channels, the blue jeans market is segmented into specialty and online shops, outlets, convenience stores, and even supermarkets. Demographic changes and its effects in the blue jeans market - baby boomers, Gen X, and Gen Y According to Knowles (2017), many companies and marketers target consumers segmenting them into age groups, which can be also referred to as as generational marketing. As she points out, "by dividing your audience by their generational cohort, you create segments who share similar life experiences that shape how they view the world, their values, and ideals." The most common way to do that is by preparing a different message for a given generation. Baby Boomers are people who were born in years 1946 and 1964. They are usually optimistic free-thinkers, who like to explore and achieve goals of their youth. They value ownership, uniqueness, staying healthy and fit, as well as being involved in the community, and staying prosperous. Generation X is represented by the people born in years 1965 and 1980. They value being independent, recognised and autonomous, as well as pragmatic and individualistic. When it comes to Generation Y, born between 1980 and 1994, they value self-exploration and self-expression a lot, as well as being transparent, as Knowles (2017) points out. They tend to pursue an enjoyable life instead of a wealthy one. The demographic changes affected the blue jeans market in a positive way, as all the aforementioned groups have always valued pragmatism and innovation. This proves to be true when looking at Zion Market Research and its reports on the current state of the blue jeans market all over the world, as well as the prognosis for the following years. Demographic prognosis in the blue jeans market In order to cover the demographic changes and its effects in the blue jeans market, one has to take into consideration both Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Starting with North America, it can be stated that denim's popularity will continue to grow, and women are predicted to wear jeans more than men, which, in turn, is expected to boost the market. Europe is also anticipated to grow when it comes to the denim jeans market, as the fabric is equally appreciated by both, men and women. As stated by Zion Market Research (2019), "according to Cotton Council International (CCI) and Cotton Incorporated’s Global Lifestyle Monitor, affinity for denim is significantly high in Germany (81%) and Great Britain (68%). In addition, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Romania have a flourishing jeans industry." There are high growth expectations in the Asia Pacific denim jeans market; possibly at the fastest rate of all the regions, especially when it comes to revenue and volume, which, according to Zion Market Research (2019), can be attributed to "the growing popularity of denim jeans in semi-urban and rural areas, growing awareness and affinity for global fashion trends." Latin America is anticipated to demonstrate substantial growth in the future, especially due to the popularity of international brands on the local blue jeans markets. Levi’s plus line denim jeans can be used as an example of this phenomenon. Last but not least, both the Middle Eastern and African denim jeans markets will most likely exhibit a relatively slow growth in the upcoming years, mainly due to the traditions and culture, that affect not just people's customs, but also clothing choices. Competitive signs, symbols, events, and occurrences that Levi-Strauss missed Levi-Strauss targeting on the Upper class and the super middle class What current shifts in competition and channel power is occurring and what can Levi-Strauss do to minimize the impact from these changes? According to Kotler & Keller (2016), when speaking about Summary and Conclusions Taking everything into consideration, it can be noted that References Cherry, K. (2018). What is self-concept? The psychological exploration of "Who am I?" Retrieved from: https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-self-concept-2795865 Kopp, C. (2019). Brand loyalty. Retrieved from: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/brand-loyalty.asp Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall https://www.levi.com/US/en_US/features/about-us Bhasin, H. (2018). Top 10 Levi’s competitors. Retrieved from: https://www.marketing91.com/top-10-levis-competitors/ Zion Market Research. (2019). Global denim jeans market will reach USD 85.4 billion by 2025: Zion Market Research. Retrieved from: https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2019/04/02/1795034/0/en/Global-Denim-Jeans-Market-Will-Reach-USD-85-4-Billion-By-2025-Zion-Market-Research.html Prescient & Strategic Intelligence Pvt. Ltd. (2018). Denim Market (2013-2023). Retrieved from: https://www.psmarketresearch.com/market-analysis/denim-jeans-market Knowles, H. (2017). The importance of generational targeting: From millennials to baby boomers, one message won’t compute. Retrieved from: https://medium.com/madison-ave-collective/the-importance-of-generational-targeting-from-millennials-to-baby-boomers-one-message-wont-69b18c563d3a Sth can be here https://www.encyclopedia.com/marketing/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/levi-strauss-co Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość ihiushfieshf Napisano Czerwiec 10, 2019 Toyota Toyota is a Japanese automaker founded in 1937. It is believed to be the largest carmaker