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Dieta kopenhaska

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Gość weronika19
ej co tu tak cicho ?????):)

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Gość ododlig__
ja "koncze" i dzien i jestem strasznie glodna ... robie ta diete po raz 2 i dwa lata temu bylo lepiej... :(

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ja zaczynam dzisiaj waga 68kg wczesniej tez sie delikatnie odchydzałam spadłam 7 kilo ktore nie wroziły mam nadzieje ze tym razem tez bedzie dobrze trzymajcie kciuki!!!;)

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Gość Nika_Wro.
Cześć dziewczyny, ja planuję od poniedziałku zacząć dietę kopenhaską (mobilizuję się od świąt :P). Mam pytanie natury technicznej... Lunch i obiad przypadają akurat na godziny, kiedy będę w pracy. Myślę, że nie jestem z tym problemem sama? Jak sobie radzicie? Jak pakujecie jedzenie? Przecież nie zapakuję jajek, szpinaku i befsztyku w folię aluminiową :/

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Nie wiem czy już ktoś o to pytał. czy mogę zamiast kawy z cukrem pić kawę z mlekiem gorzką (bo nie cierpię z cukrem)? I dwa, mięso można jeść pieczone?? Jakie? Karczek,schab?? Czy tylko jakaś wołowina i polędwica?? I czy zamiast szpinaku może być inne warzywo czym ew zastąpić?

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Witajcie Drogie Panie! Dzisiaj zaczynam pierwszy dzień i właściwie przymierzałam się do niego ok. tygodnia, ponieważ jestem chora, a z tego co się dowiedziałam przy tej diecie nie można brać leków. Przeziębienie nie przeszło mi do końca, ale czuję się odrobinę lepiej, a ze względu na to, iż pozostał mi tylko tydzień do rozpoczęcia studiów( to mój I rok), więc muszę jak najszybciej pozbyć się zbędnych kg. Chciałabym wrócić do wagi 58 kg, ponieważ przez moje odchudzanie i po części bulimię przytyłam i aktualnie ważę 68kg. Nie mogę się z tym pogodzić, czuję się okropnie, także ta dieta będzie wstępem do tego, aby nabrać dobrych nawyków i jeść normalne porcje w wyznaczonych godzinach. Często jest tak, że gdy się odchudzamy nie widzimy szybko efektów i ten fakt zaprowadził mnie do bulimii, bo gdy starałam się nie widząc efektów, totalnie się załamywałam. Teraz chcę schudnąć i mieć efekt, a później starać się go utrzymać( A nie rzucić się na jedzenie). 1. nie zastępujcie żadnych produktów z tej diety innymi, bo nie będziecie miały tak dobrych efektów. 2. nie można pić kawy z mlekiem. Lepiej już odstaw cukier i pij gorzką. 3. Najlepiej zawiń w pozłotko i wrzuć do piekarnika, albo usmaż( lekko), nie gotuj, bo traci wartości odżywcze, białko zostaje w wodzie. 4. wołowina, chuda, bez żyłek. 5 szpinak ewentualnie brokułami, ale najlepiej przełamać się i zjeść szpinak.

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Gość vKiciav
Hej Nika_Wro, ja też zaczynam od poniedziałku. Trzymam kciuki za Ciebie;) Powodzenia!

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Gość barakakakak
ale nika pisala to rok temu... :)

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jestem jestem jeszcze ja ! :-D dziś mija mój 3 dzień :-) mi też posiłki przypadają na czas kiedy jestem w pracy. Szpinak zabieram w pojemniczek po serku homo 500g :-) odgrzewam potem w mikrofali w szklance:-) jajka ugotowane w szczelny plastikowy pojemnik, tak samo sałata . Wszystko da się tak właśnie zanieść do pracy i spożyć :-) Mam nadzieję że zrzucę ok. 6 kg bo tyle dokładnie do szczęścia mi brakuje :-) Przez 2 dni uciekł już 1 kg więc może będzie dobrze :-)

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Ja dzisiaj zaczelam dzien 1 :) Kiedys pare lat temu schudlam na tej diecie kolo 7-8kg i powiem ze na prawde dobrze sie czulam. Waga utrzymywala mi sie dugo po i nie mialam ochoty na zle jedzenie przez dlugi czas. Teraz mi sie troszke przytylo po 2 latach wiec dzisiaj zaczynam znowu. Trzymajcie kciuki. pozdrawiam

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Your company supplies ceramic floor tile to Home Depot, Lowe's, and other home improvement stores. You have been asked to start using radio frequency identification tags (RFID) on each case of tiles you ship to help your customers improve the management of your products and those of other suppliers in their warehouse.


