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King MJ... przyznac sie kto sie popłakał ogladajac to...

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Gość czy wierzycie że on żyje
Co do wybielania skóry....nie wierzę by to było możliwe, zresztą można rozjaśnić twarz jakimiś środkami ale nie sądzę by komuś chciało się smarować całe ciało, poza tym naturalne środki dają tymczasowy efekt mam na myśli naturalne środki typu maseczki z ogórka, poziomek, soku z porzeczek itp zazwyczaj stosowane w celu wybielania piegów, dają efekty ale nadal trzeba unikać słońca melanina znajduje się w głębszych warstwach skóry i można ją usunąć jedynie "mechanicznie" kiedyś widziałam na jakimś filmie że w dawnych czasach gdy ludzie uważali że "Czarni" nie są nawet ludźmi i nie mają duszy, jakiś lekarz robiąc sekcję zwłok specjalnie zademonstrował że skóra Murzynów niczym nie różni się od skóry białych, po usunięciu melaniny.....brrrrrr okropne to było, dosłownie wydrapywał ten barwnik czymś ostrym z kawałka skóry więc raczej nie sądzę że możlie jest trwałe wybielenie chemiczne, być może jest jakaś forma terapii genowej, naświetlanie itp ale i tak sądzę że efekty mogłyby być co najmniej zagrażające zdrowiu i życiu

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Gość czy wierzycie że on żyje
By was trochę rozweselić, scenka z Rush Hour2, Chris Tucker śpiewa "Don't stop til you get enough" Michaela zawsze gdy to oglądam płaczę ze śmiechu

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Gość Miedzy koncem 70
a bad bylo widac dokladnie te jego chorobe. on mial czarny nos, skore wokol oczu i ust. biedny. zaden makijaz nie zrownywal dobrze koloru.nie wiem czym on sobie wybielil te ciemne partie.nie wiem jak to do operacji to nie mial chyba tak wiele..

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Gość klein ostatnio
wygaduje jakies bzdury o Michaelu.kilka dni temu stwierdzil, ze wie dlaczego chandler potrafil opisac okolice intymne Michaela,ale z zadnym molestowaniem nie ma to nic wspolnego.z tym,ze to co powiedzial bylo niesmaczne i niemozliwe...

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Gość To fakt ze z czarnego
stal sie bialy troche potegowal wrazenie operacji plastycznych.dodatkowo zmiana fryzur. on wcale tak bardzo nie zmienil na twarzy sie gdy porownac zdjecia.gdybym byla na jego miejscu pewnie tez zmniejszylabym sobie nos.

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Znacie pewnie ten przypadek:,g31b022bf3077845/i737685.jpg Nie da sie ukryc,że się wygląda duzo inaczej jesli kolor skóry sie zmieni.. Z tego co wiem to MJ operował nos (na jego miejscu tez bym pewnie go sobie chciala zmniejszyc), przy ustach tez cos grzebal no i wydaje mi sie, że przy policzkach.. Co do Chandlera: skąd potrafiłby opisac okolice intymne MJ...Dziwne.

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Gość no właśnie ponoć opisał
w jakichś zeznaniach i według Kleina jordan widział to, ponieważ Michael miał dziwaczny zwyczaj:O ten facet już dwa razy w ciągu ostatnich dni pieprzył głupoty na żywo na tmz i nadal uważa się za przyjaciela MJa

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Gość przy dolnej wardze na pewno
grzebał. nawet potem było widać pod nią zarys tego dokąd sięgała wcześniej. a ostatnio chyba znów zobie powiększył trochę.... Rozumiem całkowicie to zmniejszenie nosa, ale czemu nie poprzestał na etapie Bad...? wiecznie niezadowolony z siebie... a przecież on był takim ładnym facetem

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Gość ale jaki miał zwyczaj

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Gość odetchnęłam z ulgą kiedy
przeglądałam potem pudelka i nie powtórzył tego co było na tmz... To jest niesmaczne i nie podobne do Michaela. nie wiem co ten Klein sobie myśli, ale on twierdzi, że MJ lubił sikać publicznie:O litości:O a to jest wywiad z wczoraj a ta wypowiedź była chyba gdzieś w tym wywiadzie mam dość tego faceta :D

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Udostępnij na innych stronach Maskara z tym sikaniem :/ Ten cały Klein ogólnie jakis przygłupawy sie wydaje. Jeśli chodzi o operacje to juz nie raz tu chyba pisalam, że mial zostac na etapie Bad czy Dangerous! :( Nie podobal mi sie w okresie Invinicible..nie wiem co to za operacje wtedy przeszedl, w kazdym razie niekorzystne..

