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King MJ... przyznac sie kto sie popłakał ogladajac to...

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Gość P.Y.T.
hej dziewczyny witajcie ciesze sie, ze jestescie... i dziekuje Abraja- o matko- to Twoj maz ma ciezkie chwile... ale Michael byl siwetny! był i koniec! tak, Corvetta (chyba tak sie pisze ten nick) zwrocilam uwage tez na the way you make me feel i na konwersacje z tym panem od klawiszy i jak Michael mówil o tej, czy tamtej nucie kontrolował wszystko nie dosc ze tanczył, spiewał, a w zasadzie obrazował muzyke, to cos wiecej, niz taniec to jeszcze dyrygował całym przedsiewzieciem podczas wystepów jeszcze mial dawac sygnały muzykom itd a jakie fajne pomysły były odtworzyli smooth criminal wygladal swietnie (polaczyli to z tym filmem starym czarno-białym) ach...... dziekuje za linki na pewno wejde świetnie, ze bede dodatkowe materiały... ten program z rodzina i rodzina.... Michael nie izolowal sie bez powodu on był dla nich maszynka do pieniedzy i teraz tez tak jest czytała- co prawda na pudlu- ale jakos mi to pasuje, ze w tym domu (czyli u matki, ktora ma dzieci michaela) mowi sie tylko o tym jak dobrac sie do kasy Michaela... swiecie jestem o tym przekonana najlepiej o tym nie myslec tylko cieszyc sie tym, ze mielismy Go ja troche jestem nie na biezaco w tych wszystkich nowowsciach- nawet tu zamieszczanych z hoax, czy z twotterów jednak duzo tego ale czytam, a to, czego nie doczytałąm- doczytam ale mam podziw, ze sie tym interesujecie i ze tak głeboko kopiecie w oryginalnych zródłach nawet super to do poźniej, papa :)

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Gość P.Y.T.
jeszcze a propos tej koncówki przy i jus cant stop loving you to ogladałam rózne wystepy z bad tour (swietne turne, mysle, ze jego anjlepsze, bo byl mlody, piekny, genialny, wszystko szło na zywo) i tam spiewał ill be there i w jednym z wystepów tez na koncu dawał taki popis wokalny cudo miod krem tofii :D tylko nie pamietam- albo z japonii, albo z londynu? ale na pewno bede wracac do tych i innych materiałów

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dziś rozdanie nagród AMA. Michael nominowany w 5 kategoriach. Janet, Whitney, Michael.... tak bardzo bym chciała żeby lata 90 wróciły.....:( pod tym linkiem będzie chyba tylko red carpet czy ktoś wie czy można gdzieś w internecie obejrzeć całe szoł? nie podoba mi się pomysł tego reality show Jacksonów:O już jak patrzę na sam zwiastun to mi nie dobrze..... Robert Hilburn wspomina Michaela wywiad z Janet z 18 listopada oprócz mjjcommunity i polecam jeszcze takie fora jak:

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nie wiem czy pamiętacie takie forum, na którym wypowiadali się muzycy i dźwiękowcy, którzy współpracowali z Michaelem. Ludzie zadawali im pytania. Ktoś skopiował ich wypowiedzi i wkleił na facebooku: "I was fortunate enough to work with MJ early in my career. He was an incredible artist. Talented beyond your wildest dreams. Extremely generous, and a hard worker. I actually went from a staff assistant at the Hit Factory in NYC to freelance engineer under Swedien and MJ. They were due to start in Los Angeles when the Northridge earthquake hit so they moved to New York. One room was all Bruce, the second room was the writing room. I started assisting Bruce's writing partner Rene Moore. I would track stuff with Rene, and Bruce would come in and tell me what I did wrong, sit in for a few hours and set us straight. After a couple months MJ arrived and the entire tour rig was moved in along with Brad Buxer, Andrew Scheps, and Eddie Delena. I continued to assist them until the whole crew moved to L.A., they decided to take me with them. I would assist Bruce during the day, and help out every where else at night - assisting, engineering, programming, and on one song playing guitar. We had two rooms at Record One, and two rooms at Larrabee where I met John. At one point in NYC we had just about every room at the Hit Factory. The crew was great, and I learned so much from all of them. I learned to engineer from Bruce Swedien, John, and Eddie, and got to sit in with producers like MJ, Jam And Lewis, Babyface, David Foster, Teddy Riley, and Dallas Austin. I was actually asked to leave the project early on because there were too many people around and MJ didn't know me. Luckily, I was rehired about 10 days later. At the wrap party MJ apologized profusely, and expressed his gratitude. Truly the most sincere man you will ever meet. Some random memories: One morning MJ came in with a new song he had written overnight. We called in a guitar player, and Michael sang every note of every chord to him. "here's the first chord first note, second note, third note. Here's the second chord first note, second note, third note", etc., etc. We then witnessed him giving the most heartfelt and profound vocal performance, live in the control room through an SM57. He would sing us an entire string arrangement, every part. Steve Porcaro once told me he witnessed MJ doing that with the string section in the room. Had it all in his head, harmony and everything. Not just little eight bar loop ideas. he would actually sing the entire arrangement into a micro-cassette recorder complete with stops and fills. At one point Michael was angry at one of the producers on the project because he was treating everyone terribly. Rather than create a scene or fire the guy, Michael called him to his office/lounge and one of the security guys threw a pie in his face. No further action was needed . . . . . During the recording of "Smile" on HIStory, Bruce thought it would be great if Michael would sing live with the orchestra. But of course, we didn't tell the players that. We set him up in a vocal booth off to the side. They rehearsed a bit without vocals in, then during the first take Michael sang, just about knocked them out of their chairs. His beatboxing was without parallel, and his time was ridiculous. His sense of harmony was incredible. Never a bad note, no tuning, even his breathing was perfectly in time. Once, while we were taking a break, I think we were actually watching the OJ chase on TV, there was a news program talking about him being in Europe with some little boy. I was sitting next to the guy while the news is making this crap up. He just looked at me and said this is what I have to deal with. I spent close to 3 years working with him, and not once did I question his morals, or ever believe any of the allegations. I wasn't even a fan then. I saw him interact with his brothers kids, other people's children, and at one point my own girlfriend's kids. I got to spend a day at Neverland with them. A completely incredible human being, always looking for a way to make all children's lives better. Every weekend at Neverland was donated to a different children's group - children with AIDS, children cancer, etc., and most of the time he wasn't there. He was simply living the childhood he never had. In many ways he never grew up. I was assisting Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis while they recorded the background vocals for "Scream" with MJ and Janet. The two of them singing together was amazing. Super tight, no bad notes. One part after another. When they took a break they sang the showtunes they used to sing as kids. Again, perfect harmony. Mj refused to sing the "stop f*ckin' with me part" because he would NOT curse. I was the tape op for the recording of the background vocals on "Stranger in Moscow". Scared the hell out me. Michael was dropping in and out on syllables, rearranging the notes and timing as he put it down. No Pro Tools at the time, just 2" tape, and my punches. I erased a live keyboard overdub that he played one night. He came in the next morning, replaced it, and never uttered another word about it. I was there when Lisa Marie was around. They acted like two kids in love. Held hands all the time, and she hung out at the studio for quite a while. I never questioned their love for each other. We recorded a Christmas song during the summer of '94 that needed a children's choir. Michael insisted that the entire studio be decorated with xmas lights, tree, fake snow and a sled for their recording. And he bought presents for everyone. The last weekend of recording on HIStory he came to me and Eddie Delena, and said "I'm sorry, but I don't think any of us are going to sleep this weekend. There's a lot to get done, and we have to go to Bernie on Monday morning". He stayed at the studio the entire time, singing, and mixing. I got to spend a couple quiet moments with him during that time. We talked about John Lennon one night as he was gearing up to sing the last vocal of the record - the huge ad libs at the end of "earth song". I told him the story of John singing "twist and shout" while being sick, and though most people think he was screaming for effect, it was actually his voice giving out. He loved it, and then went in to sing his heart out. . . . Later that night, while mixing, everyone left the room so MJ could turn it up. This was a common occurrence during the mixes, and I was left in the room with ear plugs, and hands over my ears, in case he needed something. This particular night, all the lights were out and we noticed some blue flashes intermittently lighting up the room during playback. After a few moments we could see that one of the speakers (custom quad augspuergers) was shooting blue flames. Mj liked this and proceeded to push all the faders up . . . . MJ liked hot water while he was singing. I mean really hot !!!!! It got to the point that I would melt plastic spoons to test it. Bruce and I were talking about walking to the studio everyday in NYC, and what routes we took. Michael looked at us and said we were so lucky to be able to do that. He couldn't walk down the street without being harassed. It was a sad moment for all of us. The studio crew got free tickets to the Janet show so we all went right from work one night. About halfway through the show we see this dude with a long beard, dressed in robes dancing in the aisle behind. I mean really dancing . . . it was Mj in disguise. Kind of like the costume Chevy Chase wears in Fletch while roller skating. He got one of the first playstations from sony in his lounge . . . we snuck in late at night to play the games that hadn't been released yet. A couple people on the session hadn't seen Jurassic Park while it was out, so MJ arranged a private screening for us at Sony. He was a huge fan of Nine Inch Nails Downward Spiral . . . . I was lucky enough over the course of 3 years to have access to the multitrack masters for tour prep, videos, and archive purposes. To be able to pull these tracks apart was a huge lesson in production, and songwriting. A chance to look into the minds of geniuses. Of all the records I've worked on, MJJ was the only company to give platinum award records. One day we just all sat in the studio listening to his catalog with him for inspiration. He loved the process, he loved the work. __________________ Rob Hoffman "