1.    Use the Web to identify the cost of hardware, software, and networking components for an RFID system for your company?


According to Hunt, Puglia, and Puglia (2007), “radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is a wireless communication technology that enables users to uniquely identify tagged objects or people” (p. xi). According to Ray (2018), when speaking of RFID costs in general, one should take into consideration equipment, installation, tag, software, ongoing license, maintenance, and integrator costs. Prices of RFID readers may vary, but one should think of an amount between $1500 and even 20000, taking into consideration hardware, software, and networking components for an RFID system for the company.


reader could run around $1,000, and when additional reader and cabling costs are considered, your passive RFID system could total at $3,000 per reader in a manufacturing setting.



2.    What factors should be considered?


3.    What are the key decisions that have to be made in determining whether your firm should adopt this technology?



Hunt, V. D., Puglia, A., Puglia, M. (2007). RFID: A guide to radio frequency identification. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons


Ray, B. (2018). A Breakdown Of 7 RFID Costs, From Hardware To Implementation. Retrieved from:


DQ Set 1:


Toronto-based Mercedes-Benz, Canada, with a network of 55 dealers, did not know enough about the customers. Dealers provided customer data to the company on an ad hoc basis. Mercedes did not force dealers to report this information. There was no real incentive for dealers to share information with the company.


1.    How could CRM and PRM systems solve this problem?




Toronto-based Mercedes-Benz, Canada, with a network of 55 dealers, did not know enough about the customers. Dealers provided customer data to the company on an ad hoc basis. Mercedes did not force dealers to report this information. There was no real incentive for dealers to share information with the company.


1.     What is the role of knowledge management and knowledge management programs?


a.    Define knowledge management and explain its value to businesses


b.    Describe the important dimensions of knowledge.


c.    Distinguish between data, knowledge, and wisdom and between tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge.


d.    Describe the stages in the knowledge management value chain.



2.    What types of systems are used for enterprise-wide knowledge management and how do they provide value for businesses?


a.    Define and describe the various types of enterprise-wide knowledge management systems and how they provide value for businesses.


b.    Describe the role of the following in facilitating knowledge management portals, wikis, social bookmarking, and learning management systems.






DQ Set 1: Case Study: Honam Petrochemical's Quest for Better Management Reports (pg. 524)


1.    List and describe the information requirements of HPC's new management system. What problems were the new system designed to solve?


2.    To what extent were "people” problems affecting management decision-making at HPC? What were some of the management, organization, and technology issues that had to be addressed by the new system? How did the system's designers make the system more "people-friendly”?


3.    What role did end users play in developing HPC's new system? How did the project team make sure users were involved? What would have happened to the project if they had not done this?


4.    What other steps did HPC take to make sure the system was successful?


5.    What types of system-building methods and tools did HPC use for building its system?


6.    What were the benefits of the new system? How did it change the way Honam ran its business? How successful was this system solution?





DQ Set 1: Case Study: Hasbro Develops Global Strategy (pg. 577)


1.    What problems was Hasbro having with its legacy SAP/R3 enterprise resource planning (ERP) system installed in the 1990s and how did it affect its operations and global strategy?

2.    What management, organization, and technology issues did Hasbro address in order to implement a new global systems strategy?

3.    Describe Hasbro's new global systems and the problems they solved. How did they improve operations and management decision making?




DQ Set 2:


Your company manufactures and sells tennis rackets and would like to start selling outside the United States. You are in charge of developing a global Web strategy and the first countries you are thinking of targeting are Brazil, China, Germany, Italy, and Japan.


1.    Using the statistics in the CIA World Fact Book, which of these countries would you target first? Provide rationale.