of all nowadays, but it has not always been number one (Kotler & Keller, 2016). Throughout the years Toyota had to face different challenges that affected the company's prosperity. Some of them include: the financial crisis in the 50s; over 8 million automobiles pulled back from the market due to potential functional issues between 2009 and 2010; and billions of dollars lost in an earthquake and tsunami aftermath in 2011. Despite all the crises that Toyota had to endure, it managed to continuously grow and become the world's number one brand. The story behind Toyota's success When attempting to assess what steps contributed to Toyota's success, one cannot forget about the aforementioned challenges the company had to face. It can be concluded, however, that the brand took an active and insightful stand after each challenge it was faced with to be able to recognize what could be done in the future if a similar issue arose. What is more, as Kotler & Keller (2016) point out, the company has always observed the market very carefully to be able to spot a need in it immediately and deliver the car the consumers wanted. That is how cars such as Toyota Corona, Corolla, and Cressida were created. The brand then manufactured and branded cars for specific target groups, which also resulted in a success. The brand does not solely rely on the customers desires when it comes to manufacturing new cars. Toyota, as a brand, stands by quality, constant improvement and innovation. When the Prius was introduced in 1997, the consumers were ecstatic. There were 10,000 orders for the second-generation hybrid car even before it got to showrooms in 2002. That was when other carmakers began to create similar vehicles to Toyota. Interestingly, when Toyota first started producing cars, it took ideas for the body design, and the engine, from Chrysler and Chevrolet. Toyota as the brand for everyone According to Zion Toyota's current growth and its future According to Zion Market Researc men Ways to avoid quality problems in companies According to Knowles (2017), Summary and Conclusions Taking everything into consideration, it can be noted that References Miller, D. and Woodward, S. (2011). Global denim. Oxford, United Kingdom: Berg Publishers Kopp, C. (2019). Brand loyalty. Retrieved from: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/b/brand-loyalty.asp Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość dfsdfsf Napisano Czerwiec 10, 2019 Toyota Toyota is a Japanese automaker founded in 1937. It is believed to be the largest carmaker of all nowadays, but it has not always been number one (Kotler & Keller, 2016). Throughout the years Toyota had to face different challenges that affected the company's prosperity. Some of them include: the financial crisis in the 50s; over 8 million automobiles pulled back from the market due to potential functional issues between 2009 and 2010; and billions of dollars lost in an earthquake and tsunami aftermath in 2011. Despite all the crises that Toyota had to endure, it managed to continuously grow and become the world's number one brand. The story behind Toyota's success When attempting to assess what steps contributed to Toyota's success, one cannot forget about the aforementioned challenges the company had to face. It can be concluded, however, that the brand took an active and insightful stand after each challenge it was faced with to be able to recognize what could be done in the future if a similar issue arose. What is more, as Kotler & Keller (2016) point out, the company has always observed the market very carefully to be able to spot a need in it immediately and deliver the car the consumers wanted. That is how cars such as Toyota Corona, Corolla, and Cressida were created. The brand then manufactured and branded cars for specific target groups, which also resulted in a success. The brand does not solely rely on the customers desires when it comes to manufacturing new cars. Toyota, as a brand, stands by quality, constant improvement and innovation. When the Prius was introduced in 1997, the consumers were ecstatic. There were 10,000 orders for the second-generation hybrid car even before it got to showrooms in 2002. That was when other carmakers began to create similar vehicles to Toyota. Interestingly, when Toyota first started producing cars, it took ideas for the body design, and the engine, from Chrysler and Chevrolet. Toyota as the brand for everyone It is often believed that if a company's goal is to serve everyone, chances are that it will not serve anyone well. Toyota might be one of very few companies which managed to defy all odds, and really serve everyone. No matter what the consumers needed, Toyota was able to deliver it. In fact, according to Klara (2017), Toyota is reaching even higher, switching from being just an automotive company, to becoming a 'mobility company'. Toyota's general manager for Olympic-Paralympic marketing, Chris Schultz, defines it as follows: "The vision for the company is to communicate a brand shift from vehicles to overall mobility." The brand is aiming at creating products to assist people who have trouble moving around due to all sorts of physical disabilities, to become more mobile and independent. Most of these products are still in the works, but the world is already excited about the new opportunities they would bring for the people who are limited in their mobility. Toyota proved in the past that they are capable of manufacturing