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"I worked with Michael on many occasions...first in 1979 shortly following the release of "Off The Wall", which was recorded at my old studio, Image Recording, when it was owned by its former owner, Allen Zentz. I then spent some time in 1980 (or 81?) with Michael recording demo's for Thriller. This was great, because it was just the two of us and whoever Michael had coming in. "John, we have Jonathan Moffit coming at 12:00, then Greg Phillinganes at 1:00...oh, and we're recording strings at 4:00!". Wow, what a great experience working so closely with him. I had him on the mic for some days recording vocals, and it was an amazing experience...he would be dancing up a storm while singing and doing all of those "grunts, oohs, ahhs" vocal sounds that would pepper his tracks. He asked me to take up the carpet so he could dance, and in between takes, he would sing other popular songs of the day just freestyle and acapella and we would talk about the music we liked. Over the next year or two, I hosted the Jacksons many times, recording various tracks, claps (we had a jacuzzi room which they loved to use for the massive white-noise claps that people liked back then). I got to know all the brothers. Bruce Swedien came back to Image Recording to record a song (or two?) for the Jackson's "Victory" record in about 1983. Another great experience, as Bruce did (as I recall) a string quartet and (perhaps) Michael's vocal at the same time. Bruce IS the best of all time, by the way. BEST. I believe there were a couple of sundry Jacksons sessions over the next couple of years, but by that time, Michael was hugely popular and I didn't see him as much. The next time was really in 1995, when Robmix and I worked on the HIStory album. Rob worked on this for quite a long time (2 years?), while I worked on it for a few months. We were all holed up in Larrabee North, where Bruce had a room (or were you guys at Record One, Rob?)...Eddie Delena was recording quite a lot Michael's vocals at Larrabee in one room, and I was put in another room to engineer for whomever needed most memorable session being some days with Dallas Austin and on one day, recording The Notorious B.I.G. for his rap on "This Time Around". There I was, standing in a room with Dallas, Biggie and Michael. I'll never forget it. The final days of that album were made interesting, by Bruce giving me the task to sequence the album and edit it down to a size that we could fit onto a CD. This was no small undertaking, as about 7 minutes needed to be trimmed somewhere. I laid this all out in Sound Tools and came to know every bar of every song very intimately. I found places where songs could be tightened up and came up with many suggestions. On the night of mastering, I was put in a room at Bernie Grundman's with my Sound Tools rig, and in this room, I would have to "negotiate" with Michael about what to take out. I'll never forget this night...Michael came in, and Bruce told MJ that we would have to remove either 1) one whole song or 2) edit the others to fit onto a CD. We chose the latter...I started with song one and played Michael my edits, "Oh no, we can't take THAT's my favorite part of the album!". OK. Let's try another, "Oh no, we MUST keep those four bars". OK...let's go to the vamp, which carries on for two about removing these eight bars, "Oh no, that's my favorite part of the vamp!". Well, you get the picture. Meanwhile, Jimmy Jam was in with us, telling Michael that all these edits were killer and actually make things better. And over the course of about 5 hours, we got it down. By this time, it was probably 3:00am, and I was wiped out. Bruce walked in..."Okay, John, I want you to make all these edits on the 1/2" masters right now!". My first thought was, "You've GOT to be kidding!" I had used some crossfades in Tools and such, plus I was worn out from "bartering" with Michael. But, into Bernie's room we went, and with Bruce over my shoulder, I cut the 1/2" tapes. As I recall, this took a couple of hours, and we were done. By the way, video footage of my "bartering session" with Michael exists, although I was never able to get a copy. Perhaps someday! After that album's completion, we were all invited to The Neverland Ranch with spouses and kids for a day of fun, with Michael as our host. What a memorable day that I will recount in another arms hurt now! Oh, and one more IMPORTANT thing. I have never worked with a nicer man than Michael. He was gracious, talented as all get-out, gentle, humble, a perfect gentleman, never swore, was healthy, punctual, and just the very sweetest person I could have ever hoped to work with. Oh, what a brilliant star he was! Absolutely, gone too soon. __________________ The Resonater "