2.    What criteria did you use?


3.    What other considerations should you address in your Web strategy?


4.    What features would you put on your Web site to attract buyers from the countries you target?





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Gość nazwaaa

FINAL PAPER. Due Sunday 11:59 P.M. (PST). Note: Many assignments use the Turnitin Drop Box. Make sure the browser's pop-up blocker has been temporarily disabled while using TurnItIn. If the pop-up blocker is on, certain aspects of TurnItIn may not work correctly.

For the Final, each student will select two (2) short-essay topics from the list below. Your assignment is to write what you have learned so far in each of the four selected topic areas.  You will be graded on your knowledge of the given topic, the depth written upon each topic area, and of course the quality of your answer - correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

1.    How are information systems transforming business and what is their relationship to globalization?
2.    What is the difference between e-business, e-commerce, and e-government?
3.    What are the challenges posed by strategic information systems and how should they be addressed?
4.    What are some important database design principles?
5.    Why are radio frequency identification (RFID) and wireless sensor networks valuable for business?
6.    What are the components of an organizational framework for security and control?
7.    How do supply chain management systems coordinate planning, production, and logistics with suppliers?
8.    How has internet technology changed business models?
9.    What are the business benefits of using intelligent techniques for knowledge management?

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1. Select a domestic or international company and analyze its strategy and explain in detail which of the 15 grand strategies it employs?

2. What are the differences between horizontal and vertical acquisition? Between a joint venture and a strategic alliance? Between product development and innovation?

3. How can a firm pursue both low-cost leadership and differentiation strategies simultaneously? Can you present an example?

4. Do you think it is better to concentrate on one source of competitive advantage (cost versus differentiation, versus focus, versus speed) or to nurture multiples in a firm’s operation?


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3. How can a firm pursue both low-cost leadership and differentiation strategies simultaneously? Can you present an example?


It is possible for a firm to pursue low-cost leadership and differentiation strategies simultaneously, and such a combination is often recommended. Such a hybrid approach might be especially beneficial when there is an increase in global competition. Using a hybrid strategy allows a given company to adapt quicker to the market, as well as leverage core competencies, help with the production of goods in terms of costs when compared to their competitors. An example of low-cost leadership and differentiation strategies simultaneously in use could be flat fee realtor services, such as Flat Fee Group - Yager Realty of California. Such services offer a good alternative to regular realtors that are legally allowed up to 6% commission per transaction.



4. Do you think it is better to concentrate on one source of competitive advantage (cost versus differentiation, versus focus, versus speed) or to nurture multiples in a firm’s operation?


Deciding whether it is better to concentrate on one source of competitive advantage (cost versus differentiation, versus focus, versus speed) or to nurture multiples in a firm’s operation should depend on the situation of the life cycle of a given company. It is believed that in the beginning stages of a firm it is better to be concentrated  on just one source of competitive advantage. In the following stages it is more beneficial for companies to nurture multiple sources in a company’s operation. An example of a company that concentrates on one source of competitive advantage could be Amazon Prime, which uses speed as its competitive advantage - it offers a delivery within hours.



It is challenging question for strategic managers, whether it is better to concentrate on one source of competitive advantage (either cost, differentiation, focus or speed) or to nurture multiples in a firm’s operation. I personally think that it depends on the situation or life cycle of the firms. At introduction and growth phases, it is better to concentrate on one source of competitive advantage. However, later phases such as maturity and growth stages, it is better to nurture multiple sources in a firm’s operation

It is true that a firm that has multiple advantages (cost and differentiation and speed, for example) is obviously better off than one that has a single source of advantage. However, it is clear that the skills required to support each strategy are quite different. It may be difficult for a firm to compete on all three. Hence, having said this, nurturing all the strategies in a firm’s operations is very hard to achieve along with high risks and challenges. Thus, I think that it is better to concentrate on one source of competitive advantage at one time when firms are operating effectively and competitively than its rivals, and it should focus on multiple sources when firms are at maturity and decline stage of life cycles, and not performing well in comparison to its rivals then it should strive to nurture the multiple sources to gain sustainable market share.  


Pearce II, J.A.,& Robinson, R.B. (2012). Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation, and Control. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.





Pearce II, J.A.,& Robinson, R.B. (2012). Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation, and Control. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.


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Gość lol

1. How does strategic analysis at the corporate level differ from strategic analysis at the business level?

2. What is the portfolio approach? How would multi-business companies find it useful? What are the limitations and weakness of this approach?

