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Gość alicjadelicjaMaturzystkaaa

napisalam rozprawke na ang - bylabym wdzieczna gdyby znalazl sie ktos dobry z an

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Gość alicjadelicjaMaturzystkaaa

gielskiego, najlepiej anglista ;d i mi to sprawdzil. wypisal bledy i jak jej poprawic. proszę A discussion between the people who think that a work is a blessing and the ones considering that it is a curse is common. I will try to present main virtues and drawbacs of a work. The most important advantage of a work is a salary. Thanks to a work people earn the money for the food, the clothes, a house and an entertainment. So it seems that work is essential for a worthy living. An additional advantage of a work is that it fills the day and it gives a chance to spend the day more actively. People who work are not harassed by a boredom. It is often believed that a work gives a chance for a success. Thanks to a work people can make a career. On the other hand there are a lot of drawbacks of a work. The main disadvantage is that a work can be dangerous and exhausting for people. It also can be a source of a frustration and psychological problems. For example, the fight for a promotion is often ruthless and dishonest so it can reflect on a mentality. Another argument against work is that it takes away a lot of time. So it cause that people often do not have time fot their families and friends - for values which should be the most important in the life. If we want to have a good post, we have to graduate from a very good university. People often have to study while working and often also retraining is indispensable for them. It is also disadvantage. To conclude, a work can be regarded as a curse but in my opinion it is a blessing. It gives people a source of living, thanks to it people are not bored and it gives a chance for success, prosze bardzo o sprawdzenie......

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Gość anglistanauczyciel
sprawdze tylko grame, bo na reszte nie mam czasu, no chyba ze jakis masaż byś mi za to zrobiła ;) gielskiego, najlepiej anglista ;d i mi to sprawdzil. wypisal bledy i jak jej poprawic. proszę The discussion between people who think that work is a blessing and those who consider it to be a curse is quite common. I will try to present the pros and cons of work. The most important advantage of work is salary. Thanks to work people earn money for food, clothes, rent and entertainment. Consequently, it seems obvious that work is essential for decent living. The additional advantage of work is that it fills the day and gives a chance to spend it more actively. People who work do not experience by boredom. It is often believed that work gives a chance to succede in life. Thanks to work people can persue their careers. On the other hand there are a lot of drawbacks of a work. The main disadvantage is that work can be dangerous and exhausting. It also can a source of frustration and menthal disorders. For example, the fight for promotion is often ruthless and dishonest, therefore it can exert an impact on one's mentality. Another voice against work is that it very time-consuming. As a result, people do not have time fot their families and friends - the values that are the most important in their lifes. If we want to have a plum job, we have to graduate from a very good university. People often have to study while working.??? and often also retraining is indispensable for them???. It is also a disadvantage. To conclude, a work can be regarded as a curse but in my opinion it is a blessing. It gives people a source of living, thanks to it people are not bored and it gives a chance for success, dałbym ci 3+ uwazaj na A i THE za duzo powtórzeń, używaj jakiegoś TEZARUSA pozdro

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Gość alicjadelicjaMaturzystkaaa
no prosze...

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Gość alicjadelicjaMaturzystkaaa
dziekuje bardzo za spr ;]] jeszcze jednaj sa pomoci ludzie ;)) a mysli Pani ze mode strartowac do rozszerzonej z angielskiego czy lepiej sie w to nie pakowac?? niby napisalam tak w deklaracji ale nie wiem czy lepiej by bylo sie wycofac???????

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Czytałam wersje poprawioną. Powinno być: People who work do not experience boredom. On the other hand there are a lot of drawbacks of work. Dopisz jeszcze, że praca zajmuje większość naszego życia, dlatego warto zadbać o to byśmy ją lubili. Oraz, że żyjemy w systemie monetarnym i jesteśmy trochę jak niewolnicy.

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