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A ja mam do Was pytanie.. Jak sie nazywa piosenka Michaela Jacksona którą śpiewała Ewa Farna w Szansie na sukces? Ostatnio było wspomnienie MJ właśnie w tym programie i gwiazdy śpiewały Jego piosenki...

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Gość ta piosenka toooooooo
Black or white

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Kurczę, to takie wzruszające... Ja też się popłakałam, i to strasznie,ale nie z powodu Michaela, tylko tych kobiet, które tak się cieszyły, że mogą go dotknąć... Nie spodziewałam się, że tak się przy tym popłaczę!!!

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Gość lipton lipton
Randy Phillips, president of AEG Live, the promoter of the London concerts, told the magazine that on the day Jackson died, he followed the ambulance to the emergency room and watched as paramedics struggled to revive the singer. "I'll never forget this: There were all these people running around, frantically trying to revive him. [Jackson's personal physician] Dr. Murray was in there, and he was completely a mess," Phillips said. "A nurse came out and said, 'Where is Mrs. Jackson?' Michael's parents weren't there yet — they'd gotten lost. They'd gone to ****. John's Hospital in Santa Monica. The nurse said, 'He's on life support.' I said, 'What exactly does that mean?' She told us he was brain dead but still breathing." ............. 'King of Pop' Michael Jackson is dead By Stacy Brown, Staff Writer Published: June 25, 2009 Michael Jackson has died in Los Angeles after suffering a heart attack at home with his father and his personal magician, Times-Shamrock Newspapers has confirmed. Times-Shamrock has learned from Kenichi Sugihara, publisher of the book "Michael Jackson: The Man behind the Mask," that a hospital nurse who was a source for the book confirmed Mr. Jackson's death. Other major media outlets also are now reporting that Mr. Jackson has died. A public statement from the family is expected Thursday evening around 9 p.m., Jackson family sources tell Times-Shamrock. Mr. Jackson, 50, suffered a massive heart attack and was taken by ambulance to UCLA Medical Center, according to Tohme Tohme, a Jackson spokesperson and confidante. Medical officials attempted to resuscitate him. Mr. Jackson was at home visiting with his father and his personal magician, Majestic Magnificent, when he had the heart attack. He arrived at the hospital unconscious but alive, said brother-in-law Nathaniel Brown." ............ "Where were you on the day when you found out your brother was having trouble, at least initially? Did you get a phone call that he had already passed?" Tony asked. "No, actually I was home and it's very interesting, because I had just got done watching the news and there was the news on Farrah of course, and I said, 'Oh my.' I said, 'I wonder who's next?'" La Toya recounted. "Ten minutes later my father calls and says, 'Michael's sick, they're rushing him to the hospital I need for you to get down there.' "I kept calling my mother's assistant that was working with her. I kept saying, 'Is he OK?' And he wouldn't answer me and I heard my mother in the background," La Toya continued. "She said, 'Give me the phone.' And she grabbed the phone and she screamed as loud as she could, 'He's dead!' "And when she did that, I couldn't believe it, I couldn't drive, I got weak," La Toya said. "I was asking people on the street to drive me to the hospital, I mean I was only five minutes away, but I got so weak, my knees got weak, I couldn't believe it. It's like my heart had stopped." Eventually driving herself, the terror on La Toya's face was captured by the media already surrounding UCLA Medical Center. She was the first Jackson sibling to arrive. "There was a nurse, and I said, 'Is it true?' And she said, 'No it's not true,'" La Toya revealed. "They escorted me to the room where mother and Michael's kids were, and they were all in her lap, just screaming to the top of their lungs… Everything just changed, and I opened [the door] and I looked at mother and she and I just burst out, I couldn't control myself." ................ ESSENCE correspondent Roland S. Martin talks with Marlon Jackson, brother of Michael Jackson and a member of the Jackson 5, about the death of his younger brother, the "King of Pop." Marlon Jackson smiles for photographers at the 8th Annual BMI Urban Awards in September 2008. Roland S. Martin: Marlon, how did you find out about Michael's death? Marlon Jackson: I talked to Frank Dileo, Michael's manager. Frank told me that Michael last night was complaining about not feeling well. Michael's doctor went over to see him, and Frank said, "Marlon, from last night to this morning, I don't know what happened. When they got to him this morning, he wasn't breathing. They rushed him to the hospital and couldn't bring him around. That's what happened. They don't know what happened. Martin: And you said a doctor saw him last night, but he didn't see a need to take him to the hospital? Marlon Jackson: He didn't take him to the hospital. This morning he wasn't breathing and they rushed him to the hospital. He was going to be 51 in August. Gone too soon."