3. How do functional tactics differ from corporate and business strategies?

4. What key concerns must functional tactics address in marketing? finance? production/operations? R&D? and human resources?



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How does strategic analysis at the corporate level differ from strategic analysis at the business level?


2. What is the portfolio approach? How would multi-business companies find it useful? What are the limitations and weakness of this approach?


3. How do functional tactics differ from corporate and business strategies?


4. What key concerns must functional tactics address in marketing? finance? production/operations? R&D? and human resources?





How does strategic analysis at the corporate level differ from strategic analysis at the business level?


Strategic analysis is concerned with whether a business or corporate achieves its competitive advantage by leveraging its core competencies that has been previously expected to arise. It is true that a competitive advantage can only be achieved by outperforming in some aspects of business at a lower cost than its competitors. For example, Samsung Inc. when focuses on just mobile industry, selling a mobile at a profit is concerned with business level strategy whereas when it focuses on which business units to keep (e.g. Mobile industry) and which to sell (e.g. outsourcing of battery) is concerned with corporate level strategy. Other major differences are highlighted as follows:


Strategic Analysis at the corporate level: The corporate level strategy is a top level strategy comprised of a broad of directors, chief executive, and administrative officers that is made up of multiple business units, operating in multiple markets (Pearce II, J.A.,& Robinson, R.B., 2012). It mainly deals with strategic domain choice so as to involve in such business which could maximize the value to stakeholders.


Having said this, it strives to answer the question, how we structure the overall business so that all of its parts create more value i.e. synergy than they would individually? At this level, it is important to think how all these businesses fit together and how resources should be deployed to create a strong corporate value.

Some of the important tools used in this analysis are porter’s generic strategies, Boston Matrix, ADL Matrix and VRIO analysis and so on.


The organization’s design at this level of strategy corporates how organizational resources such as people, money, machine, material are allocated to gain a competitive advantage and support strategic goals.



Strategic Analysis at the corporate level is often viewed as a top level strategy that consists of a chief executive, a board of directors, and of administrative officers, who operate together in multiple markets. (Pearce II & Robinson, 2012). The main goal is to increase the value to stakeholders as much as possible. It is usually aimed to bring all the parts of the business together and make them create more value together, than they would create separately; so the goal is to create a strong corporate value. The tools used in this type of analysis could be some of the following: Boston Matrix, VRIO analysis, ADL Matrix, and Porter’s generic strategies.




Strategic Analysis at the business level: The business level strategy is a middle level strategy comprised of business and corporate managers (Pearce II, J.A.,& Robinson, R.B., 2012). It basically deals with specific business units that is formulated in order to gain a competitive advantage in the specific industry. It addresses the question like how do we win in this market? It is important to think that how a business unit can meet their customers’ need in the best possible way by using its core competencies. Some of the important tools used in this level are USP analysis, Porter’s Five Forces model, and SWOT analysis. Using these tools, a business unit can know how to strengthen the business competitive position by addressing the opportunities and threats in the particular market.

In conclusion, strategies for a firm may be classified by the level of the organization responsible for the strategy. Corporate-level strategies concern top management and address strategic issues of facing the organization as a corporate whole whereas business-level strategies deal with major business units or divisions of the corporate portfolio. Business-level strategies are generally developed by upper and middle-level business unit managers, in negotiation on key targets with the top corporate managers, and are intended to help the organization achieve its corporate level strategy.





Pearce II, J.A.,& Robinson, R.B. (2012). Strategic Management: Formulation, Implementation, and Control. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

(n.d.) Retrieved from

(n.d.) Retrieved from






Strategic analysis at the corporate level centers on domain choice. The key

question addressed is: what businesses should we be in that would maximize value to our

stockholders? Related to this question is the issue of resource allocation among the

business owned. In contrast, business unit strategy focuses on creating competitive

advantage in the industry. The two levels of strategy are related because decisions about

resource allocation at the corporate level will affect the choices at the business unit level.


