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Gość asgdkewgr

przetłumaczy ktoś? angielski

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Gość asgdkewgr

You promised me starry night skies They just remind me of your shining bright eyes Im missing your voice at night time This sepa-separation seem-seems a sad crime B-b-b-but dont dont dont think think think i forgot you you you Are are are oh so sweet i i i - i know If only you were here Things would be more magical If i was there Right now would be more radical Youre so not near Im wishing i could place a call And feel closer to you ooo-ooo The miles of air and road and land That separate me from all my plans Were havin' havin' havin' havin' fun But something something tells me i miss someone B-but i hope hope hope you didn't forget me i couldn't Forget you the whole time i always knew i knew Say that youre into me just let me know how it will be If you dont know dont say so Ill wait till the perfect time think of all the perfect lines Ill make sure if i let you know Weve got movies on our list to see Things to do just you and me Calls to make from here to there and back Weve got fun to have and days to spend Stars to see or just pretend At least for now just keep things right on track

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Gość fiiiikkk
obiecales mi gwiezdziste nocne nieba/gwiezdzste niebo noca one/ono po prostu przypominaja mi o twoich blyszczacych oczach tesknie za twoim glosem w nocy to rozstanie wydaje sie byc smutna zbrodnia a-a-a-ale nie nie nie mysl ze zapomnialem cie jestes taka sloda - ja wiem gdybys tylko tu byl/a wszystko byloby bardziej magiczne gdybym ja byl/a tam wlasnie teraz bylo by bardziej radykalne eeeeeeeeej, dluzszego tekstu nie bylo???? juz dalej mi sie nie chce. moze ktos inny dokonczy

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Gość dzieki dalej sam sobie

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