a car for everyone, so chances are high that the new mobility products will also be a success. Toyota's rapid growth and the future of the brand According to Zion Market Researc men Ways to avoid quality problems in companies According to Knowles (2017), Summary and Conclusions Taking everything into consideration, it can be noted that References Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Klara, R. (2017). Why Toyota, the car company, now wants to be known more as a ‘mobility’ company. New campaign signals critical shift in positioning. Retrieved from: https://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/why-toyota-the-car-company-now-wants-to-be-known-more-as-a-mobility-company/ https://hbr.org/2007/07/lessons-from-toyotas-long-drive Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość erhgiurg Napisano Czerwiec 10, 2019 Toyota Toyota is a Japanese automaker founded in 1937. It is believed to be the largest carmaker of all nowadays, but it has not always been number one (Kotler & Keller, 2016). Throughout the years Toyota had to face different challenges that affected the company's prosperity. Some of them include: the financial crisis in the 50s; over 8 million automobiles pulled back from the market due to potential functional issues between 2009 and 2010; and billions of dollars lost in an earthquake and tsunami aftermath in 2011. Despite all the crises that Toyota had to endure, it managed to continuously grow and become the world's number one brand. The story behind Toyota's success When attempting to assess what steps contributed to Toyota's success, one cannot forget about the aforementioned challenges the company had to face. It can be concluded, however, that the brand took an active and insightful stand after each challenge it was faced with to be able to recognize what could be done in the future if a similar issue arose. What is more, as Kotler & Keller (2016) point out, the company has always observed the market very carefully to be able to spot a need in it immediately and deliver the car the consumers wanted. That is how cars such as Toyota Corona, Corolla, and Cressida were created. The brand then manufactured and branded cars for specific target groups, which also resulted in a success. The brand does not solely rely on the customers desires when it comes to manufacturing new cars. Toyota, as a brand, stands by quality, constant improvement and innovation. When the Prius was introduced in 1997, the consumers were ecstatic. There were 10,000 orders for the second-generation hybrid car even before it got to showrooms in 2002. That was when other carmakers began to create similar vehicles to Toyota. Interestingly, when Toyota first started producing cars, it took ideas for the body design, and the engine, from Chrysler and Chevrolet. Toyota as the brand for everyone It is often believed that if a company's goal is to serve everyone, chances are that it will not serve anyone well. Toyota might be one of very few companies which managed to defy all odds, and really serve everyone. No matter what the consumers needed, Toyota was able to deliver it. In fact, according to Klara (2017), Toyota is reaching even higher, switching from being just an automotive company, to becoming a 'mobility company'. Toyota's general manager for Olympic-Paralympic marketing, Chris Schultz, defines it as follows: "The vision for the company is to communicate a brand shift from vehicles to overall mobility." The brand is aiming at creating products to assist people who have trouble moving around due to all sorts of physical disabilities, to become more mobile and independent. Most of these products are still in the works, but the world is already excited about the new opportunities they would bring for the people who are limited in their mobility. Toyota proved in the past that they are capable of manufacturing a car for everyone, so chances are high that the new mobility products will also be a success. Toyota's rapid growth and the future of the brand Some people believe that the Toyota's rapid growth was to blame for some of the challenges they faced, such as the aforementioned nearly 10 million cars recalled from the market in 2009 and 2010. The cars exhibited problems such as issues with accelerator pedals, or software glitches affecting the brakes. Brand's rapid growth could be to blame for these issues not being spotted before the cars got to the market, but at the same time there is no company which has never run into any issues. Toyota is a company which tends to really learn from its mistakes, because since that incident, there have not been any issues of similar sort reported. Therefore, even though some people believe that Toyota's rapid growth was not good to the company, others see the positive in it. Toyota was never a negligent type of a brand that only cared about making money, so this incident made them even more careful and attentive to detail. According to Stewart & Raman (2007), Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the most successful businesses in the whole world, and that rapid growth has most definitely contributed to that. Therefore, it might be beneficial for Toyota to continue doing its business the way it has been doing it, taking into consideration all the lessons it learned on the way. Ways to avoid quality problems in companies Quality of the produced products is one of the major factors for success for most companies. Unless other factors are