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Gość sdkfkr23423

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Gość sdkfkr23423

Masturbacja a szaleństwo Znalazłem takie info: Wesleyan Bible commentary authored by Adam Clarke: "speedily exhaust the vital principle and energy" "the muscles become flaccid and feeble" "the tone and natural action of the nerves relaxed and impeded" "the understanding confused" "the memory oblivious" "the judgment perverted" "the will indeterminate and wholly without energy to resist" "the eyes appear languishing and without expression" "the countenance vacant" "the appetite ceases for the stomach is incapable of performing its proper office" "nutrition fails" "tremors, fears, and terrors are generated" "a mind often debilitated even to a state of idiotism" (vol. 1, p. 417) Dr. David Horrobin, an M.D. and Ph.D. from Oxford University, states: "The amount of zinc in semen is such that one ejaculation may get rid of all the zinc that can be absorbed from the intestines in one day. This has a number of consequences. Unless the amount lost is replaced by an increased dietary intake, repeated ejaculation may lead to a real zinc deficiency with various problems developing, including impotence. "It is even possible, given the importance of zinc for the brain, that 19th century moralists were correct when they said that repeated masturbation could make one mad!"Zinc (Vitabooks: St. Albans, Vermont, 1981), p. 8.

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