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King MJ... przyznac sie kto sie popłakał ogladajac to...

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Gość na youtube to też było Human
fajna choreografia:D machanie łapką rządzi :P niesamowity był

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Gość dorota-----------
say what też uważam że w latach 90 tych :P

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Gość say what
Doroto, z Toba moge jeszcze dyskutowac o tym, ale z facetem? I to z jego inicjatywy? :D To troche tak jakby dwie kobiety zastanawialy sie, w ktorym filmie Angelina Jolie jest bardziej sexy. A Michael w 90-tych tez byl ciachowaty. :P

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Gość Hogmather
say what - udajesz taka zacofana czy Ty taka naprawde jestes?A co jest zlego w dyskusji na temat kiedy dana osoba byla bardziej sexy , lepiej wygladala?I nawet jesli jest to dyskusja miedzy kobieta a dziewczyna?Sama czasami z mezem lub kolezanka dyskutuje np na temat jakiejs aktorki jak ogladam dany film i nieraz powiem "ale ta kobietka jest ladnaaaaa" i co w tym zlego?Niby jestescie takie nowoczesne, wyzwolone a tak naprawde oburzasz sie bez powodu i robisz afere koperkowa o NIC.Nie mialas o czym napsac to trzeba bylo o pogodzie a nie silic sie i szukac na sile problemu tam gdzie go nie ma.

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Gość widziałam go we Wrocławiu
asdfghjklxcvbnm życzę Ci, żeby po Twojej śmierci mówili i myśleli o Tobie tak samo. A tak na marginesie, żeby wypowiadać się na czyjś temat trzeba najpierw nauczyć się sztuki patrzenia , słuchania i myślenia. Jednak Tobie z tego co przeczytałam brakuje jej.

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Gość widziałam go we Wrocławiu
O.S.T.R_a nie wiem co myśleć o tym artykule. Ponoć ludzie w stanie depresji lub pod wpływem leków mówią i robią różne dziwne rzeczy. Pamiętajmy też, że są osoby, które dla rozgłosu zrobią wiele. Matko kiedy to się skończy i w końcu jego imię nie będzie "Nr. One" strony głównej jakiegoś szmatławca???

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Gość Nelly Rokita
ten były chirurg plastyczny Michaela wydał oświadczenie tam pisze coś o tym, że LAPD jest skorumpowane, że nic nie robi w sprawie Michaela, że jest zastraszany przez LAPD, że to wszystko to część większego spisku, że ma jakieś dowody i jeśli ich użyje to wielu ludzi może pójść do więzienia, że prowadzi własne śledztwo na ten temat, że policja używa fałszywych dokumentów. że zna Collina Powela, że chce by ktoś z władz zajął się tą sprawą korupcji w LAPD i odwlekania śledztwa. chce wydać książkę, w której ujawni te dowody. Policja mu to utrudnia, nie chce żeby prawda wyszła na jaw że mama Michaela dała mu upowaznienie żeby się wypowiadał na jego temat, żeby położyć kres dezinformacji