of greater importance, quality is always going to be a very significant one. According to Greenblatt (2014), when speaking of ways to improve quality in a company, there are a few factors to keep in mind. It is obvious that there is no perfect company, so there will always be a possibility for mistakes to take place, but with a good plan of action these occurrences can be minimized greatly. Greenblatt (2014) points out that it crucial for a company to make its employees aware of the fact how detrimental it can be for the company if an issue is spotted by the consumers, therefore, it should be a team effort and a very important goal of everyone to spot any type of a mistake before the product is let out to the public. It is also of great importance to focus on the process, not the people; so in other words, to ensure that the employees are not scared to bring any issues spotted to the attention of the manager, being afraid that they might be to blame for the issue in the first place. Focusing on fixing the issues being a part of the process will also instill a common purpose and a sense of responsibility in the workers, making them more eager to care about the product being free of any mistakes before it is ready for the market. Greenblatt (2014) stresses the importance of weekly meetings when it comes to improving quality in a company. Even if there is a feeling that everything was discussed the previous week, bringing people together every week will ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to the current projects, and if any questions arise, there will be a platform to discuss them. Another good thing to do in order to improve quality is creating a quality chart. Summary and Conclusions Taking everything into consideration, it can be noted that References Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Klara, R. (2017). Why Toyota, the car company, now wants to be known more as a ‘mobility’ company. New campaign signals critical shift in positioning. Retrieved from: https://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/why-toyota-the-car-company-now-wants-to-be-known-more-as-a-mobility-company/ Stewart, T. A. and Raman, A. P. (2007). Lessons from Toyota’s long drive. Retrieved from: https://hbr.org/2007/07/lessons-from-toyotas-long-drive Greenblatt, D. (2014). 5 steps to improve quality no matter what you produce. Whether you sell widgets or whiz-bang ideas, success hinges on a quality product. Retrieved from: https://www.inc.com/drew-greenblatt/5-steps-to-improve-quality.html Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość egbwefgie Napisano Czerwiec 10, 2019 Toyota Toyota is a Japanese automaker founded in 1937. It is believed to be the largest carmaker of all nowadays, but it has not always been number one (Kotler & Keller, 2016). Throughout the years Toyota had to face different challenges that affected the company's prosperity. Some of them include: the financial crisis in the 50s; over 8 million automobiles pulled back from the market due to potential functional issues between 2009 and 2010; and billions of dollars lost in an earthquake and tsunami aftermath in 2011. Despite all the crises that Toyota had to endure, it managed to continuously grow and become the world's number one brand. The story behind Toyota's success When attempting to assess what steps contributed to Toyota's success, one cannot forget about the aforementioned challenges the company had to face. It can be concluded, however, that the brand took an active and insightful stand after each challenge it was faced with to be able to recognize what could be done in the future if a similar issue arose. What is more, as Kotler & Keller (2016) point out, the company has always observed the market very carefully to be able to spot a need in it immediately and deliver the car the consumers wanted. That is how cars such as Toyota Corona, Corolla, and Cressida were created. The brand then manufactured and branded cars for specific target groups, which also resulted in a success. The brand does not solely rely on the customers desires when it comes to manufacturing new cars. Toyota, as a brand, stands by quality, constant improvement and innovation. When the Prius was introduced in 1997, the consumers were ecstatic. There were 10,000 orders for the second-generation hybrid car even before it got to showrooms in 2002. That was when other carmakers began to create similar vehicles to Toyota. Interestingly, when Toyota first started producing cars, it took ideas for the body design, and the engine, from Chrysler and Chevrolet. Toyota as the brand for everyone It is often believed that if a company's goal is to serve everyone, chances are that it will not serve anyone well. Toyota might be one of very few companies which managed to defy all odds, and really serve everyone. No matter what the consumers needed, Toyota was able to deliver it. In fact, according to Klara (2017), Toyota is reaching even higher, switching from being just an automotive company, to becoming a 'mobility company'. Toyota's general manager for Olympic-Paralympic marketing, Chris Schultz, defines it as follows: "The vision for the company is to communicate a brand shift from vehicles to overall mobility." The brand is aiming at creating products to assist people who have trouble moving around due to all sorts of physical disabilities, to become more mobile and independent. Most of these products are still in the works, but the world