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Gość zaniepokojony mariusz

MÓGŁBY ktoś sprawdzić? ANGIELSKI!!

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Gość zaniepokojony mariusz

There is no denying that that money is very important. First of all, money permit to live in dignity. They are tangible, so that we fulfill their needs and dreams. What is more a prosperous and luxurious life. And secondly they facilitate implementation. You can buy everything, even health. Many times it happens that human life can only save a very expensive medication. Could not get them, if not big money. Rich people do not worry as the poor to survive another day Cohello Paulo said: "Money is the magic power to them, no one is alone." Although the money can not buy the most important values such as love. . Nothing can replace a friend. His help and support are invaluable. Friendship for a person to one of the most important values in life. Friendship is more important than wealth. furthermore there are plenty of things more important than money. Happiness can not buy money. The most important are honesty, companionship, acceptance and mean much more than money. Persons who do not have money are more ambitious, they see luck in trifles. In conclusion the money is not important. However, these are very much needed. The most important things in life can not be bought with money, because they are priceless. . Bardzo proszę, to dla mnie niezwykle ważne:(

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Gość zaniepokojony mariusz

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Gość english teacher
chłopie dalbys jakiegos maila a nie taaaaaki tekst i tutaj tyle tlumaczyc???

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Gość zaniepokojony mariusz mógłby ktoś mi pomoc i poprawić??:(

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There is no denying that that money is very important. First of all, money permit to live in dignity. They are tangible, so that we fulfil our needs and dreams with them. What is more a prosperous and luxurious life.(tu zgubiłam sens?) And secondly they can make your life easier in many ways. You can buy everything, even health. Many times it happens that human life can only be saved by very expensive medication.You can't get it without big money. Rich people do not worry as the poor about surviving another day Cohello Paulo said: "Money is the magic power to them, no one is alone." Although the money cannot buy the most important values as love. . Nothing can replace a friend. His help and support are invaluable. Friendship for a person is one of the most important values in life. Friendship is more important than wealth. furthermore there are plenty of things more important than money. Happiness cannot be bought by money. The most important are honesty, companionship, acceptance and they mean more than money. Persons who do not have money are more ambitious, they see luck in trifles. In conclusion the money is not important. However, we need them (nie wiem czy taki był sens?) . The most important things in life cannot be bought with money, because they are priceless. . (cannot piszemy łącznie) taka moja propozycja

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aha- jesli chodzi o cytat Coelho - nie ma on dla mnie sensu, ale nie chciałam poprawiać - skoro to jednak cytat... pozdrawiam

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Gość zaniepokojony mariusz

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Gość zaniepokojony mariusz
ten cytat miał brzmieć : "Pieniądze mają czarodziejską moc, z nimi nikt nie jest samotny.” " to jak to napisac zeby miało sens?

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Gość o boze kolejny z tym angielski
There is no denying that that money is very important. First of all, money ALLOW to live in dignity. They are tangible, so that we fulfill their needs and dreams. What is BETTER THAN a prosperous and luxurious life. Secondly they facilitate implementation. You can buy everything, even health. Many times human life can only BE SAVED BY very expensive medication YOU CAN not get IT WITHOUT big money. Rich people do not worry, as the poorER, to survive another day. Paulo COHELLO said: "Money is the magic power to them, no one is alone." NONTHELESS the money can not buy the most important values such as love. . Nothing can replace a friend. His help and support are invaluable. Friendship IS one of the most important values in life. IT is more important than wealth. THE ARE ALSO plenty of OTHER things more important than money. MONEY can not BUY HAPPINES. The most important are honesty, companionship, acceptance and THEY mean much more than money. Persons who do not have money are more ambitious, they see luck in trifles. In conclusion the money is not THAT important. However IS very much needed. The most important things in life can not be bought with money, because they are priceless. . ZDECYDOWANIE ZA DUZO SLOW: IMPORTANT, MONEY, LIFE ETC. ALE MOGLO BYC GORZEJ

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Gość proszę bardzo
There is no doubt that money is very important. First of all, thanks to money one can live life in dignity. It is tangible, so that we fulfill our needs and dreams. And what is better than having a prosperous and luxurious life? And secondly it facilitates implementation. You can buy almost everything, even health. It often happens that human life can only be saved with a very expensive medication - and of course, you cannot get them if you have no money. Rich people do not worry as much as the poor to survive another day. Paulo Cohello said: "Money is the magic power to them, no one is alone." Although money is important in life it cannot buy the most important things such as love or friendship. Nothing can replace a friend. His help and support are invaluable. Friendship for a person is one of the most important values in life. Friendship is a lot more important than wealth. Furthermore there are plenty of things more important than money. Happiness cannot buy money. The most important are honesty, companionship, acceptance and they all mean much more than money. People who do not have money are more ambitious, they see luck in trifles. In conclusion the money is not important. However, it is are very much needed. The most important things in life cannot be bought with money, because they are priceless. i jeszcze na koniec pare słów: * money - to czasownik niepoliczalny, czyli zawsze wystepuje w liczbie pojedynczej (money IS) * ludzie - zawsze będzie jako "people", nie "persons" * cannot - zawsze piszemy RAZEM powodzenia :-)

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"Pieniądze mają czarodziejską moc, z nimi nikt nie jest samotny. Money have the magic power - no one is lonely with them.

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Gość o boze kolejny z tym angielski
cytat: Money posess the magic power, WITH them no one is alone. CAN NOT piszemy osobno, prznajmniej Anglicy tak pisza, nie wiem jak nauczyciele angielskiego w Polsce :-P

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Gość proszę bardzo
jeszcze mały komentarz - jestem nauczycielem angielskiego, proszę zignorować poprzednie tłumaczenia, bo ludzie, choć chcieli pomóc, zostawili Ci masę błędów... :o słowo MONEY jest niepoliczalne!! zawsze występuje w licznie pojedynczej... poprawiłam kilka rzeczy, dodałam, żeby było więcej sensu - na przykład najpierw napisałeś, że można wszystko kupić za pieniądze, nawet zdrowie, a potem, że jednak miłości i przyjaźni nie można - to tez poprawiłam

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Gość im here
nie mam czasu czytac wszystkiego ale juz w pierwszym zdaniu money allowS, money permitS... ktos tam nizej pisal inaczej :thanks to money - o wiele lepiej jak na moj gust

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Gość proszę bardzo
cannot zawsze pisze się razem jestem nauczycielem, ale nie mieszkam w Polsce... anyway, ludzie, nie wymądrzajcie się bez sensu, bo chłopakowi mieszacie tylko... mała jedynka, money HAVE??? chyba HAS :o po co pomagac jak się nie ma pojęcia o języku?? bez sensu..

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Gość im here
CAN NOT piszemy razem

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Gość proszę bardzo
dzięki I'm here - już myśłałam, że sama jestem... :o to wyżej (thanks to money) to ja napisąłam, ale zaraz mnie tu zjedzą pewnie "mądrzejsi" , bo juz widze po wpisach, że większość jest zupełnie bez sensu...

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Gość im here
wiem - no coz kazdy stara sie jak moze - grunt ze w dobrej wierze - do autora - prosze bardzo napisala ci piekne i poprawne gramatycznie tlumaczenie - radze skorzystac:)

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Gość proszę bardzo
a nie mówiłam :p

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Gość power of money
Money can't buy you love... but makes life so much easier :D :D :D And what really can buy you love? The love of money is the root of all

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