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Gość sdafsdafsadfsa

wiecie co się piszę o Polsce na Wikipedii? oto fragment z dyskusji:

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Gość sdafsdafsadfsa

to akurat z dyskusji do artykułu o Stefanie Banach: The reader of the article will understand the "political situation" and "what's going on" much better if we state that in 1918-1939 Banach lived in a rogue state (so-called "interwar Poland") , ruled by dictators (Pisudski and his cronies), who came to power as a result of a military coup-d'etat, oppressing the ethnic minorities ("pacifikaciya" of Ukrainians, Rusyns, Germans and Jews), threatening the use of military force against its neighbors (Ukraine, Lithuania, Germany, Czechoslovakia) and committing a military aggression against its peaceful neighbors (Ukraine (1918-1920), Lithuania and Czechoslovakia (1938-1939)). The most terrible crime against humanity - Shoah, was committed on a Polish territory (1939-1945) and, largely, by willing Poles. Most Poles gladly collaborated with Nazi Germany. There are more Poles, who fought for Nazis and were taken as prisoners of war by Allies, than those who fought against the Nazis. Even more Polish Nazi collaborators escaped and are still not captured. Why are we omitting these important facts in this article, while re-stating many times that Ukrainians "occupied" Lviv, Ukraine and "re-settled" Poles back home to Poland? Many Banach colleagues, and he himself, suffered from the regime by Pilsudski and his cronies. Some even perished in Shoah, killed by Poles.

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przeciętny kafeterianin zna angielski w stopniu podstawowym

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Gość jestem zalamana
j/w chyba sobie strzele z tego powodu! ale kieliszek wodki ha ha

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Gość sdafsdafsadfsa
jest napisane że Polacy mordowali Żydów, że byli Nazistami, że przedwojenna Polska to było państwo nazistowskie, atakujące bezbronnych sąsiadów i gnębiące mniejszości narodowe. dalej w dyskusji jest że za to zapłacimy, że odszkodowanie dla Żydów i Ukraińców itp.

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