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Gość ej a może on rzeczywiście jest
na tej stronie gdzie były niby pamiętniki Michaela ten autor cytuje rzekomą przyjaciółkę Michaela Cassandra Gretchen-Sims, która mówi, że on żyje i wróci. wczoraj odpowiadała na pytania internautów (ba bieżąco) w komentarzach. te odpowiedzi były dość szybkie i dość przekonywujące. ona podobno chce założyć blog czy stronę z czymś podobnym, gdzie będzie można się kontaktować z nią a media będą myślały, że to totalny fake Cassandra W mitologii greckiej Kasandra była wróżbiarką, w której dramatyczne przepowiednie nikt nie wierzył, mimo że miała ich dar otrzymany od Apollina. NIKT JEJ NIE WIERZYŁ POMIMO ŻE MÓWIŁA PRAWDĘ Gretchen - postać z FAUSTA (Goethe'go) "Gretchen's mother dies from a sleeping potion, administered by Gretchen to obtain privacy so that Faust could visit her." Matka Małgorzaty umiera wskutek zażycia MIKSTURY NASENNEJ, którą podaje jej Małgorzata, w ten sposób uzykując trochę prywatności by Faust mógl ją odwiedzać SIMS - gra komputerowa. sterowanie postaciami, awatary (Murray ? ) niektórzy mówią, że to Michael we własnej osobie pod takim pseudonimem......... .......................... PYTANIA I ODPOWIEDZI CASSANDRY: !.You want to say the TRUE? REALY? WHY? [I am an honest person as my friends and colleagues will tell you. RFK - I don't like being in the middle of this ... my situation is difficult because Michael's fans want to mob me and his enemies and those who say he is dead want to call me names and be hateful. Please put yourself in my position. I am not a celebrity but through my relationship with Michael I am in the public eye. All I can do it be forthright. That's all I can do ... Cassandra] 2.Cassandra, thank you for your warm words. You have presented to us hope and belief. Your letter has caused a storm of emotions in our hearts. We had tears in the face of. We trust and we want that our belief has not broken about illusion. Please, do not allow to us to be deceived in our hope. You very nice young woman. How for a long time you are familiar with Michael? What projects connected you? How Michael’s health? I sent the letter-message from admirers on site TMZ for Michael. It has received this letter? We saw a trailer of film THIS IS IT. It has amazed us. We wait a premiere of the film with excitement. We think that this film will turn consciousness of all people. Cassandra, tell to Michael that we love him very much and we wait for him. We trust that you tell the truth and will not break our hearts. We hope that shortly we will see Michael. [Arwen ... thank YOU for your kind words. I appreciate them and I know Michael will, too. His health is improving quickly - he is stronger and getting stronger still. Michael to some people was not "masculine" but he is the toughest man I know. He's tough because his heart is big and strong and that will see him through this ordeal. Fighting off the drugs has not been easy and there are times he just takes a big breath and like "The Little Engine That Could," says, "I think I can ... I think I can ..." Well, I know he can. And he will. Projects with Michael, since you ask, were the movie script we were working on and also a song that - he insisted! - that I add a few lyrics to. He calls is, "Friends". I'm sure it will be part of the playlist on his next tour ... but don't think I'm boasting. He insisted that put in a few words, and a few other of his friends contributed as well. That's the way Michael is. He wants to share everything, especially his music and songs. Cassandra 3.Why is it that Michael wanted to let us know he is alive? Isnt it kinda ironic? And also, all the large scale tributes? If he is really alive, wont it be a total waste of resources? Is this the real michael? [Shou - Michael marches to his own drummer (LOL - don't we all know!!!) and does things in his own time and his own way. Before we second-guess him, let's put ourselves in his place - he was desperately ill and admits prescription drugs had gotten the better of him and were in fact killing him. What is amazing to me is that he was able to maintain enough courage and strength to stay alive and to fight back against the pressures in his life. In time, the whole truth will be known. For now let's trust that Mike knows what he is doing. I don't pretend to understand everything about him ... I do know that I trust him to do what's best for him AND for his fans ... he will be back, of that I have no doubt ... Cassandra] 4.If Michael Jackson did not die, then who was autopsied? Does that mean there was no autopsy? [SeeingClues, I don't know the answer to that. It's possible that nobody was autopsied. If Michael offers any response to that, I will tell you. Interesting question. Cassandra] 5.when Michael will be back? Michael was Dave Dave on LarryKingLive? [Flory - my lips are sealed about Dave Dave. But, when will Michael be back? June 2010 is the most likely date as he has indicated. Thank you for writing. Cassandra] 6.Oh my lord…Isn’t it that ur “answers” may cause some damage of Michael’s plan? Don’t U know that internet is mega-medium and probably some “bad ones” will get to know what’s going on? I believe in magic, miracles etc…but thats what makes me wonder…WHY? Too risky i would say…;) [Angie-Poland ... speaking out isn't my idea - I work at Michael's direction because he is my friend and because he asked me to. He knows the risks, but he also loves his fans and wants to give them as much "light" on the matter of his "death" as he can without reporters and paparazzi finding him. Cassandra] 7.Cassandra, The question I would like answered is: If MJ is still alive, who was the man that died? [Sonya, It's safe to say nobody died. Cassandra] 8.At first i must said that im very happy that Michael is alive, ok and everthing.I really love him…I just wanna know… is he there alone where he is now.Does he have a contakt with his familly?Why is nobody else from the press giving us the news that he is alive? Thank you for all and if you see Michael, tell him that I love him very much. Sony from slovenia [Sony, we all know how much trouble the press gave Michael. He wants information given out from locations and through people of his choosing. And I don't have to tell Michael that you love him very much - he's reading your letters. You just told him yourself and I know he appreciates it. Love is what keeps Michael going. Only love. Cassandra] 9.Will the This Is It movie reveal that he is alive? [Bali ... let me investigate this. I do believe there will be CLUES in the movie ... let me find out if that is correct. Cassandra] 10.You first of all must be a very strong person to do this. It’s great to have friends such as yourself, Michael is very lucky as so are you. If you could please let MJ know that he is loved so very much. He has truely helped so many. Question: Does he see his family? I worry about his lonliness. Does he see close friends? Does MJ read about his “death” via internet? Thanks so very much, Brii [Brie and everyone ... back to answering questions later tonight and again tomorrow - and rest assured, I will address every single letter as we go forward. An appointment beckons. Cassandra] ......... dziś będzie odpowiadać na kolejne pytania. ludzie powysyłali jakieś pytania dotyczące życia osobistego Michaela żeby ją sprawdzić. ciekawe... komuś się nudzi czy coś w tym jest?