3. How do functional tactics differ from corporate and business strategies?


1.1 Differences Between Business Strategies and Functional Tactics


- Functional tactics are different from business or …show more content…

That manager typically delegates the development of functional tactics to subordinates charged with running the operating areas of the business. The manager of a business unit must establish long- term objectives and a strategy that corporate management feels contributes to corporate level goals. Similarly, key-operating managers must establish short- term objectives and operating strategies that contribute to business level goals. Just as business strategies and objectives are approved through negotiation between corporate managers and business managers, so too, are short-term objectives and functional tactics approved through negotiation between business managers and operating managers.


Involving operating managers in the development of functional tactics improves their understanding of what must be done to achieve long- term objectives and thus, contributes to successful implementation. It also helps ensure that functional tactics reflect the reality of the day-to-day operating situation. Most importantly it can increase the commitment of operating managers to the strategies developed.




Functional tactics are the key, routine activities that must be undertaken in each functional area that is human resource management, marketing, finance, production/operations and research and development to provide the business ‘s products and services. Hence functional tactics translate thought (grand strategy) into action designed to accomplish specific short- term objectives. Every value chain activity in a company executes functional tactics that support the business’s strategy and help accomplish strategic objectives.


1.1 Differences Between Business Strategies and Functional Tactics


Ø Functional tactics are different from business or corporate strategies in three fundamental ways:


i. Time horizon.


ii. Specificity.


iii. Participants who develop them.


Time Horizon


Ø Functional tactics identify activities to be undertaken “now” or in the immediate future. Business strategies focus on the firm’s posture three to five years out.


Ø The shorter time horizon of functional tactics is critical to the successful implementation of a business strategy for two reasons.


i. First, it focuses the attention of functional managers on what needs to be done now to make the business strategy work.


ii. Secondly, it allows functional managers to adjust to changing current conditions.




Functional tactics are more specific than business strategies. Business strategies provide general direction. Functional tactics identify the specific activities that are to be undertaken in each functional area and thus allow operating managers to work out how their unit is expected to pursue short-term objectives.


Ø Helping ensure that functional managers know what needs to be done and can focus on accomplishing results.


Ø Clarifying for top management how functional managers intend to accomplish the business strategy, which increases top management’s confidence in and sense of control over the business strategy.


Ø Facilitating coordination among operating units within the firm by clarifying areas of interdependence and potential conflict.



Strategic Analysis at the corporate level is often viewed as a top level strategy that consists of a chief executive, a board of directors, and of administrative officers, who operate together in multiple markets. (Pearce II & Robinson, 2012). The main goal is to increase the value to stakeholders as much as possible. It is usually aimed to bring all the parts of the business together and make them create more value together, than they would create separately; so the goal is to create a strong corporate value. The tools used in this type of analysis could be some of the following: Boston Matrix, VRIO analysis, ADL Matrix, and Porter’s generic strategies.



Strategic Analysis at the business level is considered a middle level; strategy where business and corporate managers come together to reach competitive advantage in a given industry. The goal here is to meet the customers' needs by the use of core competencies of a given business unit. In order to achieve that, some specific tools that help assess the strengths and weaknesses of a given business can be used. Some of them are: SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces model, and USP analysis.

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1. How do simpler organizational structures (such as those shown in Exhibit 11.3) differ from more complex organizational structures (such as those shown in Exhibits 11.4 and 11.5)? What are the pros and cons of each?

2. What are the pros and cons of outsourcing? When is it desirable and necessary?

3. From your own experience, describe what you consider to be essential qualities for a good leader and a bad leader, and give an example of how each affects leadership.

4. How do you think corporate culture develops: ‘trickle down’ (from top management down to entry-level employees), or ‘grass roots’ (entry-level up to top management? How can organizational culture be created, influenced, and changed?

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Case # 27  TiVo, Inc.: TiVo vs. Cable and Satellite DVR; Can TiVo Survive?




For some people, TiVo is a very delicate addition to the entertainment sets at home, not just as a DVR, but as a product that feels a place of belonging in someone’s home where that someone could relate to and rave about what TiVo is and does on and on. For some others, however, the motivation and willingness is just not there.

TiVo started from a dream full of hopes, experiencing many rollercoaster adrenaline and milestones and now when HD TiVo was launched to the public, many people still find it troublesome in regards to the installation procedures, because the necessity of WiFi, an embedded technology of wireless local area networks that is developed for mobile devices and services. Nowadays that more and more public places as well as homes have their own speedy and wireless internet broadband and that by 2007, HD TV trend in particular is expected to reach 24 Million US households, will this change people’s perception of TiVo and help TiVo pick up its losses to be profitable in many years to come?