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Gość lipton lipton
INTERVIEW WITH FRANK DILEO How did you originally hear about Michael falling ill? A fan called and said there was an ambulance in front of Michael’s house. I had just sat down to lunch. I called Michael’s assistant and asked what was going on, and I was told there was something wrong and he was on his way over there. So I got in my car and drove over. When I got to the gate, they told me everyone had already left. I turned around and went to UCLA Medical Center, and while I was in the car, Katherine called and I told her she should meet us at the hospital. So we went in the back, and they were working on him in the room. So I thought he was going to be OK. Then the nurse came out, she looked at me and I looked at her… I almost fainted. The look told me it was over, but they would keep working on him until his mother arrived. Meanwhile, the kids were all there, in another room. I had to go in with a doctor and a social worker to tell them what happened. And those are two things I never, ever want to do again. Excuse me a minute, I might cry here. Let me get a sip of water. What was the children’s reaction? Exactly what you think it would be: ran up to me, grabbed me, crying and screaming. Finally, Jermaine and LaToya showed up, then Randy… And a social worker started talking to all of them. Meanwhile, I was dealing with the press, trying to keep everybody out, and set up some security. At that point, they said the kids wanted to see their dad. So they moved Michael into a room and covered him. I went in first, got a chance to hug him, kiss him and say goodbye, and 20 minutes later, the kids and the rest of the family got to do the same thing. ............. Kai Chase, personal chef to Michael Jackson, has spoken out about the final hours of the King of Pop. "I started preparing the lunch and then I looked at my cell phone and it was noon. About 12:05 or 12:10 Dr. Murray runs down the steps and screams, 'Go get Prince!' He's screaming very loud. I run into the den where the kids are playing. Prince (Jackson's oldest son) runs to meet Dr. Murray and from that point on you could feel the energy in the house change. "I walked into the hall and I saw the children there. The daughter was crying. I saw paramedics running up the stairs." Kai said that at this point she joined Jackson's children in prayer, but it was too late – Michael was dead. "I walked into the hall and I saw the children there. The daughter was crying. I saw paramedics running up the stairs." At that point, Miss Chase said, the small group that was gathered – the children, their nanny, a housekeeper and Miss Chase – held hands and began to pray. As paramedics raced up to the room, Miss Chase recalled, "We were all praying, 'Help Mr Jackson be OK.' "Then everyone was very quiet." At about 1.30 pm she said security guards told her and other staff to leave the property because "Mr. Jackson was being taken to the hospital." When she came outside, she said, ambulances were in the courtyard and a crowd had gathered. ............. The Daily Telegraph Michael Jackson's son saw him collapse June 29, 2009 10:17am MICHAEL Jackson's eldest son thought his dad was joking when he collapsed in their living room – before the horrific reality that his dad was dying in front of him became apparent, according to the first eye-witness account of the King of Pop's last seconds alive. Jackson's 12-year-old son Prince Michael went into a "trance" unable to comprehend the tragedy that was happening as his personal doctor tried frantically to revive the 50-year-old singer. "The horror of it all is that Prince thought his dad was just being his dad and clowning, but it was real, and he watched as they worked on him," Stacy Brown, a Jackson family biographer who has spoken extensively to the Gloved One's relatives since he died last Friday told the New York Post. "Prince was stunned – in a trance – just watching," Brown said. "There was no movement, just looking around and not really processing what was really happening." Brown revealed to the New York Post he was told that when Jackson went into cardiac arrest, he was in the living room of the $100,000-a-month Los Angeles rental mansion with the 12-year-old boy – whose full name is "Prince" Michael Joseph Jackson Jr. Also there were the pop star's personal physician, Dr Conrad Murray who is now helping police with their investigations, his long-time friend and one-time manager, Frank DiLeo, and a security guard named Tippy. Earlier in the day, Jackson – who had been set to embark on a comeback with a series of 50 mega-concerts – had been packing his bags to fly to London to prepare for the gigs. The New York Post reported that Jackson was given an injection of Demerol – a fast-acting narcotic pain reliever whose nearest Australian equivalent is pethidine – about 11.30am. Friends have confessed Jackson had appeared in recent years addicted to painkillers. If Jackson had Demerol administered to him, it remains unclear who injected the drug. Shorting after this injection, the star collapsed on the living room floor, according to the New York Post, and it seems he was dead almost instantly. "The guard and the doctor picked him up and put him on the bed from the living room, and that's when they started CPR," Brown told the New York Post. Read the New York Post's full report "The doctor said he was 'very pale and cold to the touch','" he added, citing what he was told by relatives. ................ 28 June 2009 23:06 JACKSON'S ENTOURAGE 'CALLED HIS DAD BEFORE 911' MICHAEL JACKSON's entourage waited for up to 50 minutes to call emergency services after he collapsed. Jackson biographer Stacy Brown has spoken to the King of Pop's family since his sudden death on Thursday (25Jun09), and reveals their concern at the delay. Brown claims the star collapsed in the living room of his rented California home at 11.30am local time, but instead of calling 911, his security guard Tippy called Jackson's father Joseph, while his doctor Conrad Murray administered CPR. He tells the New York Post, "Joseph screamed at them to call for help. A huge commotion ensued about why 911 wasn't being called and why he wasn't getting help."