is already excited about the new opportunities they would bring for the people who are limited in their mobility. Toyota proved in the past that they are capable of manufacturing a car for everyone, so chances are high that the new mobility products will also be a success. Toyota's rapid growth and the future of the brand Some people believe that the Toyota's rapid growth was to blame for some of the challenges they faced, such as the aforementioned nearly 10 million cars recalled from the market in 2009 and 2010. The cars exhibited problems such as issues with accelerator pedals, or software glitches affecting the brakes. Brand's rapid growth could be to blame for these issues not being spotted before the cars got to the market, but at the same time there is no company which has never run into any issues. Toyota is a company which tends to really learn from its mistakes, because since that incident, there have not been any issues of similar sort reported. Therefore, even though some people believe that Toyota's rapid growth was not good for the company, others see the positive in it. Toyota was never a negligent type of a brand that only cared about making money, so this incident made them even more careful and attentive to detail. According to Stewart & Raman (2007), Toyota Motor Corporation is one of the most successful businesses in the whole world, and that rapid growth has most definitely contributed to that. Therefore, it might be beneficial for Toyota to continue doing its business the way it has been doing it, taking into consideration all the lessons it learned on the way. Ways to avoid quality problems in companies Quality of the products is one of the major factors for success for most companies. Unless other factors are of greater importance, quality is always going to be a very significant one. According to Greenblatt (2014), when speaking of ways to improve quality in a company, there are a few factors to keep in mind. It is obvious that there is no perfect company, so there will always be a possibility for mistakes to take place, but with a good plan of action these occurrences can be minimized greatly. Greenblatt (2014) points out that it crucial for a company to make its employees aware of the fact how detrimental it can be for the company if an issue is spotted by the consumers, therefore, it should be a team effort and a very important goal of everyone to spot any type of a mistake before the product is available to the public. It is also of great importance to focus on the process, not the people; so in other words, to ensure that the employees are not scared to bring any issues spotted to the attention of the manager, being afraid that they might be to blame for the issue in the first place. Focusing on fixing the issues being a part of the process will also instill a common purpose and a sense of responsibility in the workers, making them more eager to care about the product being free of any mistakes before it is ready for the market. Greenblatt (2014) stresses the importance of weekly meetings when it comes to improving quality in a company. Even if there is a feeling that everything was discussed the previous week, bringing people together every week will ensure that everyone is on the same page when it comes to the current projects, and if any questions arise, there will be a platform to discuss them. Another good thing to do in order to improve quality is creating a quality chart, which aims at categorizing the quality issues in order to be able to come up with a plan on how to tackle them. Greenblatt (2014) advocates for focusing on the big, most prevalent issues, not on the most unusual ones that stand out, as the ones which are the most common carry the most threat. Last but not least, it is good to make the quality results public within the company; meaning, for them to be visible to all employees. Being transparent about the progress in terms of quality issues will make everyone aware of its importance, and will also give credit to the team working on it, which boosts motivation to tackle other issues coming the company's way in the future. Summary and Conclusions Taking everything into consideration, it can be noted that the well known Japanese automaker, Toyota, is currently one of the most successful companies in the world. It did have some stumbling blocks en route to success, but it managed to face them, and rise even stronger. Toyota values innovation and pragmatism, and has always been very observant to what the needs of the consumers were, creating cars for everyone. Toyota can serve as a great pattern to follow for many other companies, but what is crucial to remember, is that it achieved its success through decades of hard work and constant improvements, never taking that success for granted. Applying some of the strategies and approaches that Toyota has been using may be beneficial for other companies, as long as they remember about the importance of quality, and work on improving it constantly. References Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall Klara, R. (2017). Why Toyota, the car company, now wants to be known more as a ‘mobility’ company. New campaign signals critical shift in positioning. Retrieved from: https://www.adweek.com/brand-marketing/why-toyota-the-car-company-now-wants-to-be-known-more-as-a-mobility-company/ Stewart, T. A. and Raman, A. P. (2007). Lessons from Toyota’s long drive. Retrieved from: https://hbr.org/2007/07/lessons-from-toyotas-long-drive Greenblatt, D. (2014). 