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King MJ... przyznac sie kto sie popłakał ogladajac to...

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TREŚĆ PETYCJI: The Norwegian Nobel Institute
 NO-0255 Oslo, Norway
 Visiting address: Henrik Ibsens gate 51 Phone: +47 22 12 93 00 Fax: +47 22 12 93 10 E-mail: Dear Norwegian Nobel Committee, We the undersigned, would like to nominate legendary performing artist and global humanitarian Michael Jackson for the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. He was and will continue to be one of the most famous, and influential men on earth. Michael’s message for humankind has always been rooted in compassion, and kindness. He has succeeded a lifelong dedication to the well being of humanity. Moving beyond all political, social, and economic borders Michael Jackson consistently spread a positive message of global unity, healing, and love. Michael Jackson endlessly devoted his life to helping others in their darkest time of need. It would be nearly impossible to count the multiple hundreds of millions of dollars Michael has donated to charity from his own finances, charity organizations, and also through his organizing of major fund raising events. In 1984, Michael Jackson was severely burned while filming a commercial for the Pepsi Cola Company. Michael was awarded $1.5 million in the court settlement, which he donated to the Michael Jackson Burn Center. The 1985 charity fund raising song ‘We Are The World’ was co-written and organized by Michael Jackson. The song was recorded in an effort to help aid famine-relief in Ethiopia. To date the song has generated over $60 million in relief aid for the charity. The most impressive global contribution Michael Jackson has made to humanity was his 1992 creation of the Heal The World Foundation. Michael’s foundation is responsible for educating children about the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse, donating millions of dollars to poverty stricken children in need, and airlifting 46 tons of supplies to war torn Sarajevo. In 1994, Michael Jackson pledged $120,000 from the Heal The World Foundation to pay the cost of a liver transplant for an abandoned Hungarian child by the name of Bela Farkas. This is the type of giving that led to Michael being listed under the entry “Most Charities Supported By A Pop Star” in the year 2000 Guiness Book of World Records. Michael Jackson also continued to contribute to charities for the survivors of Hurricane Katrina, and the victims families of the attacks on 9/11/01. We the Undersigned, believe Michael Jackson has given of himself completely and selflessly in a lifelong effort to help better global conditions for children, and all of humankind. Please consider Michael Jackson whole heartedly as the nominee, and recipient for the distinguished honor of this most prestigious award. Michael Jackson has undoubtably earned the 2010 Nobel Peace Prize. Sincerely, Anneliese Nichole Brown Anthropology Student University of California Los Angeles

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Gość Rademeness
hej dziewczyny, zamieszczam wspomnienia ludzi, ktorzy pracowali z MJ: Some random memories: One morning MJ came in with a new song he had written overnight. We called in a guitar player, and Michael sang every note of every chord to him. "here's the first chord first note, second note, third note. Here's the second chord first note, second note, third note", etc., etc. We then witnessed him giving the most heartfelt and profound vocal performance, live in the control room through an SM57. He would sing us an entire string arrangement, every part. Steve Porcaro once told me he witnessed MJ doing that with the string section in the room. Had it all in his head, harmony and everything. Not just little eight bar loop ideas. he would actually sing the entire arrangement into a micro-cassette recorder complete with stops and fills. At one point Michael was angry at one of the producers on the project because he was treating everyone terribly. Rather than create a scene or fire the guy, Michael called him to his office/lounge and one of the security guys threw a pie in his face. No further action was needed . . . . . During the recording of "Smile" on HIStory, Bruce thought it would be great if Michael would sing live with the orchestra. But of course, we didn't tell the players that. We set him up in a vocal booth off to the side. They rehearsed a bit without vocals in, then during the first take Michael sang, just about knocked them out of their chairs. His beatboxing was without parallel, and his time was ridiculous. His sense of harmony was incredible. Never a bad note, no tuning, even his breathing was perfectly in time. Once, while we were taking a break, I think we were actually watching the OJ chase on TV, there was a news program talking about him being in Europe with some little boy. I was sitting next to the guy while the news is making this crap up. He just looked at me and said this is what I have to deal with. I spent close to 3 years working with him, and not once did I question his morals, or ever believe any of the allegations. I wasn't even a fan then. I saw him interact with his brothers kids, other people's children, and at one point my own girlfriend's kids. I got to spend a day at Neverland with them. A completely incredible human being, always looking for a way to make all children's lives better. Every weekend at Neverland was donated to a different children's group - children with AIDS, children cancer, etc., and most of the time he wasn't there. He was simply living the childhood he never had. In many ways he never grew up. I was assisting Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis while they recorded the background vocals for "Scream" with MJ and Janet. The two of them singing together was amazing. Super tight, no bad notes. One part after another. When they took a break they sang the showtunes they used to sing as kids. Again, perfect harmony. Mj refused to sing the "stop f*ckin' with me part" because he would NOT curse.