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Gość ej a może on rzeczywiście
KOLEJNE 1.How is it that what others are commenting is showing up on here and what I wrote yesterday is still ‘waiting for moderation’? I didn’t even ask any questions. Just left a message for Michael. Anyway, if he saw it, it is okay. Thanks, Cassandra. – DelVita [DelVita, I'm catching up, dear. Your letter will be posted for Michael ... I promise. Cassandra] 2.Cassandra, why are you answering all these questions? Does HE know about it? Or it was him who told you to do it? Don’t you think it’s dangerous for him tell the world he’s alive? I really don’t want to offend you but this is what I think. And the last one: please tell him that we love him so much… that we’re waiting for him to come back…that we will always love him no matter what he does ;D [Caro - Michael is aware - I wouldn't do this unless he had asked me to. He is well hidden, so, no, there is "no risk" (and those are his words) that he will be discovered unless he wants to be discovered. Suffice it to say he is not, repeat, not staying in one place. As for loving him, yes, we all do - and you just told him yourself. Thank you for writing. Cassandra] 3. Do you have Michael’s email address? [Moon - Michael's address is in another person's name ... otherwise hacker's could find him by tracing him electronically. If you want to say something directly to Michael, say it on this board. He's reading. Cassandra] 4. Hi! I’m Piroska (25) from Hungary. It wasn’t a surprise to me that Michael is alive but I prayed for this every day…:I just want to let him know that I love him so much!!You know it is really difficult for me to get to a concert to London or any other part of the world (I mean when he “will be back”) and I’m just wondering how could I get a ticket for the concert in time. I would like to see Michael’s performance. Will you be so kind to let me know abou tickets in time, please? Love you Michael, best wishes Cassandra, Piros [Piros, don't worry about tickets. Michael's comeback tour will be free and there will be hundreds of shows the world over. Money will come from sales of music and gear. This is his gift to all the fans who love him and believe in him. Cassandra] 5.Cassandra, I just hope that you’re not playing with people’s feelings, my heart bleeds enough. I just want to say that if Michael is alive and okay, I just want him to know that I love him so much and that I miss him. Every single night I listen “You Arte Not Alone” and I dream. I never felt this for anyone else. Just one question : can Michael come on internet ? I love him endlessly. My twitter : DalyLovesMJ [Daly, Michael spends time on the Internet but he needs his rest and he needs to focus on regaining his health, so spending too much time in cyberspace is not good for him. He reads some news and reads all of your letters. Cassandra] 5.I hope that this is the truth because i love you very much Michael and i want that him comes back to his fans. So my question is:Does his family know that he is still alive? [Federica93, I will ask Michael if I can address this question and get back to you on this. Cassandra] 6.I’m really confused. I don’t know what to think anymore, Cassandra. At times I do feel that Michael could be alive, but I’m also starting to lose hope. I’m sorry I suppose I love him too much and I don’t want him to be in pain anymore. This world is so cruel sometimes. Okay. My questions are, How is he? Is he doing well? Is he happier now? Does he know that millions of people still love him, regardless of all the accusations and media stories? Are there a lot of people in on this ‘death hoax’? Thanks, I hope this is true. What you’re doing is so nice, Cassandra. [Nadia, very good questions and I can answer all of them in one word: Yes. Cassandra] 7.Michael… this is very importent person for me. He has been changed my life, and i belive that we can be better, it’s truth. All his songs are like somthing sacred. I am listening his music all the time, when i am sad, when i am happy. I’m always with you: my hart and my things!!! I started to lern english language for his songs))) Michael, i love you. And all Russia loves you!!! I have 2 questions: 1. Could I ever see Michael at a concert or at a meeting, not on the TV, and personally? 2. Could I help are do something for Michael? Thank you for answer! Marina. Russia. [Marina, you and all fans will get the opportunity to see Michael live at a concert on his comeback tour on every continent. Can you help do something for Michael? He said, "Yes, Marina and everyone can spread love in the world. That is what they can do for me and for all people. Spread love." Cassandra] 8.i just want you to tell him I love him very much and wanted to meet him in person …. it is my dream … love you miike [Toya, guess who you made smile? Me, yes - and him. Cassandra]

