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Gość pseufonim pseudonim

jak myslicie czy to jest scam?

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Gość pseufonim pseudonim

szukam pracy jako au pair i dostalam jednego maila no to ok ja odpisalam ze jestem zainteresowana i gosc mi tak odp: Thank you for responding to our email, we are very much interested in you and as said ealier we are a British family living in California and we will be moving to London, UK soon so we need an aupair/nanny that can help us to take good care of our children when we get to London. We are not sure of the moving date yet because we intend to find an aupair/nanny before we move to the UK. My name is Conor Oprea an aeronautic engineer and my wife is Pat Oprea a Journalist. As you can see that our professions takes most of our time and our kids are still too young to be left alone and due to my new job in UK i will be too busy to take care of the kids and my wife will remain here in California for a while to conclude her project here in California after which she will join us in the UK. So, we really need a good aupair that can take good care of our kids and make them happy always. We have 2 kids and there names are Ciara and Jon. Ciara is 2 and she is a shy girl and she likes sport, she is intelligent and funny and i am sure you will really enjoy your stay with her. Jon is 3 and he is a little bit difficult especially when hungry but he is an obedient boy and he also likes sport especially cricket and American football and he thinks one day he will play the sport. We hope to move to the UK soon and we will like you to start working immediately we get to UK. You will be treated as a part of our family from the moment you start working with us and i am sure you will definitely be happy with us and you will not regret working as aupair in my family. Your duty is basically taking sole charge of the kids and making sure they are in a good state of health at all time, you will also take them to school every morning and do some house cores when necessary. You will be required to work for 40 hours weekly from Monday to Friday with weekends off and the kids will be in school from 10am till 2 pm daily so you can do other things or go to Language class if you want during your free time since you will be having enough free time. We are offering to pay you 1500 pounds monthly salary with a weekly pocket money of 145 pounds for your transport, phone bills and other little expenses. Below are further details of your duties. Do inform us in case you have any objections to this duties. -Getting the kids dressed in the morning. -Supervising their breakfast and lunch plus morning and afternoon snacks. -Playing with them (age appropriate) to insure at least 60 minutes of exercise (can be split throughout the day). -Doing education crafts & activities with them (age appropriate). -Ensuring their optimal health and safety during your care. -Keeping their room clean and organized. -Doing laundry if necessary. -Taking the kids to and from school and activities. -Supervising play dates. Before we proceed further we will still like you to answer these few questions. * Have you ever traveled outside your home country before? * Have you much experience working with kids? * Do you smoke? * Do you drink? * Can you help with housework? * Do you have brothers and sisters? * Do you like pets? * Do you mind doing light cooking? * How many children would you feel comfortable with at time? * Can you help with shopping? Hope to hear from you soonest possible. Cheers Jakos nie chce mi sie w to wierzyc, to jest chyba scam-jak myslicie?

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Gość dziaddek
Scam (ang. Confidence trick) działanie polegające na wprowadzeniu kogoś w błąd poprzez sugestię, że jest on beneficjentem określonego dobra, na ogół finansowego. Celem tego działania jest przeprowadzenie trudnego do udowodnienia oszustwa. Najczęstszą formą scamu jest korespondencja w formie tradycyjnej lub elektronicznej odmiana spamu.

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Gość a co to jest
dzięki za dogłębne wytłumaczenie, nie spodziewałam sie tego tutaj;) chyba się starzeję, ze takiego slowa wczesniej nie słyszałam, co?

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Gość pseufonim pseudonim

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Gość aha i achhhh
nie widzę tu znamion oszustwa. Mają prawo wiedzieć te wszystkie rzeczy, o które cie pytają, w koncu au-pair ma z nimi mieszkac.

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Gość pseufonim pseudonim
dzieki juz upewnilam sie, ze to scam, poszukalam w internecie no i prosze scam jak nic

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Gość pitulinka
A jak to sprawdzilas?

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Gość pseufonim pseudonim
przejrzalam takie jedno forum i taka jedna dziewczyna dostala takiego samego emaila

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dziwny zbieg okolicznosci prawda?

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