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Gość sprawdzenie czegoś - pilne

Mógłby ktoś sprawdzić moją prace z ang. głównie chodzi o czasy! PROSZE

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Gość sprawdzenie czegoś - pilne

OCZYWIŚCIE JAK JEST COS ZLE TO PISZCIE SAM CZASOWNIK W ODPOWIEDZNIEJ, ITP. Z GÓRY DZIĘKUJE WSZYSTKIM ZA POMOC;];];];] a z pewnościa wiele jest tam żle ;/;/;/;/ angielski jest moją kulą u nogi;/ 1) It was a beautiful weekend in May. The sun was shining and birdies were singing. I and my friends went on a trip to the Sheep's Top. Our walking journey proceeded in the very cheerful atmosphere. We laughted a lot, my friends were talking and we were doing brilliant photographs relation from mountains. 2) We didn't noticed that landmarks on trees somewhere „ disappeared ”. Our friends also disappeared. I thought around they are going before us. . „ let us not stop ” – said my friend. We reached forest after 30 minutes. He was huge and very dark. I felt fear. I didn't know what to do. I took some deep breaths. Suddenly I shouted – “We have lost” My whole body was shaking. It was worst, around my the mobile phone went flat. We could not call for help. We wanted to turn back but we was afraid around it will be even worse. The moon was shining in the sky. It wos more and more dark. We had to stay overnight in the forest. It was terrible. We sat down under the green, wide-stretching oak. I didn't sleep entire night. I was on the alert. Despite everything there was this exciting experience – to spend a night in such a place. In the morning our friends arrived. When we didn't come to the hostel, they called the help on. They worried. When I saw them on my face a smile appeared. I had never felt so happy. Everyone we reached the hostel. 3) Despite the fact that it was one of the scariest days in my life, it was very important for me. I have never felt something so exciting before. My heart was beating so fast. It was an adventure of my life. This night in a gloomy forest will stay in my mind forever. I'll never forget about it. Yes! It was one of the best days in my life. I think my friend think that too.

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Gość fajnie fajnie nawet..
ogólny sens jest nawet fajny... tylko jak chodzi o czasy to ja też jestem tępa... ;/;/;/ nie moge ci pomóc...ale z tego co widze to szą pomieszane troche...;/

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Gość sprawdzenie czegoś - pilne

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Gość sprawdzenie czegoś - pilne
nie doczekam... no ludzie prosze...

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Gość sprawdzenie czegoś - pilne

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Gość sprawdzenie czegoś - pilne
WESOŁA 85 - boże prosze cie!!!!! już nie wiem co robić, jutro musze oddac prace pewnie jest całą żle... jestem tępa z anglika jak but pozatym pisałam to szajstwo chyba z 2 godziny i tak jest żle.... :(:(:(:(

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Gość sprawdzenie czegoś - pilne
a musze to jeszcze przepisac ręcznie.... ech :(

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Gość sprawdzenie czegoś - pilne
wesoła gdzie jesteś ;(;(;(;(;(

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2) We didn't notice that landmarks on trees somewhere „ disappeared ”. Our friends also disappeared. I thought they are going in front of us. . „ let's not stop ” – said my friend. We reached forest after 30 minutes. It was huge and very dark. I felt fear. I didn't know what to do. I took some deep breaths. Suddenly I shouted – “We got lost” My whole body was shaking. It got even worst, my mobile phone went flat. We could not call for help. We wanted to turn back but we were afraid that would be even worse. The moon was shining in the sky. It got darker and darker. We had to stay overnight in the forest. It was terrible. We sad down under the green, wide-stretching oak. I didn't sleep the entire night. I was on the alert. Despite everything, this was exciting experience – to spend a night in such a place. In the morning our friends arrived. When we didn't come to the hostel, they called for help. They were worried. When I saw them a smile appeared on my face. I never felt so happy. Everyone we reached the hostel=Nie rozumiem tej linijki (moze: We returned to the hostel together) 3) Despite the fact that it was one of the scariest days in my life, it was very important for me. I have never felt something so exciting before. My heart was beating so fast. It was an adventure of my life. This night in a gloomy forest will stay in my mind forever. I'll never forget about it. Yes! It was one of the best days in my life. I think my friend think that too.

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Domyslam sie, ze nie jest idealnie ale nie powinnas bani dostac chociaz :) A z ktorej to klasy jesli mozna wiedziec?

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Gość sprawdzenie czegoś - pilne

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Gość sprawdzenie czegoś - pilne
O WESOŁA!! myślałam ze już nie przyjdziesz... jezu dzięki bardzo!!! klasa maturalna liceum... tyle że ja mature zdawać planuje z niemieckiego bo w nim sie czuje dobrze no ale jak to w szkole... zadania pisać musze z angielskiego również....

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Gość przypierdalam się
klasa maturalna, a ty jeszcze do szkoły chodzisz? :o

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Gość sprawdzenie czegoś - pilne
wesoła - ale z tego co widze to aż tak źle nie było z tym zadaniem... szczerze myślałam ze bedzie gorzej... jak na mnie :];];];] a wogóle fajna kiecka ta niebieska na "garnku":)

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Gość sprawdzenie czegoś - pilne
mam rozumieć ze akapit pierwszy jest dobrze, bo nie dałaś żadnej poprawy i 3 też niczego sobie?

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Gość pupa77
chyba birds, a nie birdies? Nie jestem na sto procent pewna, czy mozna napisac I and my friends, nie raczej Me and my friends? Może daj lepiej We... we were doing brilliant photographs relation from mountains - coś nie pasuje, photographic relation?

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Gość pupa77
W drugim akapicie we didn't notice, może byc had disappeared we sat down, nie sad, let us not stop - żel, np. don"t stop It was worst - zamiast tego np. What was worst... but we was afraid - but we were afraid It wos - it was getting dark I didn't sleep entire night - raczej I hasn't slept When we didn't come to the hostel, - raczej perfect niż simple When I saw them on my face a smile appeared - When I saw them a smile appeared on my face. I had never felt so happy - I have never felt so happy.

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Gość sprawdzenie czegoś - pilne
dzięki ! dopytam sie jeszcze jutro w szkole jak ma być dokładnie.... bo mam różne wersje... ale dzieki bardzo:* ze poświęciłeś swój czas;];];];];]

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Gość Mayo
Chryste, przestańcie już z tym angielskim. I prosić o pomoc i sprawdzać. Wkurzające to już jest. Znajdźcie sobie korepetytora lub tłumacza, a jak nie macie kasy to się uczcie. Albo zlikwidujcie internet i zaoszczędzoną kasę kupcie sobie dobry podręcznik do gramatyki. Dżizaz...

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