As for the box itself, with the $799 price tag, TiVo really competes as a high end product in the DVR industry. As the HD products such as, HDTV, HD DVD, Blu-Ray, as well as HD Audio products, becomes mainstream and decrease in prices, will there be actually enough people who choose to buy TiVo at a premium price that enables users to receive an independent box that they could keep, or would people rather choose the DVR offered by cable and satellite companies, aka. TiVo’s competitors?



1. To understand the business life cycle of a “TiVo-like” industries which are hi-tech companies, and the trends of the industry itself (Chapter 4: The External Environment).

2. To understand the typical paradigm of hi-tech products and companies, which typically operate with extreme demands fluctuations and competitive pressure (Chapter 4: The External Environment).

3. To describe how a technology company such as TiVo formulates it strategy in its basic business (Chapter 8: Business Strategy) and its related businesses (Chapter 9: Multibusiness Strategy).


Chapter 4 (The External Environment), Chapter 8 (Business Strategy), and Chapter 9 (Multibusiness Strategy).




1. People might think that a company with a truly revolutionary product and deeply devoted customers wouldn't have to fret about mere survival, but TiVo does. Why?



2. Will TiVo become a great company with a big name in the future of hi-tech industry and further more become a pop culture or Will it go down in history with its one time fame?



3. What do you do when the product you pioneered is being sold better, and for less, by someone else?



4. a. What is the main marketing strategy for TiVo?


b. And is the strategy sufficient to bring glory or at least give the profitability for TiVo?



c. Finally, are changes needed in order for TiVo to perform better, in terms of marketing their product?



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Case # 27  TiVo, Inc.: TiVo vs. Cable and Satellite DVR; Can TiVo Survive?




For some people, TiVo is a very delicate addition to the entertainment sets at home, not just as a DVR, but as a product that feels a place of belonging in someone’s home where that someone could relate to and rave about what TiVo is and does on and on. For some others, however, the motivation and willingness is just not there.

TiVo started from a dream full of hopes, experiencing many rollercoaster adrenaline and milestones and now when HD TiVo was launched to the public, many people still find it troublesome in regards to the installation procedures, because the necessity of WiFi, an embedded technology of wireless local area networks that is developed for mobile devices and services. Nowadays that more and more public places as well as homes have their own speedy and wireless internet broadband and that by 2007, HD TV trend in particular is expected to reach 24 Million US households, will this change people’s perception of TiVo and help TiVo pick up its losses to be profitable in many years to come?

As for the box itself, with the $799 price tag, TiVo really competes as a high end product in the DVR industry. As the HD products such as, HDTV, HD DVD, Blu-Ray, as well as HD Audio products, becomes mainstream and decrease in prices, will there be actually enough people who choose to buy TiVo at a premium price that enables users to receive an independent box that they could keep, or would people rather choose the DVR offered by cable and satellite companies, aka. TiVo’s competitors?



1. To understand the business life cycle of a “TiVo-like” industries which are hi-tech companies, and the trends of the industry itself (Chapter 4: The External Environment).

2. To understand the typical paradigm of hi-tech products and companies, which typically operate with extreme demands fluctuations and competitive pressure (Chapter 4: The External Environment).

3. To describe how a technology company such as TiVo formulates it strategy in its basic business (Chapter 8: Business Strategy) and its related businesses (Chapter 9: Multibusiness Strategy).


Chapter 4 (The External Environment), Chapter 8 (Business Strategy), and Chapter 9 (Multibusiness Strategy).




1. People might think that a company with a truly revolutionary product and deeply devoted customers wouldn't have to fret about mere survival, but TiVo does. Why?



2. Will TiVo become a great company with a big name in the future of hi-tech industry and further more become a pop culture or Will it go down in history with its one time fame?



3. What do you do when the product you pioneered is being sold better, and for less, by someone else?



4. a. What is the main marketing strategy for TiVo?


b. And is the strategy sufficient to bring glory or at least give the profitability for TiVo?



c. Finally, are changes needed in order for TiVo to perform better, in terms of marketing their product?