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"It’s always hard losing someone that you called friend. But even more when you felt that they really understood some part of you that most people don’t. For me, that was Michael. I spent a lot of time with Michael. Yes, a lot of time in the studio, but a lot of personal time as well. Among other times, Michael spent at least one Christmas and one Thanksgiving at my house. Just the two of us. We spent a lot of time talking. About life, music, art, movies, people, women(yes, women), and what it meant for him to be who he was at the time in which he lived. We talked about Elvis. He actually conjectured as to whether his musical legacy would be considered as great as Elvis'. I always assured him it would. I was with him in N.Y. working on ‘History’ around the time he first started seeing Lisa Marie. I was actually even a little jealous, then. I’d always thought she was very attractive(lol). I was with him when he decided he was going to the Oscars with Madonna. I stayed at, and went back and forth to Neverland. I spent many days at the ‘Hideout’. This was a condo that Michael had in Westwood, in L.A. I remember going with him into a room there where he kept a lot of the wardrobe from the ‘Bad’ tour. He showed me a jacket that I’d seen him wear on stage during the ‘Thriller’ performance. It looked like the one in the video, with the exception that it was loaded with neon lights that he would turn on during the dance routine. I put it on. This jacket was HEAVY. It seemed to have weighed 30 or more pounds. To think, he wore this during a big dance routine. It was then that I realized how strong he was for his very lean frame. On several occasions, we drove in this big white pick-up truck he used to drive, to Tower Records. Before going into the store, he would put on some glasses, a hat and these really weird teeth. Invariably, someone would recognize and watch him, but usually people would repectfully allow him to shop. I remember once being on the 101 freeway coming from the Hideout on the way to the studio in my car, with Michael in my passenger seat. At some point, a man driving on the passenger side of my car looks in the window at Mike, curly hair and Fedora in tow. Does a double-take and shruggs his shoulders as if to say ‘nah, couldn’t be’. Now that was funny. Then, there’s the people. The endless parade of high-profile people I met, just because I was with him when they showed up. From Michael Milken to Eddie Murphy, Steve Wynne, and Little Richard. I did the arrangement on the song he wrote for the Sigfried and Roy show in Los Vagas. The list goes on. I still have the Fedora I took off his head while he was annoyingly poking at a plate of food I was eating at the studio one day, making him recoil because he had ‘hat-hair’(lol). I remember clearly the day he brought Bubbles(the chimp) to the studio, and Bubbles hit me(open-hand) in my chest(that s$%t hurt!). I wanted nothing to do with the chimp after that. Michael said it meant he liked me. He could not have been more amused. We shared laughter about things that only we knew. We could be in a room full of people, and either one of us could make the other laugh about something that would have others thinking ‘what’s so funny?’ It really made me feel special when Michael told me how talented he thought I was, knowing what the whole world thought of him. Likewise it was a special feeling working with him. We recorded some twenty-plus tracks together. Sadly, many of these we never finished. But when we did do vocals, beyond his lead work it was always a pleasure to listen to this man lay background harmonies. His voice was truly unique. Really pure tone, and great intonation. On The Simpson's song ‘Do The Bartman’, the background vocals in the bridge are just me(contrary to what the press believed at that time). But, the harmonies in the chorus are performed by the two of us. We are each, singing each part harmony. We did them simultaniously. It was a quick, and painless process. I mixed the record, and I promise you all the vocals are equal gain. That’s two people, and it’s tight! It was really cool for me, as I’d never so easily before doubled with someone doing background vocals. He did the backing chorus voices on ‘To Satisfy You’ from my ‘Music From The New World’ CD because I’d written it for him, for 'Dangerous'. When it was decided he wasn’t going to use it, I told him I wanted to keep his vocals and put it on my record. He said, ‘Of course’. We actually did the finishing work on ‘Superfly Sister’ from ‘Blood On The Dance Floor’ a few years after I’d already done the track, as this was a song that I started writing during the ‘Dangerous’ sessions. Which made me feel it was always possible that we might revist some of the other music we’d started all that time ago. This was not unusual for Michael, as in the case of ‘They Don’t Care About Us’ from the ‘History’ album. This was a song that he’d started even before I joined him for 'Dangerous'. One of the first things I heard was this song, but it got bumped at that time. ‘Earth Song’ was also started during 'Dangerous'. 'Dangerous' was a rough period for me as well. As we’d recorded so much music and none of it was used for that project, and much else occured that I won’t go into here. But, I will say that I spent a great deal of enjoyable time with Michael and made some great music with him as well. There are some songs that even in there unfinished format, you can hear their potential. And over the next few months I will be posting some of those that have enough content to hear that potential. When we began working, it was my hope to return to a form of feeling that you got from the 'Off The Wall' or even the 'Thriller' Lp. Where there was a very organic feeling about the content. ‘Work That Body’, is complete with Michael repeating(at my behest) the rap from The Jackson Five’s ‘ABC’. He DID NOT want to do this(lol), but realized the toungue-in-cheek fun contained in it. I produced this track, and am performing all of the music. There are no sequencers on it, as I do not generally use them in the course of my work. The two of us wrote the lyric and melody. Ironically, I’d intended a while ago to post this and other songs that we’d done together because somehow, they’d been leaked to the internet. I would occasionally get email here at Myspace and otherwise asking if I had done this work. Well, to finally and officially answer that question: yes. A bunch of these are my songs, produced by me and co-written with Michael. It is sad that this would be the occasion to finally get to this, but I suppose people who love Michael would especially now like to hear work of his that was unreleased. There is also some amount of catharsis for me in this process. I am proud to have produced and written for Michael. I am also proud to have called him my peer, and my friend. We shared a friendship that he had with very few people. It was very special to me. I am deeply saddened by his sudden, and untimely passing. My best wishes and sympathy go out to his children and all of the Jackson family. It goes without saying, he will be missed. R.I.P., big bruh... -B Bryan Loren on MySpace Music

