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Gość Belgia

jaka jest Belgia - taka

Polecane posty

Gość chora jestes
to jakas paranoja psychorodynalna - przestaj juz wreszcie kobieto z ta Belgia ,chora jestes??????????corka sie zajmnij

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Gość buehehehhehe dobre dobre

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Gość no i jak sie zyje w Belgii

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Gość no i jak sie zyje w Belgii
podobno otwieraja rynki pracy :D

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Gość Aqua112233
Czy ktos moze szukal pracy tylko z jezykiem angielskim lub korzystal z agencji posrednictwa pracy w Bruxelli i ma jekies doswiadczenia ??? Bede wdzieczna za wszelkie informacje.

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Gość ciezko ci bedzie oooj

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Gość emilio
dokadnie,powiedz coś złego na belga a ci życ nie dadzą,kurwa wstydzą się tego ze są polakami,unikają kontaktów z rodakami a każdemy zasranemu belgowi dupe wyliżą...taki polak

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Gość sdfoeuf
z samym angielskim praktycznie nie ma szans chyba ze masz duze doswiadczenie i jestes wysokiej klasy specjalista. agencje pracy w samej brusekli sa jeszcze grosze bo wlasciwie nikt nie mowi tam po angielsku a wylacznie po francusku.

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Gość aquariuss
a niemiecki raczej tez nie?

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Gość hhhhhhnanneketokurwa
ze juz nie wspomne o belgijskich szmatach co do polski wlazly i smrodza niemytymi pizdami

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Gość hhhhhhnanneketokurrrrwa
szmaty z belgii do gazu

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Gość Jarrett
A company car where to buy clomid in the uk ISTANBUL, Sept 14 (Reuters) - The opposition Syrian NationalCoalition elected a moderate Islamist as provisional primeminister on Saturday, hoping to avoid being sidelined as worldpowers renew diplomatic efforts to end the civil war.

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Gość Chadwick
Do you know what extension he's on? Lithium Carbonate Buy The loss is a blow to Dimon, who has long used the bank's steady profit as a shield to ward off critics of its mounting regulatory and legal issues. The bank for the first time said it has stockpiled reserves of $23 billion for expected settlements and other legal expenses.

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Gość Kraig
I love the theatre nizagara espao-a Microsoft, founded in 1975 by Bill Gates and Paul Allen, is a veteran software company, best known for its Microsoft Windows operating system and the Microsoft Office suite of productivity software.Starting in 1980 Microsoft formed a partnership with IBM allowing Microsoft to sell its software package with the computers IBM manufactured. Microsoft is widely used by professionals worldwide and largely dominates the American corporate market.Additionally, the company has ventured into hardware with consumer products such as the Zune and...

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Gość Hilton
History neurontin 800 milligram Primark, whose low prices have helped it expand to more than250 stores in Britain and Europe, has already paid six monthssalary to all 3,621 workers affected by the collapse and theirfamilies, committing some $2 million in short-term financialsupport and food distribution.

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Gość Freeman
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Gość Delbert
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Gość Leonardo
Directory enquiries epidemic grip thuoc clomipramine 25-50 mg lid Edwards-Callaway told the audience the cattle had been fed a beta-agonist, but did not identify which brand. She also said various factors - including heat, transportation, and animal health - may have contributed to the behavior seen on the video, according to JBS spokesman Cameron Bruett. He said the video showed cattle were "reluctant to move," and told Reuters JBS wanted feedback from animal welfare experts, who were among those attending, on what JBS's own staff had been seeing.

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Gość Jimmie
My battery's about to run out sparkle price of zithromax zone mallow The Concordia's captain, Francesco Schettino, is on trial for alleged manslaughter, causing the shipwreck and abandoning ship during a confused and delayed evacuation. Prosecutors contend he deliberately went off the route, bringing the ship too close to Giglio's rocky coastline at night. The captain, who risks 20 years in prison, contends that the reef wasn't on the ship's nautical charts.

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Gość Alfonzo
Where do you come from? musician paxil cr 12.5mg profession "I thought it was a joke," Mayweather told an ESPN television reporter shortly after the bout. Earlier in the ring he said: "I'm not in control of the judges. I'm a little in shock but everything is a learning experience."

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Gość Delbert
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Gość miśka4488
Posłuchajcie mnie teraz uważnie, bo wielu z was jest pewnie na najlepszej drodze by zmarnować sobie życie i nawet o tym nie wie, sama przez wiele lat byłam ślepa i nie widziałam o tym jak bardzo na dnie jestem, NIE MIAŁAM POJĘCIA, BYŁAM PRZEKONANA ŻE MAM WSPANIAŁE ŻYCIE, Bóg zesłał mi jednak dar nawrócenia oraz zakończenia mojej ślepoty, na szczęście udało mi się poodkręcać wszystko i teraz jest w miarę ok, moja krótka rada dla was : odmawiajcie różaniec za siebie samych, pomóżcie sobie ludzie, proście Boga by dał wam przejrzeć na oczy byście zobaczyli siebie i swoje życie jego oczyma, nie olewajcie własnego życia, błagam wa, ludzie, nie olewajcie siebie i swojego życia, kiedyś będzie za późno !!!!

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Gość Lucius
Have you got any experience? buy topamax There are many unequivocal statements the government cannot prove without Risen, said Edward MacMahon, a lawyer for Sterling

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Gość Brady
Your account's overdrawn draft referred macleods pharma megalis ridiculous conceive Before the opening bell, the Census Bureau reported that although monthly retail sales were up modestly in August, they were lower than expected. Auto sales rose nearly 1% in August, but consumers cut back at other retailers, including clothing and sporting good stores.

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Gość Cedrick
How much is a First Class stamp? zoloft for children Belarus detained Baumgertner during a visit to Minsk in late August, about a month after Uralkali caused a row between Russia and Belarus when it unexpectedly pulled out of a sales cartel for fertilizer component potash with a partner in Belarus.

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Gość Quinton
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Gość Murray
Which university are you at? sertraline experiences uk (At the time of publication, Reuters columnist James Saft did not own any direct investments in securities mentioned in this article. He may be an owner indirectly as an investor in a fund. For previous columns by James Saft, click on)

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