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Gość P.Y.T.
witam ale mam do nadrobienia nie wiem, co sie dzieje nadal twierdze, ze na 02 był Michael, ktos pytał nie widzę innej opcji przeczytałąm wczoraj tu wypowiedź Madonny na nagrodach mtv wiecie co? piękne nie lubie jej, nie trafiałą do mnie jej muzyka, ale uwazam, ze pieknie, ze ostatnio tak działa w jego sprawie nie wiem co sie dzieje naprawde jakos postaram sie nadrobic w weekend, pozdrawiam

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P.Y.T. kopę lat:D:D👄 czas zweryfikuje czy Cassandra mówi prawdę...ale jesli ktoś robi sobie jaja i wkręca ludzi to musi byc strasznie bezdusznym i chorym na mózg człowiekiem, żeby podszywać sie pod przyjaciela MJ i twierdzić że on żyje...

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Gość ej a może on rzeczywiście
1.HI CASSANDRA ONLY ONE QUESTION IF MICHAEL JACKSON IS STILL ALIVE. WHERE COME FROM THE PICTURE THAT ALL THE WORLD HAD SEE THAT HE IS IN THE AMBULANCE? WHO DID IT, IT WAS MADE WHIT PHOTOSHOP OF ANOTHER COMPUTER PROGRAM? [Alexis, I would suggest that you have answered your own question. Also, because of the sensitive legal nature of what is transpiring,I prefer not to ask Michael for specifics for his protection and mine. Good questions though! Cassandra] 2.Do it answer on questions truth michael? Does he (it) live ? If it so if (or) he (it) gets back with (from) mail Neverland because we want to write for it (him) list…I love you michael! Fan biggest [Sandra-poland, Michael will get all mail sent to Neverland, but only a year or so from now when he returns to the public. Cassandra]

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Jezu o co tu chodzi? a tej Cassandrze trzeba by zadać jakieś podchwytliwe pytanie..... ona twierdzi,że on żyje i wróci w czerwcu, że jest na odwyku, bo rzeczywiście był uzależniony czy to możliwe???

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Tej Casandrze to w ogole nie wierze ;p Albo ma na*rane na punkcie Jacksona, albo ma niezłą polewkę z ludzi ;/

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ej a moze on rzeczywiscie....szczerze mówiąc to ja na tych fotach nic nie widzę..ludzie sie doszukują ze to niby MJ'a widac jedni że widac go jak idzie inni że siedzi niby na tym wózku a ja nic tam nie widzę nic niezwykłego

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Gość ej a może on rzeczywiscie
ja tam widzę osobę w ciemnych okularach z ciemnymi włosami związanymi w kitkę, która zsuwa się z tych noszy ( mało prawdopodobne by przechodziła sobie obok, bo we wcześniejszych ujęciach nie widać nikogo takiego z prawej) , patrzy sekundę w kierunku fotografa a potem idzie w lewo. wtedy wszyscy spoglądają w tamtą stronę, w którą poszła tu widać okulary - rozjaśniłam zdjęcie i powiększyłam tu widać kucyk z prawej fragment łydki (ciemne spodnie) to jest około 11sekundy wszystkie zdjęcia są stąd i nie są przerabiane no ale te okulary... sanitariusz nie mialby takich okularów. poza tym sanitariusze w USA podobno nie mogą mieć długich włosów

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oka oka, widzę tą osobę ale nie przekonuje mnie to że to MJ... udajesz, że nie żyjesz a później w biały dzień w otoczeniu ochroniarzy, wstajesz sobie i idziesz...

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ok przyznam się że widziałam te zdjęcia i analizy na MJHD i nic nie widziałam na nich...jakie okulary, kucyk? dzięki Tobie zobaczyłam i okulary i kucyk:classic_cool: co za wariactwo... jaką możemy mieć pewność, że te foty są z dni po jego śmierci?

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Gość ej a możee............
ja za to ręczę, że to foty z 25 czerwca:classic_cool: chcesz sprawdzić datę i godzinę? ;) zapisz sobie tę fotęna komputerze, otwórz ją przez Microsoft picture menager, weź "właściwości" i wtedy pokaże Ci się data i godzina zrobienia zdjęcia a nawet marka aparatu:classic_cool:

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Gość ej a możeee......
Ostra gdzie znajdę orginalne zdjęcie z karetki?:classic_cool: już kiedyś sprawdzali jego właściwości i wyszła chyba 12:08 a po karetkę dzwonili przecież o 12:21 ;)

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