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"Copied from a thread in an audio engineering blog... Quote: Originally Posted by MooWahmBah View Post I`m surprised to hear he was so much of an arranger/composer/producerin his own right based on the "hands on" experience he had with the music as told here. If I may .... could you fill us in on just where all that brilliant writing and arranging came from on the collaborations with Quincy? I too was blown away by those records but being a bit of a jazz snob at the time, assumed that the greatness of the musical architecture of those songs was due to Quincy`s talent and experience as an arranger since Count Base and beyond. After reading this great thread ....I`m left wondering ..Did Michael play a part in the hornlines,basslines,breakdowns ....all those great modal keyboard/vocal ideas ...etc.? It`s really very jazz oriented if you take away the sonics. Almost has a Gil Evans vibe And if MJ did indeed help to construct the songs in this way ... Did he choose not to do this any more after Quincy .?..because at least I (superficially I admit) don`t feel the same musical flavor of "depth" ( at the risk of being judgemental) in later stuff ... "Black or White" for example. Without speculation, I thought some of the people who witnessed and/or participated in the process could shed some light on this ...thanks, Paul Answer: I can't speak to Thriller as I was just 12 then :) But I did get to work with Quincy and Rod Temperton a bit on "Q's Jook Joint" so it was interesting to study their musicality and MJ's separately and try to put the puzzle together. I would ask them and Bruce questions all the time. Hopefully John will have some input. Quincy and Rod are obviously seriously talented. Put the 4 of them together and its the dream team. During History MJ did indeed come up with many of the arrangements for his songs. Sometimes the producer would present a track to Michael, like Scream or Too Bad. It might be a groove, or a pretty finished track. Scream was a relatively finished track, music only. This Time Around was also pretty finished musically but Bruce added a bridge too it. You Are Not Alone was kind of a basic R&B groove with a verse and chorus. The rest of the arrangement came from MJ, and lots of overdubs by Steve Porcaro with programming by Andrew Scheps. I like to think R. Kelly's subsequent success with ballads came from watching what MJ did with his initial track idea. If you listen to the bridge of Too Bad, the entire horn thing was Michael's idea. He had Jerry Hey come in, and sang him all the parts. Jerry went away, arranged it, and came back a bit later to track it. Rene asked me to make it less "real", so I processed it through various filters (the minimoog for one), and sampled it on the MPC, then layered that over the top of the original horns. I think very few people realized how deeply MJ was involved in his records. He had an incredible music vocabulary - from showtunes to jazz, and whatever was on the radio. He studied, and I think you can hear it in his music. There's lots of speculation as to why he didn't work with Quincy after Bad, but I can't really offer anything new there. __________________ Rob Hoffman " .......................................................... "Michael used to call people to ask them to participate on albums. It was interesting knowing that nearly anyone on the planet would come to the phone if it were Michael calling. Anyway, I heard rumors that B.I.G. was going to come, and I was excited about that! I knew that I would be the one to record that, as I had recorded nearly all of that tune, "This Time Around". So, Dallas and I were expecting him any minute, and pretty much on time, Notorious strolls in. He was quite an imposing figure when he walked in, as he was quite popular at the time. I had no idea what to expect from him in terms of attitude, but he seemed nice when he walked in. No problem. But almost immediately, he blurted out, "Yo, Dallas, can I meet Mike?" To which, Dallas replied that he thought so. Biggie went on to talk about how much this opportunity meant to him, as Michael was his hero. Anyway, Dallas tells him that we're going to lay down the rap first, so Biggie heads in the booth, we get some headphone levels and get ready to start recording. So, we hit the big red button (on a Sony 3348 machine), and away we go. During his first take, Dallas and I looked at each other, because it was spot on. wow. I was impressed, and so was Dallas. We listened back, and Dallas was like, "Wow, I think we got it". As I recall, we took another take for good measure, but I'm fairly certain that we ended up using the first take. So, Notorious comes in, and asks if he can meet Michael now. We sent word to the back room where Michael was working that Biggie was finished and wanted to meet him. Simply for security, Michael's security would enter and make sure that no one was in the room that shouldn't be, and once that was confirmed (it was just me, Biggie and Dallas), Michael came in. Biggie nearly broke out in tears...I could tell how much this meant to him. Well, Michael could have this effect on anyone, even the most hardcore rappers! Biggie was tripping up on his words, bowing down and telling Michael how much his music had meant to him in his life. Michael was, as always, very humble and kept smiling while Biggie just went on and on how much he loved Michael. I watched Biggie just become this big butterball of a man, and it was really very sweet to witness. After all, we are all just people. Michael finally asked to hear what we had done, and we popped it up on the big speakers and let her go. Michael LOVED it and was excited to tell Biggie that! "Oh, let's hear it again", I recall Michael saying, and we listened again. Michael just loved it...and thanked Biggie for coming all the way from Philadelphia. Biggie asked rather sheepishly whether he could get a photo, and Michael agreed. A shot was taken, we listened again, and Michael thanked Biggie. Michael said goodbye and stepped out, leaving Biggie standing there looking completely stunned. It will always remain a great, great memory. __________________ The Resonater "