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PRAWDZIWA??????????? raz zmarł w domu w pokoju,raz w salonie, raz w szpitalu podłączony do aparatury podtrzymującej życie. raz był tylko z Murrayem, raz z Murrayem i Princem, a nawet z Josephem i jakimś innym gościem teraz podobno w wywiadzie z 4.11 Frank zaprzecza słowom Marlona zgłupieć można. przeczytałam to wszystko i każdy mówi co innego.

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Gość lipton lipton ment#p/u/2/i1pg4TqJdtU ment#p/u/1/Mofgsy6TTtU ment#p/u/0/oGXV-6h-HRc .......... a ten pan twierdzi, że dowiedział się o Michaelu z tv, potem cztał tmz, zadzwonił do Kenny'ego a ten mu powiedział,że rozmawiał z Murrayem i żeby nie wierzył we wszystko co słyszy i żeby przyjechał na próbę...... więc jeden z tych tajemniczych telefonów Murraya był wykonany do Kenny'ego? i czemu miał nie wierzyć w to co mówią?

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Gość lipton lipton
Aug. 26, 2009 Cops: Doc on Phone While MJ Not Breathing After Dr. Conrad Murray Found Jackson Unconscious, He Called Office, Stayed on Phone for Half Hour, Police Say Video link:;photovideo (CBS) More details about what happened in the final hours of Michael Jackson's life are surfacing, especially what occurred during the critical 81 minute gap between when Los Angeles police say his personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, found Jackson not breathing to when he finally called 911. Police say that, after Murray found Jackson unconscious, he called his office and stayed on the phone for a full half-hour, "Early Show" national correspondent Hattie Kauffman reported on the broadcast Wednesday. A police affadavit says Murray found Jackson not breathing at 11 a.m. the day the singer died. But the 911 call wasn't made until 12:21 p.m. And now, cell phone records show Murray made 47 minutes worth of other calls. At 11:18 a.m., Murray made a 32-minute call to his office in Las Vegas. At 11:49 a.m., he called another Las Vegas phone number for three minutes. And at 11:51 a.m., he called Houston for 11 minutes. Then at 12:12 p.m., he called a Jackson associate for one minute. Kauffman reported the police affidavit shows these calls happened while Jackson was unconscious in his bed and Murray was performing CPR. Legal experts say that, if Murray is charged with a crime, it might not just be just for administering dangerous drugs, but also for not reacting quickly enough to a dying patient. CBS News legal analyst Lisa Bloom said, "I think any reasonable person would expect Dr. Murray to administer CPR and call 911 immediately. ... This is proof of reckless conduct. That's exactly what law enforcement needs for a manslaughter charge." Still, Las Vegas defense attorney Robert Langford cautions,there could be an explanation for the long phone call. Langford said, "Was he talking to another physician? Trying to find out if there was some other drug