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Gość serina80....

ang- prosze sprawdzcie czy da sie zrozumiec

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Gość serina80....

Hi! good i heard of you. yours letter were very nice. im very busing working and cun't have much time to write to you. i was thiniking about you offer off me visit you but i do not do a decision sofar.i am shure it will be lovely to meet at final but mine boss does not wont me to give me holiday now because it is much work now. maybe in december i can come maybe. you asking me how im doing now so im ok. im smiling a little and i am not so sad. im watching a lot of tv still and am boring most of time but it is everything better then it was now. hope you write me soon take care Prosze ktos mzoe mi poprawic bledy?!!??!!?

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Gość mam CAE
poprawić błędy? tu poza błędami nic prawie nie ma :D

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Gość serina80....
na pewno nie jest tak zle................

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Gość serina80....
to jest email do mojego hmmmmm............ kolegi .

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Gość polajna
co za debilizm, najpierw ze zajeta praca, potem ze sie nudzi ;]

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Gość lilililililililili
zgadzam się tu są TYLKO błędy!!!!

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Gość moze troche poprawilam ten lis
Hi good i heard of you yours letter were very nice im very busing working and cun t have much time to write to you i was thiniking about you offer off me visit you but i do not do a decision so far i am shure it will be lovely to meet at final but mine boss does not won't me to give me holiday now because it is much work now maybe in december i can come maybe you asking me how im doing now so im ok im smiling a little and i am not so sad im watching a lot of tv still and am boring most of time but it is everything better then it was now hope you write me soon take care

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Gość moze troche poprawilam ten lis
a teraz? Hi good i heard of you yours letter were very nice im very busing working and can't have much time to write to you i was thiniking about you offer off me visit you but i do not do a decision so far i am shure it will be lovely to meet at final but mine boss does not won't me to give me holiday now because it is much work now maybe in december i can come maybe you asking me how im doing now so im ok im smiling a little and i am not so sad im watching a lot of tv still and am boring most of time but it is everything better then it was now hope you write me soon take care

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Gość mam CAE
no jak mu napisze "cunt" zamiast "can't" to będzie od razu wiedział z kim ma do czynienia :classic_cool:

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Gość serina80....
ok. to bedzie tak: Czesc! Milo slyszec od ciebie. twoje wiadomosci/emaile byly bardzo mile. jestem zajeta bo duzo pracuje i nie mam czasu na pisanie do ciebie. myslalam nad twoja oferta wyjazdu do ciebie ale ejszcze nie zrobilam decyzji. milo byloby cie poznac wreszcie ale moja szefowa nie da mi wakacji teraz bo teraz jest bardzo duzo pracy. moze w grudniu bede mogla przyejchac,ale to moze. pytales co porabiam. troche wiecej sie usmeicham i juz nie jestem taka smutna. nadal ogladam duzo tv i sie nudze ale jest juz lepeij niz bylo. mam nadzieje nie niedlugo napiszesz. uwazaj na siebie

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Gość mammmma mia
tyle bledow ze nawet nie wiadomo od czego zaczac hi, good to hear you, your letter was very nice. I'm very busy and don't have much time, i was thinking about you no nie wiem duzo tego

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ja bym to zaczęła tak : Dear Tom It was good to hear from you. Sorry I haven't written for so long but I've been busy my work. ......... etc. Jak na email za długie ...

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Gość moze troche poprawilam ten lis
to zdanie poprawilam troche i'm not so sad im watching a lot of tv still and i'm boring

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OMG :( Hi It's good to hear from you. Your letters were very nice. I'm very busy working and I don't have much time to write to you. I was thinking about your offer of me visiting you, but I haven't made my decision yet. I am sure it would be lovely to meet you finally, unfortunately my boss won't allow me to take any holiday because we're very busy at the moment. Maybe I could come in December. You have asked me how I was doing and I am OK. I'm smiling a little and I'm not so sad. I watch a lot of TV, I'm bored for most of the time but everything is better than it used to be. Take care Mam nadzieje ze przeslanie i mysl glowna zostaly oddane

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Hi good i heard of you yours letter were very nice. I'm very busy working and have not much time to write to you. I was thiniking about your offer about visiting you, but I don't make a decision so yet. I'm shure it will be lovely to meet you finally, but mine boss don't won't give me holiday because it is very busy in my company now, maybe in december i can come. You asking me how im doing now so im ok i'm smiling a little sometimes and i am not so sad anymore.I'm watching a lot of tv and am boring most of the time but it is much better then it was before hope you write me soon take care Troche poprawione ale dalej nie jest to idealnie bo skladnia strasznie kiepska w tym liscie.

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Gość o tralala
moze niech dziewczyna skorzysta z tlumacza google.lepiej by na tym wyszla

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sorry ale jak to jest za dlugie na email? chyba na smsa? :P swoja droga moze jednak autorka powinna skorzystac z innego tlumaczenia niz moje, bo glupio wyjdzie jak rozczaruje swoim poziomem angielskiego w realu :(

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Gość serina80....
no dzieki wszystkim za wpisy .widze ze jest tu kilka wersji.............nie wiem ktora wybrac teraz.

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Moja wersja nie jest idealna ale poproawilam tylko kilka bledow twoich nie pisalam nowego listu , zeby byla Twoja tresc tylko nieco bardziej poprawna nie idealna:)

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Gość o tralala
skorzystaj z tlumacza.ale pisz bez znakow interpunkcyjnych bo zmieniaja sens zdania

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Gość serina80....
tak mi wyszlo z google: Tłumaczenie (polski > angielski) Hello! Nice to hear from you. your messages / emails were very nice. I'm busy working a lot and I have no time to write to you. I thought of your offer to go to you, but I made the decision not ejszcze. It would be nice to finally meet you but my boss will not give me holidays now because now is a lot of work. maybe in December przyejchac i can, but it can. You asked what are you doing. August usmeicham little more, and already I'm not so sad. still watching a lot of tv and bored but it is already let 'than it was. I hope not soon write. Think for yourself

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so yet oczywiscie mialo byc bez so:P i nie zauwazylam ze shure pislas zamiast sure tak ze kolejna poprawka do wersji poprawkowej mojej:P

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Gość serina80....
frappuchino- dzieki wielkie,ale chyba wezme ta wersuje Ewelki ! dziekuje wszystkim za wpisy1

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Gość moze troche poprawilam ten lis
mi wyszlo tak samo

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