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P.Y.T. czytałaś książkę Shmuleya - Michael Jackson Tapes Book??? tu można ściągnąć wersję edytowaną przez fanów, bez komentarzy Shmuleya. Zapis samych rozmów

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Cześć wszystkim! 🖐️ No niestety Dorota, ktos robi sobie najwyraźniej jaja..😠 Nie rozumiem co to ma na celu? Bawic sie kosztem fanów? Narobić nam nadziei? Brak słów!

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Gość Serengetii
czemu oni go tak strasznie przerabiają w photoshopie?:O były takie zdjęcia ze Smooth Criminal z This is it... prawie rozmazali mu twarz, tak chcieli wygładzić:O nie wiem po co. strasznie nienaturalnie to wyglądało teraz trafiłam na jeszcze jeden przykład. To zdjęcie jest dołączone do płyty TII. Niby ładne, ale widać, że przy nim pracowali a teraz wpadł mi w ręce orginał i to jest piękne zdjęcie. Na tej twarzy widać emocje, zmęczenie. Przystojny 50letni facet a nie jakaś sztuczna, wygładzona lalka....... wiem, że zdjęcia gwiazd są poprawiane, ale to jest przesada a poza tym nie wygląda na profesjonalną robotę, rzuca się w oczy. szczególnie na tamtym zdjęciu ze SC.