5 steps to improve quality no matter what you produce. Whether you sell widgets or whiz-bang ideas, success hinges on a quality product. Retrieved from: https://www.inc.com/drew-greenblatt/5-steps-to-improve-quality.html Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość tyfffyyv Napisano Czerwiec 20, 2019 Read "Coca-Cola” on pp. 610-611. Submit answers to the following in essay form. 1. What does Coca-Cola stand for? Is it the same for everyone? Explain. 2. Coca-Cola has successfully marketed to billions of people around the world. Why is it so successful? 3. Can Pepsi or any other company ever surpass Coca-Cola? Why or why not? What are Coca-Cola's greatest risks? Assignment requires 2 - 3 pages responding to the above questions including an introduction and conclusion. Also add a title and references page in APA format. For potential full credit, make use of marketing concepts from the readings and other sources, Papers must have at least two (2) references of credible marketing theory, one from the text book. Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość yfuufuffuh Napisano Czerwiec 20, 2019 1. What does Coca-Cola stand for? Is it the same for everyone? Explain. 2. Coca-Cola has successfully marketed to billions of people around the world. Why is it so successful? 3. Can Pepsi or any other company ever surpass Coca-Cola? Why or why not? What are Coca-Cola's greatest risks? Coca-Cola unites people all over the world It is safe to say that most people in the world know what Coca-Cola is. In fact, according to Kotler & Keller (2016), it is the second word next to "okay" that is widely understood across cultures. Ever since the invention of this carbonated soft drink in the late 19th century in the United States, its popularity never stopped growing, despite some hurdles in the way such as an experiment with a sweeter Coca-Cola that was not appreciated by the public and had to be withdrawn from the market. The values of Coca-Cola Coca-Cola is embraced by people all over the world, coming from different backgrounds, cultures, and customs. However, the values the brand stands for, apply to the majority of people in general. According to The Coca-Cola Company, the brand swears by the following values: Leadership: The courage to shape a better future Collaboration: Leverage collective genius Integrity: Be real Accountability: If it is to be, it's up to me Passion: Committed in heart and mind Diversity: As inclusive as our brands Quality: What we do, we do well These values are valid in every culture, even if they are manifested differently. The reason why they resonate with the consumers so well might be the fact that many of these values reflect what many people aspire to be; for example; to have the confidence to be oneself and to go after what one believes in; and to be passionate and accountable for ones actions. The success of Coca-Cola There are many reasons behind Coca-Cola's success. According to Kotler & Keller (2016), the first steps towards success came after the brand promised a bottle of the beverage for every military person during … That is how the drink gained international exposure and began to win over other cultures. The main goal of the brand's marketing has always been to unite the people over a drink of Coca-Cola. For decades, TV commercials focusing on bringing people together, accompanied by happy, uplifting melodies, resulted in consumers' interest and enthusiasm. A song used in the commercial from the year … was number one in the charts thanks to the exposure Coca-Cola provided. The brand has been the main sponsor of many sports events for many years, such as the Olympics, …. What is more, Coca-Cola's marketers understand that even though the values the company stands for apply to many different cultures, the way the product is marketed (for e.g. TV commercials) may have to be different for some cultures. That is why the brand prepared a different marketing campaign for China in order to keep the clientele happy and intrigued. Coca-Cola's risks and competitors Summary and Conclusions References Kotler, P. and Keller, K. L. (2016). Marketing management (15th edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall https://www.coca-colacompany.com/our-company/mission-vision-values Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość guyguyguy Napisano Czerwiec 21, 2019 3. Can Pepsi or any other company ever surpass Coca-Cola? Why or why not? What are Coca-Cola's greatest risks? Coca-Cola's competitors, and the brand's greatest risks Whenever one thinks of Coca-Cola's competitors, Pepsi is usually the first brand that comes to mind. https://money.cnn.com/magazines/fortune/fortune_archive/2006/02/06/8367964/index.htm https://www.businessinsider.com/how-pepsi-lost-cola-war-against-coke-2012-5#in-the-1990s-people-found-syringes-in-cans-in-more-than-20-states-3 https://www.businessinsider.com/what-is-the-future-for-the-coca-cola-brand-soda-sales-decline-2015-4 Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach
Gość Alicja Napisano Czerwiec 22, 2019 Jedenaście lat męczyłam się z nadwagą było wiele prób zrzucenia balastu ale niestety nieudanych. Branie Slimunox potraktowałam jako ostatnia deskę ratunku.I było bardzo dobrze chudłam z tygodnia na tydzień.Od ponad półtora roku jestem z wyglądu zupełnie inną osoba.W końcu jestem szczupła i szczęśliwa. Udostępnij ten post Link to postu Udostępnij na innych stronach