he could adminster to revive him? I mean we don't know. ... It's really premature to say that that shows some criminal intent." Kauffman reported Murray's Las Vegas office has been closed for some time recently and Murray himself remains in his home, keeping a low profile. at 11:18am he called his Las Vegas office for 32 minutes at 11:49am he called another Las Vegas phone for 3 minutes at 11:51am he phoned somebody in Houston for 11 minutes. at 12:05 pm he called MJ's assistant. at 12: 21 pm paramedics were called

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no i własnie tak długo az wszystko ale to dosłownie wszystko sie nie wyjasni to nie uwierze...niby najblizsze osoby a kazda widziała co innego? heh za duzo udziwnien poczekajmy ze 20 lat moze wtedy ogłosza ze zmarł Michael Jackson....

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Gość lipton lipton
ten Klein jest chory:O i on się nazywa przyjacielem Michaela? poza tym mówi, że nie widział This is it a na twitterze pisał, że widział I have seen "This Is It" It took my breath away... My friend, you will be missed 8:38 PM Oct 27th from web

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Gość lipton lipton
widocznie nie mieli czasu by ustalić wspólną wersję:P no niech ktoś mądry to wytłumaczy..... to są ich słowa

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Gość lecimy daleeeeeeeeeeej
Registrant: Domains by Proxy, Inc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scottsdale, Arizona 85xxxxxxx United States Domain Name: THIS-IS-NOT-IT.COM Created on: 27-Sep-09 Expires on: 27-Sep-10 Last Updated on: 08-Oct-09

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Gość lecimy daleeeeeej
teraz sprawdźmy stronę michaeljacksonhoaxdeath IP Location: - Arizona - Scottsdale - Inc Registrant: Domains by Proxy, Inc. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Scottsdale, Arizona 85xxxxxxx United States czyli adres ten sam, co w przypadku This is NOT it. przypadek? do tej pory właścicielką strony mjhd była pani Amy S. która pochodzi rzekomo z Australii, dziś stronę przekazała w ręce kogoś innego. dziwne, że te dane mówią co innego... Arizona raczej nie leży w Australii. spójrzmy jeszcze na datę powstania mjhd Created 25-Jun-2009 Updated 31-Oct-2009 Expires 25-Jun-2011 ktoś się pospieszył....

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Gość JannetJ
No...ktoś się śpieszył :D:D .

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normalnie odnosze wrzenie ze ogladamy jakis kiepsko zrobiony film w stylu zabili go i uciekł....

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Dziewczyny, obejrzalam ten filmik i nie wiem czy dobrze zrobiłam :( Zobaczcie zreszta same: :0 Namieszane mam w głowie, nie wiem juz w co wierzyć..żyje..nie zyje itd.. Na końcu filmiku autor podaje za Sony, ze ma powstac This Is Also It! Zobaczcie co znalazlam --->>> !!!!

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