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What do you do when the product you pioneered is being sold better, and for less, by someone else?

According to Ogg (2006), the answer seems to be to join the competitor in a way; that is how TiVo joined Comcast in hopes of increasing revenue.

What is the main marketing strategy for TiVo?


And is the strategy sufficient to bring glory or at least give the profitability for TiVo?


Finally, are changes needed in order for TiVo to perform better, in terms of marketing their product?

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Gość huhuhu

What do you do when the product you pioneered is being sold better, and for less, by someone else?


According to Ogg (2006), the answer seems to be to join the competitor in a way; that is how TiVo joined Comcast in hopes of increasing revenue.


What is the main marketing strategy for TiVo?


After learning that there is a limited awareness about the product and its functionality, TiVo picked a positioning strategy to address these issues and to become a more user-friendly device. Positioning TiVo as a better VCR that delivers a unique experience has a potential to change how it is viewed, and in turn, generate more sales.


And is the strategy sufficient to bring glory or at least give the profitability for TiVo?

The strategy has potential to bring glory and profitability for TiVo. The company should focus on making sure that the potential customers know of TiVo, and how it works, because these two factors seem to be responsible for not generating amazing sales thus far.


Finally, are changes needed in order for TiVo to perform better, in terms of marketing their product?


It would be a risk not to change anything in terms of marketing TiVo, because there is a chance that more people would learn about TiVo and get intrigued enough to want to try it and purchase it without any new marketing moves, but this might as well not happen, and TiVo would become forgotten. Trying out a new marketing strategy will cause the product to become more visible, so more people will know about it, and having its functionality presented in a more understandable manner will also encourage people to want to try it out in their households.

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Gość eurfhoerh

1. Distinguish between strategic control and operating control. Give an example of each.

2. Why do most breakthrough innovations occur in smaller firms?

3. What is the difference between continuous improvement and breakthrough innovation? What are the risks and rewards associated with each approach?

4. What is an entrepreneur? How is the entrepreneur different from the inventor, promoter, and administrator? Describe any entrepreneurial experiences you might have had.


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Gość gtfjd

1. Distinguish between strategic control and operating control. Give an example of each.

According to Higley (2019), when speaking of strategic control, one has to look at the strategy of a given process from the beginning to the end, so starting with how it is implemented, and assessing its effectiveness. That is how areas that could or should be improved can be easily spotted. When it comes to operational control, one is looking at everyday operation processes.

According to Quain (2019), one of the types of strategic control is special alert control, which can be used when a given company encounters problems. Instead of changing a given company's entire strategy, the firm can respond to the rough series of events through special alert control. An example can be Lufthansa airline, which, just like most airlines after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, had to toughen its security protocol and add safety measures to passenger screenings.

An example of operating control can be the publications of Apple's quarterly results.


Higley, S. (2019). Differences between strategic control and operating control. Retrieved from

Quain, S. (2019). What are the four types of strategic control? Retrieved from

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Gość yooo

1. Define working capital and state why it is important. Explain the difference between NOPAT and net income. Which is a better measure of the performance of a firm's operations and why?


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Gość odp

1. Define working capital and state why it is important. Explain the difference between NOPAT and net income. Which is a better measure of the performance of a firm's operations and why?

The funds available to a given firm can be referred to as working capital. Working capital is used for the day-to-day operations, and is looked at to assess company's liquidity, therefore it is of great importance to company’s fundamental financial health as well as its operational success.

NOPAT, so net operating profit after tax is a given firm's potential cash earnings given that the company has no debt. Net income is in other words net earnings which are calculated by subtracting the expenses such as the cost of the products sold, operating and administrative expenses, etc., from the sales. Net income shows how profitable a given company is, therefore it is a better measure of a firm's operations.



Kagan, J. (2018). Net Operating Profit After Tax - NOPAT. Retrieved from

Kashoo Team. (2014). What is working capital and why is it important? Retrieved from

Kenton, Will. (2019). Net Income - NI. Retrieved from

Hawley, J. (2018). Why working capital management matters. Retrieved from



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Gość dfjd

3. DQ 3: What is the importance of consideration? Why have courts created the necessity of consideration for the formation of a contract? Do you agree or disagree with this doctrine?


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