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Gość alicjadelicjaMaturzystkaaa

wypowiedz z ang - kto mi sprawdzi.. prosze...............

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Gość alicjadelicjaMaturzystkaaa

A discussion between the people who think that a work is a blessing and the ones considering that it is a curse is common. I will try to present main virtues and drawbacs of a work. The most important advantage of a work is a salary. Thanks to a work people earn the money for the food, the clothes, a house and an entertainment. So it seems that work is essential for a worthy living. An additional advantage of a work is that it fills the day and it gives a chance to spend the day more actively. People who work are not harassed by a boredom. It is often believed that a work gives a chance for a success. Thanks to a work people can make a career. On the other hand there are a lot of drawbacks of a work. The main disadvantage is that a work can be dangerous and exhausting for people. It also can be a source of a frustration and psychological problems. For example, the fight for a promotion is often ruthless and dishonest so it can reflect on a mentality. Another argument against work is that it takes away a lot of time. So it cause that people often do not have time fot their families and friends - for values which should be the most important in the life. If we want to have a good post, we have to graduate from a very good university. People often have to study while working and often also retraining is indispensable for them. It is also disadvantage. To conclude, a work can be regarded as a curse but in my opinion it is a blessing. It gives people a source of living, thanks to it people are not bored and it gives a chance for success,

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