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Gość Serengetii
NEW YORK: MICHAEL JACKSON'S private doctor waited over an hour to call emergency services when he realised the singer was not breathing, according to newly-released documents. Police filed the documents to support their request to search a Las Vegas pharmacy in August. They provide new insight into what happened on June 25, when the 50-year-old "King of Pop" went into cardiac arrest and died, Sky News reported on its website. They say his physician Conrad Murray told authorities he administered the anaesthetic propofol after trying other medications to help Jackson sleep, and after his "repeated demands" for it. Jackson went into cardiac arrest within 20 minutes of that injection, while Murray had stepped out to use the bathroom, the doctor told authorities a few days after the death. By Murray's account to police, he did not call for help until 12.22pm, more than an hour after he realised Jackson was not breathing. Telephone records show that Murray used his mobile phone for 47 minutes, with three callers, from 11.18am to 12.05pm during which he said he was conducting CPR. "Murray did not mention this to the interviewing detectives," the documents say. Police have not disclosed to whom they believe Murray spoke in those calls. They found medication bottles for at least eight sedatives by Jackson's bed and around his home. Dr Murray, 56, has not been charged with a crime, but the details in these documents show authorities were suspicious of his behaviour, even as they took Jackson to UCLA Medical Centre to try to revive him. Murray was asked to sign the death certificate but vanished from the hospital premises. "Upon arrival at the centre, neither the coroner's investigators nor detectives could locate Murray to re-interview him," according to the documents. Repeated attempts to contact him were unsuccessful. Propofol is usually used in medical settings by anaesthesia professionals to render patients unconscious for surgery. The milky drug is not meant for use as a sleep agent and is not regulated as a controlled substance.

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Gość Michael i AMA. Tak było...
1975: Presenting Award with Janet: 1976: Michael, Janet Jackson & Lola Falana 1980: Favorite Soul Single “Don’t Stop Til You Get Enough”, Favorite Soul Male, and presenting: 1981: Favorite Soul Album, “Off The Wall”, Favorite Soul Male: 1984: Part 1: Favorite Pop Single, Favorite Soul Single, Favorite Soul Album: Part 2: Youngest to win Award of Merit: Part 3: Favorite Soul Video for “Beat It”: Part 4: Favorite Pop Video for “Beat It”: Part 5: Favorite Pop Album for “Thriller”: 1986: “We Are the World” Part 1: Part 2: 1989: Award of Merit : 1993: Part 1: “Dangerous” : Part 2: Liz speaks of MJ’s accomplishments: Part 3: International Artist Award, presented to,and named after MJ + Best Album Award: 2002: Artist of the Century:

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Gość nssssssjjjjjj
ale słodkie..... wie ktoś może czy liczba "777" miała dla Michaela jakieś specjalne znaczenie? pojawia się między innymi w teaserze HIStory (na jego ramieniu) i teraz widzę, że podczas prób do TII znów miał ten motyw na czerwonej koszulce. z jakichś kryształków z tym, że na orginalnej koszulce nie ma tego. liczba 777 została dodana

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Gość trzymajcie mnie
TMZ Dr. Conrad Murray -- Back to Work Posted Nov 22nd 2009 5:25PM by TMZ Staff The doctor who may have been responsible for the death of Michael Jackson will see you now. Dr. Conrad Murray, personal physician to Michael Jackson at the time of his death, will resume his medical practice on Monday morning, his lawyer said today. Murray will be at the Armstrong Medical Clinic in Houston -- which was searched by police on July 22. For references, please contact Katherine, La Toya or Janet Jackson.

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Gość fixum_dyrdum
haha ludzie dzwonią do tego hotelu w Bahrainie "I called!! I used the cole 011 then 973 before the number...I asked the lady at the desk if there was any conferences to take place on the 25th of Nov and she hesitated for a long time...I told her I wanted to book a business meeting there....She then said.."Well, something is taking place but I am not sure what it is....You will have to call tommorow and I will transfer you to events.." Well, not sure if this is bogus or not...She didn't seem to know much but she said if I called back tommorow, they would transfer me over to events because it was closed today.... So who knows...could be fake, maybe not..but at least it's SOMETHING!!...."

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