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Gość Karolina Karapiczo
przetłumaczyłby ktoś dobry? The meaning of life is contained in every single expression of life. It is present in the infinity of forms and phenomena that exist in all of creation. Children show me in their playful smiles the divine in everyone. This simple goodness shines straight from their hearts and only asks to be lived Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation I believe in wishes and in a person's ability to make a wish come true, I really do. And a wish is more than a wish... it's a goal that your conscience and subconscience can help make reality And the dream we were conceived in will reveal a joyful face... and the world we once believed in will shine again in grace. Then why do we keep strangling life wound this Earth, crucify its soul. Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly. We could be God's glow... Heal the world. I am bewildered at the length to which people will go to portray me so negatively ~ ~ It pains me to watch the human suffering taking place in the gulf region of my country. I will be reaching out to others within the music industry to join me in helping to bring relief and hope to these resilient people who have lost everything. ~ ~ And I remember going to the record studio and there was a park across the street and I'd see all the children playing and I would cry because it would make me sad that I would have to work instead. ~ send an e card Michael Jackson ~ Before I would hurt a child, I would slit my wrists. ~ send an e card Michael Jackson ~ Everything that I love is behind those gates. We have elephants, and giraffes, and crocodiles, and every kind of tigers and lions. And - and we have bus loads of kids, who don't get to see those things. They come up sick children, and enjoy it. ~ ~ I love my family very much. I wish I could see them a little more often than I do. But we understand because we're a show business family and we all work. ~ ~ People write negatives things, cause they feel that's what sells. Good news to them, doesn't sell. ~ ~ People think they know me, but they don`t. Not really. Actually, I am one of the loneliest people on this earth. I cry sometimes, because it hurts. It does. To be honest, I guess you could say that it hurts to be me.

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Hej dziewczyny! Ale mam zaległości w czytaniu Waszych postów, nie było mnie tu 1,5 dnia ijuz tyle, łooo mammmo. No, ale zajmę się tym za chwilę, teraz cgciałm Wam dać peną informację. Otóż DZIS o 17.25 na kanale E!ENTERTAINMENT będzie program pt. MICHAEL JACKSON. Nie wiem, czy nie bedzie to cos, co już widziałyśmy, ale zawsze warto sprawdzić. Ja na pewno obejrzę.

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Gość 99999999999 luftbaloooooons
gdzie wszyscy?

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99999999999 luftbaloooooons - ale słodko Michael wyglada na tym filmie Ja wczoraj i przedwczoraj nic tu nie pisałam, bo ogladałam fotki MJ z dzieciństwa, z braćmi, jako naastolatka uwielbiam to zdjęcie, jaki on tu wesoły, mam nadzieję, ze na prawdę był tu szczęśliwy

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Gość 99999999999 luftbaloooooons
klamka - pierwszy raz widzę tę fotkę. boska:D lubię patrzeć na jego uśmiech

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Gość 99999999999 luftbaloooooons
przy okazji trafiłam na tym kozaczku na największą bzdurę jaką napisali po śmierci Jackosna:O

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Gość Rademeness
Uwielbiam Michaela za jego szczerosc, wiekszosc artystow kreuje swoje wizerunki wg. w danym czasie panujacych trendow. Np. mamy mode na bycie zadziornym i agresywnym, to oni takich udaja. Michael nie poddawal sie temu nurtowi, mowil I love you, co inni uznaja za obciach. Nie udawal kogos kim nie byl, tworzyl muzyke tak jak czul. Powinno byc wiecej takich ludzi na swiecie. Nie rozumiem dlaczego ludzie wstydza sie przyznac ze lubia jego muzyke, badz jego jako czlowieka. Wola powiedziec, slucham Metalice, Mansona czy innych wykonawcow. Wszystko to wina mediow :(

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Gość Rademeness
Klamka, E jest tylko w UK? Nie mam go na platformie cyfry

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Czy ta petycja do Kapituły Nobla jest prawdziwa???? Podpisuje sie tam obiema rękami!!! To by było wspaniałe, gdyby sie udało!

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Gość 99999999999 luftbaloooooons

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sedze i za głowe sie łapie...dzisiaj przeczytałam ze Mj przyklejał sobie nos na klej i ze miał słoik z różnymi nosami w łazience....brak mi słów i sił

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3 majcie za mnie kciuki bo bede miala dzisiaj bardzo cięzki dzien...musze powiedziec moim współlokatorom ze sie wyprowadzam i zostawiam ich z czynszem na głowie a ona jest w ciązy...smutno mi ale chcemy mieszkac sami wiec nie wiem czy do was dzisiejszego wieczoru wrce mimo ze to miesiecznica....

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Gość nogawka77
czy to prawda,że on był już 2 czy 3 razy nominowany do pokojowej nagrody Nobla?

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Gość 99999999999 luftbaloooooons
powodzenia abraja

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