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Gość Językkkkkk

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Gość Językkkkkk

Mam temat na 3minutową preznetacje :) temat:how will techology change our lives in the next 20 years :) napisałam cos takiego Good evening! I'm going to talk about the lifestyle in the next 20 years. I've chosen this topic because I'm interested in the future. Technology gives us great solutions which simplify our life. Firstly, I think that the computers will be very small and they will be able to much more than today. They also will be more intelligent than they are now, so people will spend most of the time at home. Secondly, the cars will be very fast and they will be able to move with the speed up to 500 km/h, although in the everyday traffic cars won't be driven faster than 100 km/h. Possibly above 65% adults will have got a car. Can you imagine 10000 cars in the Łuków's streets? So, it will be a lot of horrible traffic jams and toxic gases, won't it? You know, a lot of people in the beautiful summer evening would rather drive than walk. Thirdly, in the next 20 years it will be more people who applying unhealthly lifestyle. You see, technology gives us more and more leisure. But if we use this extra time for sitting in front of the computers, we will destroy our health. To sum up: I think that our lifes will be much easier in the future but unless we get out of our cars and exercise more, we will brake our health. PROSZĘ O SPRAWDZENIE :)

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