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Gość Czarna mamba;)...

Kto zna dobrze angielski? Sprawdzicie moją pocztówkę po angielsku?

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Gość Czarna mamba;)...

Hej. Mam probe do tych którzy dobrze znają angielski. Moim zd domowym było napisanie pocztówki do koleżanki, ale myślę że z gramatyką jest cienko, a wiec wszystkie uwagi mile widziane. I proszę o nie wyśmiewanie się z mojego pokaleczonego angielskiego:) Hi Katharine J m writing to you from London. Here the wather is fantastic. J m staying at a big hotel near the Marlborough Hause. London is beautiful, specally in the night. Yesterday J spent whole day on the beach on a Sea with new friends. Today I was going shoping. J was buying a lot of souvenirs and clothes. Tommorow I m visiting a Science Museum and take a boat trip on a river. J have hope, that was fantastic. J ll be back on Saturday. J cant wait to see you. Love XXX

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Gość literówki i drobne błedy
na 4-

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Gość nbnvnvvnnvvnbnvn
Nie J tylko duże i

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Gość nbnvnvvnnvvnbnvn
Catherine (wiem, że są różne odmiany, ale chyba o to Ci chodzi weather house especially the whole day at the beach and sea Today I went shopping I (have) bought Tomorrow and taking a boat trip I hope it will be great/fantastic/awesome

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Gość Niezadowolony24
Hi Katharine I'm writing to you from London. The weather here is fantastic. I'm staying at a big hotel near the Marlborough House. London is beautiful, a specially at the night. Yesterday I spent a whole day on the beach near the sea with new friends. Today I was shopping. I bought a lot of souvenirs and clothes. Tomorrow I'll visit a Science Museum and I'll take a boat trip on a river. (to zdanie nie wiem o co ci chodzi) =>J have hope, that was fantastic. I'll be back on Saturday. I canit wait to see you. Love XXX

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Gość blabondishfcieb
Hi Katharine I'm writing to you from London. The weather here is fantastic. I'm staying in a big hotel near the Marlborough House. London is beautiful, especially in the night. Yesterday I spent the whole day on the beach with new friends. Today I went shopping. Bought lots of souvenirs and clothes. Tomorrow I'm visiting the Science Museum and taking a boat trip on the river. I hope that it will be fantastic. I'll be back on Saturday. Can't wait to see you. Love XXX

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Gość male poprawki
at night I went shopping and bought

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